Theo-sensei looks too good in glasses

When the dusts settled, Theo was holding the incoming metal rod – he had stopped it from bashing the girlfriend’s skull in.

“Thera, enough. Go take a walk,” was what he said to her. She seriously tried to hit the girlfriend! Also Theo added that the hit was actually very painful. Of course it was! It came so fast, none of the other kids saw it moved. According to Theo, at the mention of their parents he immediately knew that Thera was definitely going to strike, so he was kind of like on standby.

“Hmph! Idiots,” Thera spat, turned and left the class. Then the elementary couples hugged and thanked the gods, and Theo, for their survival.


Argh! My head is spinning. Where do I start now…? They both have issues; I can’t use either of them as a good example.

As I glanced at Theo, he was biting his lips in expectancy. I wonder why he thinks I have the solution to his problem.

I guess, I’ll just tell him what I think of the whole thing, while trying to avoid being blunt.

"Look, Theo, people are observers, you should know that, you're smart after all. If people perceive danger from something, they normally stay away. So did you happen to do something that scared them? Let's leave Thera aside for now – she did herself in. People like nice guys, empathetic guys. Even if you’re as handsome as a god, your personality and character could turn people away.” I added, trying to soften the blow, “I wish I had your looks; with my pure personality, I bet I’ll get a lot of attention and popularity.”

“Hm? What do you mean? Your looks aren’t bad.” Theo said with a matter-of-fact expression.

Sweet sarcasm. Striking me where it hurt – this is what I’m talking about!

I swallowed it and continued, “Nice one, I see what you did there. But things like this turn off strangers and potential friends. With me, you can be as mean as you want – actually don’t, I beg you – but with people you aren’t close with, suddenly abusing them or using cold sarcasm like you did just now would be eccentric, you get what I mean?”

“Why do I have to care about strangers?”

…I don’t know if what I’m saying is getting through this guy’s head.

He was staring at me as if confused.

“Don’t you want to make friends?” I asked Theo, trying to hide my exasperation.


“THEN, WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU WANT?!” I couldn’t help but shout.

“Well, being around people makes me feel worn-out, mentally. The crowed is just not my thing. I’d rather be by myself, reading books and gaining insight. But that kind of attitude won’t be beneficial for me, considering the path I want to take – the path me and Thera want to take.”

I was starting to lose my cool – this guy wanted to be by himself but also wanted friends. He couldn’t choose between Solitude and connection.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, so a certain saying goes.

“Then, work on your attitude a bit. You don’t have to change who you are, but think about things from someone else's perspective. Put yourself in their shoes. Help people, not just for their sake, but for the sake of helping. By the way, what path were you talking about?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“I don’t think you know, but we are orphans. Thera and I grew up not knowing our parents." Whoa, Theo just dropped a bombshell!

I didn’t realize, and I’ve been with them for 6 years, too. No wonder I've never seen their parents around, just the traitor, Mr. Nico.

“Do you… want to talk about it? I can listen.” I spoke softly, feeling kind of sorry for them.

I am privileged to have parents, though basically monsters who wouldn’t show an iota of reluctance in murdering a kid, but they were still alive. Their overprotectiveness is a product of their overflowing love, I understand, though it’s suffocating me. But these two never even met their parents – could it be related to why they used to carry looks of disdain before we became closer?

Theo started, “My mother was a high-ranking monitor, a master-class, and my father was even advanced-class, like Grandpa Nico.”

“What is a monitor? I’ve been meaning to ask.”

“You graduated from Elementary school in the MONITORS ACADEMY but you don’t know what they do there?”

“Uhm, most of my time in school was spent on either sleeping, or hiding.”

“Throughout the entire 6 years?!” Theo asked, genuinely shocked.

“Well, between the boring classes and the torturous P.E., I would have died if I didn’t find an alternative.”

Theo put his palm on his face, “Goodness! How did you not repeat grades? Dumb luck? You’ll become a worthless adult, you know.”

Hey, watch it!

Theo then briefed me, “Monitors are like superheroes. While superheroes do exist, some of them aren’t monitors. Monitors, as the name implies, refer to individuals who monitor the happenings in the supernatural world. You DO know about the supernatural, right?”

“Regrettably, yes.”

“Regrettably? Whatever! Things like werewolves, ghouls, vampire, and those Yokai things, etc. litter the world and, most times, cause havoc. Monitors are obliged to stop them, including sealing or destroying them. But they aren’t allowed to destroy them all, as that would heavily disrupt what is called “the balance.” Monitors watch and ensure that the normal world and supernatural world don’t interact too much. Gosh! You should know all these things already, damn twig!”

Theo was being… very chatty right now. I never expected it… it’s kind of nice – speaking to a friend like this.

“Dummy! Idiot! Quitter! Coward! Pessimist! Read books and learn more, I won’t be always around to educate you!”

Argh!!! I take back my previous statement!

Theo continued, enthusiastically explaining things to me, “Back to our discussion; my parents were one of those monitors, High-ranking ones.” He was maximally engrossed in discussing with me.