Can you stop it with the “O.H.H.” already?!

Level 100 (Original High Humans, we’ll call them O.H.H.) – if there was a rank to give them, it’ll be god-class: these beings called “Original High Humans” are basically the gods of the world. In our world, the gods are… Inactive, so these beings struggle to maintain world balance in their stead. Unlike the monarchs, O.H.H. CAN die. If they are killed, that is. And killing them is next to impossible. Infact, it would be easier to kill a monarch (who is IMMORTAL, by the way), than to kill an O.H.H. The honor of killing them is reserved for their kind or the gods themselves. And infact, O.H.H are known to kill and seal troublesome gods. The thing with O.H.H. is that even when killed, they revive – not in an immortal sense. When they die, they reincarnate into another generation, sometimes losing memories but not ambition, goals, or powers. So, an O.H.H. can never truly die.

Alright, now for the last one, an extra. I swear, I’m not just having fun!”

“I believe you, Sensei, ride on!”

“Ahem! We have an exceptionally reserved ranking for these characters – they are actually not humans, but some of them are cooperative with the monitors.

Level ∞ (infinity) – these beings possess powers that go beyond the framework of the world. With a flick of their finger, the world would vanish without a trace.

Gods: These beings have been around since the creation of the world. They symbolize one authority or the other, but every single one of them are immensely powerful, beyond what any mortal can comprehend. They dwell in dimensions different from, but related/ connected to, earth.

Dragon Lords: they come in various shapes and sizes, but could still bear the tile of Dragon Lord; a human fathered or mothered by a dragon, a dragon and human mutant, Dragonkin – a person supremely blessed with dragon powers or bestowed dragon grace, or just a powerful dragon that has lived since the dawn of time, any of these races could become a Dragon Lord, which puts them on the same level as a god.

Demon Lords: yes, like the ones in animes, but these guys are different. They are basically gods of demons, and Just like the gods, they dwell in dimensions different from earth’s. They rule demon legions and hold domains. One of them could squash the earth like an egg.

Demon gods: while demon lords could be born or created, Demon gods have been around since the dawn of time. regardless of the name ‘Demon god,’ they don’t necessarily have anything to do with Demons.

Superior Spirits: these ones are also basically gods, as they possess certain authorities of their own. But most superior spirits are known to serve powerful gods; this should not mislead you into thinking they are weak, though.

Leo of the 12 Guardians (O.H.H. number 2) - this man called Leo is “Leo” from the 12 guardians who maintain balance in the world. Unlike other O.H.H. he never once tasted death, throughout his life as a O.H.H.”

“Can you stop it with the ‘O.H.H.’ already?!’”

“Tsk! Don’t interrupt me like that! Leo is so powerful, he can solo the rest of the O.H.H. right now and stand a chance. Rumors has it that he even kills god-like entities, effortlessly.

Aries of the 12 Guardians (O.H.H. number 1) – this man of mystery, unlike other O.H.H, never reincarnated after his death. But tales of his heroism have been told throughout generations, and we hope to see him again one day. He is the monitoring world’s version of superman. Now, why is he here in this ranking? In the legends, he fought Chronos, the father of gods, and god of time and universe, when he broke out of his seal.

“Chronos, as in that incestuous god that developed a taste for his children?”

“It is more complex than that, but yes. Due to some prophesy, he didn’t want his children to overthrow him, like he did his own, so he swallowed them whenever they were born. And please, Lukas, stop interrupting me -”

“If he was wary of children overthrowing him, then he could have just stopped making them.”

“I don’t know, severe libido maybe.”

“Did Uranus say -”

“Shut up and let me continue…!! Aries fought Chronos, and he did singlehandedly – something Zeus and his associates struggled to do in the past. This act of bravery gave way for the other warriors and gods to seamlessly seal Chronos again, but sadly, at the expense of Aries’ life. He probably said something like, “don’t worry, I’ll just come back again in the next generation, like we planned” to his companions before perishing. But it turned out that the joke was on him – he never came back. Maybe his fight with Chronos had something to do with it.

Anyway, Aries is a powerful, unfathomable, and abnormal existence whose power knows no measure and limits. He freely controls shockwaves, so he literally can destroy the earth with the flick of his fingers, provided it produces shockwaves. The only person that rivals his strength is Leo. It would take a joint effort from the O.H.H. to defeat Aries, if he ever goes rogue.

And that is all.”

Ah! He finally finished! How many chapters did he use?

“What a detailed… speech(?)” I asked, trying to poke fun at him.

“It was a lecture, not a speech.”

“Big difference. But I get it now… I do have some questions, though, but the readers would like us to move on to what we have next on this summer break, right readers?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? The readers loved my lecture, and would like to hear more – like where energies originated from.”

Please, cooperate with me! I’m tired of hearing these Greek stuff. And now that I think about it, I haven’t had breakfast today. How would my mother be so careless with me?!

“Sigh! Okay. Now that you understand the monitor’s ranking…” Theo said and returned back to the bed, removing his glasses and dropping the cane, “Let me continue what I was saying about my parents; my mother was a master-class Monitor and my Father was an advanced-class -”

Ah! I completely forgot! That was what he was initially talking about!!