The Upir Twins I

“Hey, Kira!”

“Yes, Lady Eira?” I answered my superior.

“Oh? You were with a new recruit?”

“Yes Ma’am. I was about showing him the ropes.”

[You were just complaining about how your lazy life has been disturbed, of late.]

“Okay, then, I’ll find someone else.” My superior stated and left.

Goodness! When you just show a little usefulness in places, boom! You’re now an errand girl.>

[You also attempted to turn me into an errand boy, remember?]

[That’s called being mean, Kira. And after Lady Eira left, you started bullying me!

“Lady Eira is the lady that just left; she is the 3rd commander of the Upir twin’s army, which we are part of.” You said.

But when I complimented her, you suddenly turned on me.

I said, “I see. Sh-she’s very pretty, though.”

Then you responded, “You… What is your name?”

“Ah! I’m sorry! Vi-vi-vict–”

“I didn’t ask you to apologize! I asked for your name. Alright, get on all fours.”]

[You were scaring me! I bet you were envious of Lady Eira’s beauty.]

[You were trying to teach me what? By telling me to get on fours, and then stepping on me?]

Yes, you heard well! BANSHEE – a supernatural creature that specializes in screaming their lungs out.

[Don’t just ignore me and start narrating!]

Banshee’s can be truly despicable beings, especially when they open their mouth, and you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep;

“Wake up! It’s 10 in the morning! What adult still stays in bed till around 10! Not to talk of a soldier!”

[You seem to be forgetting that you’re also one of those “truly despicable beings.” And why get a good NIGHT’S sleep in the MORNING?]

Further ignoring the irritating voice, I’ll continue…

[Hey, I want to narrate, too!]

I believe the best adults are the ones who dictate when they sleep and wake up. Whether it be 12 or 2 in the afternoon.

[You’re just lazy! And I’m going to start narrating now.]

You must be wondering what is going on, right now – the sudden shift in, well, everything.

Don’t worry, we’ll be back to the summer break shenanigans, soon. This chapter is crucial; it’ll be making some little exposure on an abstract, but important story.

It also explains what happened to Theo and Thera’s parents; including how they both met their demise.

Ah, I’m sorry. My name is Victor Bianchi. I am part of the Wailing warriors – a team of banshees under the 3rd army of the Upir twins.

My Senior, Kira Katsuragi, was the one who started narrating initially. She’s a type of idiot.

We were both Banshees in the army, which consisted of 3 main factions: First, the Ghoul faction – 200 Ghouls led by the Charismatic Sir. Gideon.

He is not.

Secondly, the Banshee faction – 100 Banshees led by the beautiful Lady Eira.

She is not.

And we also have the Vampire Faction – 200 vampires led by the elegant, red-haired Lady Kaliyah.


Yeah, I didn’t think you would say anything.

Lady Kaliyah used to be a horrendous force to be reckoned with, before meeting the Upir twins. Her signature prosecution was impalement.

I heard she had a farm filled with impaled people.

There are also some other few undead folks in the family, but they aren’t as many as 50: Revenants, Liches and some others. Although, we call ourselves an “army,” we are just basically a big family joined together by our shared love for the Upir twins.

Don’t worry, We’ll fill you in on the details as we progress – you’ll be hearing a lot from us: The Upir twins battle with Theo and Thera’s parents is one particular development you should watch out for! It… it…

[I just stuttered a bit. O-okay, let’s do it together?]

[Goodness, you are so annoying. Okay, let’s not keep the readers waiting.]

Sometime ago, there were two siblings – two Upir twins – who sought to resurrect their fallen friend, Dragon Lord Drabo.

The Twins were associates with Drabo’s father, a villainous Dragon god. He caused a lot of pain and strife in the world.

Because he hated people? No.

Because he hated the world? Nothing of the sort.

He simply was doing as he pleases; after all, little to no one could feasibly fight a god – is what he thought.

He met his demise at the hands of a monitor.

Monitors are like the guardians of our world; they keep balance and watch the scale of influence in the world – if the supernatural and natural one are interacting too mu–

[Uhm… I think all that were explained in the last chapter – a rather lengthy sermon, actually.]

[No, I am not.]

[I’m sorry, Kira-sama. Please proceed.]

Sorry for the break in transmission, a stupid person happened.

[Hey! I said I was sorry!]

But he is right, Monitors are an already explained concept, so let’s go right back into the reason we interrupted “the summer shenanigans,” were I heard that Thera kissed Lukas… or was it Lukas that attempted to kiss her, but had his eyes poked?

[Kira, please continue with the st–]

The Dragon god was defeated by one of those monitors. Which occurred, I don’t know, a millennium ago?

[You’re asking the readers? And you ignor–]

It turned out that the Dragon god found a human woman attractive and took her.

Uhm… No one said anything, but maybe female dragons were in short supply, then, or something.

[Don’t go deciding that on your own, you’ll mislead the reade–]

The Dragon god forn*cated with said human woman – one way or the other (Find out the rest in the “pink book” version of this story) – and as we would have it, she became heavy with child.

Unfortunately for the Dragon god, before his child would be born, he kicked the mountain – a bucket would be too small for a dragon to kick, you know…… You get what I mean!!


[Worms don’t Squeak, Kira. If they did, fishes and even birds that eat them would be freaked out.]

Whatever! The dragon’s spouse died immediately after childbirth, in a small cottage.

I mean, what did we expect? The baby dragon’s exit route would have been torn wide open; no regular human would survive that.

[Kira, you are saying some ominous, inaccurate, things, here.]

[Huh? I never said you were utterly dimwitted and having a thought-provoking level of idiocy, an absolute failure, wholly unfit for the role of imparting knowledge, in the least.]

[let me continue the narrating, you seem to have forgotten your memory- I mean, the story.]

Before we begin, NO EXIT ROUTE WAS TORN.

The baby was, in fact, possessing a human form. From birth, he was already extremely powerful, more so than your average dragon. Being a normal human, the mother was unable to deal with the pressure of his power, yielding to it.

The Upir twins, who were friends with the Dragon god, took up the responsibility of raising his son. They were present in the cottage when he was born; they took measures to save the human woman’s life, but to no avail.

[No exit route was torn!!]

“We will make sure you don’t end up like your father, we swear it.” They said to the blue-haired and golden draconic-eyed baby on the bed.

[There were! Ever so rare, but they existed – mainly for wealthy folks.

Geez, I wonder why I bother with you when you’ve clearly chosen.]

[OKAY! We can stop being carried away now.]

“Your new name shall be Drabo. Welcome to the world.” they said smiling.

They buried the human woman behind the cottage, “Farewell, my friend,” they mourned. Then carried the baby and left.