There are still more?!

Theo just needed someone to talk to, didn’t he? Minus the insults, he is a good kid… I think.

He said, “Alright, before I talk at length,”

Talk at “length?” I sense foreboding.

“Let me explain something first.” He spoke and strode over to the large TV. With a press of a remote, the TV retracted upward.

Oooh! Fancy!

He then pulled out a board from god-knows-where and suddenly had glasses on.

He looked way too good with glasses: his cold, icy blue eyes were accentuated and his blonde eyelashes were highlighted.

I’m so jealous!

And isn’t he enjoying himself too much? Is this that thing, where you discover that you’re better at something than someone else, so you want to show-off? Is he looking down on me? We can’t have that now, can we?

“Hey Theo, are you looking down on me?” I asked with a serious expression.

“Huh? I don’t get it – while would I be looking up to something that is below me? Of course I am looking down on you, you stomp.”

Now I am filled… I never should’ve asked. (*>*)

“Now if you don’t have any other questions, let me begin; Depending on various factors, the rank awarded to monitors could differ,” he began, “Apparently, understanding the “world system” makes a huge difference in a monitor’s Ranking. I don’t quite get myself, but this is one of the ways it is systemized.” The board, which was an impressive 12 feet wide and 10 feet long, started glowing, displaying images

I’d wondered where the marker was, so that’s how it works?

Theo used a fancy cane he pulled from god-knows-where to point at the list displaying on the screen.

“Now, listen carefully, dimwitted fool,” Theo abused me, “We have a power ranking concerning Monitors, and I’m about to break it down for you:

Level 12 – 19 (Regular) – rank 1 (beginner class): This is where everyone starts. It takes into account all the energy your body can muster + your understanding on the world’s system. Without understanding the system, despite having mystic force/ energy, you’re basically a regular human – so no rank for you.

Level 20 - 29 (Novice) – rank 2 (low class): Now we're getting somewhere. This rank’s energy level surpasses a regular person’s + their level of understanding the system is below average. They’re no expert, but they’re trying.

Level 30 - 39 (Rising star) – rank 3 (medium class): 3rd ranker has the average amount of energy expected from a monitor + a middle-class-rated understanding of the system.

Level 40 - 49 (crusader) – rank 4 (high class): A level 40 monitor has a high understanding of the world system, and a high level of mystic energy. Though, the amount of energy doesn’t matter at this point, because a crusader could maintain balance in the presence of energy, and lack thereof. They are the fighting force and human resource of Monitors.

Level 50 - 59 (superior) – rank 5 (master class): As you would have surmised from the name, these monitors get to give orders to the ones below them for factors including, higher understanding of the world system than even a rank 4. Their energy is also befitting of a superior. They're veterans, with at least 10 years of monitoring. They possess a silver star indicating their rank.

Level 60 (commander) – rank 6 (Advanced class): this is the highest rank attainable by human beings. Monitors with this rank are almost considered inhumane. They enjoy a large amount of energy, abnormal for a monitor to have. They possess great knowledge of the world system, and are known to take special extermination jobs on their own. They are looked up to by the other ranks as pinnacles of power among the mortals. They possess a golden star indicating their superiority.

Now all these ones I have mentioned are the ranks humans can attain, if they work very hard and train themselves to the utmost limit. But it doesn’t actually stop there.

Level 70 - 90 (reserve) – rank 7 (Special class): these monitors are so abnormal; they are the stuff of legends, almost state secrets. They have nothing like fancy badges they can identify with, like a silver or golden star, but their power is literally unmatched. If two special class individuals were to fight in a small city, it would be leveled in no less than 3 minutes, not that it would stop the fight nor would it mean their power has been exhausted. While some people refer to monitors as ‘demigods,’ these ones actually true demigods. Some of them are children of gods, dragons, spirits born from mortal womb.

There are also 3 other ranks above these ones.”

There are still more?!

“Apart from this special rank, there also exist the mysterious 3:

Level 80 (constructors) – rank 8 (also special class): these enigmas appear when any destruction caused by supernatural means occur. They fix things back the way there were, which includes, recreating objects from nothing, reattaching objects and sealing holes and slashed parts. These monitors rewrite the laws of the world to almost perfection, to fit their desires. They are sort of rare and treated as an endangered species, thus, are heavily guarded. Only seen when massive destructions are wrought in human settlements.

Level 90 (Monarchs) – no rank, just Monarch-class: The big cheese of the monitors. In this world, apart from the original high humans, some figures possess rule. They dictate what actually happens to the world, they make global decisions and are rulers of different parts of the earth. Rumors has it, they’re immortal and never age. These beings are truly transcendent – just one can demolish a continent, effortlessly. All together, they could turn the entire world upside down. Lucky for us, they are not hostile with the world, and were actually tasked with monitoring it by the original high humans. Maybe they can’t defy their orders due to some ancient contract? While it is suspected that Monarchs are not humans, it is irrefutable that they are the true MONITORS.