The Upir Twins II

One of those twins was male - Khaos, and the other was female – Kaktos.

They resembled each other so much that apart from their eyes, their differences were all but impossible to spot – being both androgynous at a glance.

They had long black hair, like a flowing current ceasing at a level below the waist.

[Oh my goodness! Can you be quiet, Kira?]


The twins' skin, so pale one would regard them as under the weather. Though, it only supplemented their unearthly beauty.

They had slightly elongated black nails; stood as tall as 160 cm (5'2"); their faces were a masterful artwork – defined cheekbones; gentle jawline, seemingly chiseled from alabaster; slightly angular eyes; full lips, yet subtle.

[I haven’t done anything to warrant your abuses, but we’re not playing a game here, Kira. Please narrate the story accurately now.]

[Geez, sorry, sorry! Just start already.]


Evil eyes are a rarity in the world – a powerful phenomenon bending the rules of the world, seamlessly – and each twin possessed one!

Kaktos, our Lady, had exquisite, piercing red eyes, burning with an inner fire fueled by some otherworldly inspiration.

And Khaos, our Lord, had blue oceanic eyes, seemingly like a blue crystal hanging from the sky. Honestly, it was like staring at a sea in the heavens – the more you gaze, the more stupefied you become.

On their right eye were some intriguing inscriptions:

Lady Kaktos’ right eye had an engraved icon of a dark hexagon surrounded by thorns – the Evil eye of thorn: Kaktos rose.

Lord Khaos’ right eye had a triangular inscription with curved, wavy extensions, representing primordial disorder – the Evil eye of distortion: Khaos crystal.

The Twins were both created with these eye: they stand as their signs and legacy. No other Upir pair had special eyes, because they were laughable.


Yes. Only our Lords did.

The other Upirs were graceless bottom-feeders, nothing close to what our lords were. Heck, I am even far more majestic!

They just roam the world like the mindless zombies they are, looking for fun and amusement, instead of doing something productive and impactful, like our lords di–

[Kira, you’re exaggerating. Actually, you’re just blatantly lying to the readers.]

[Ouch! Praise or bruise me? You just indirectly called me a “thing,” too. And what do you mean by “Near-to-the-ground?” Anyway, it’s my turn now?]

Khaos and Kaktos came from a race known as Upir – a high-level race that have been around for as long as history itself.

They were created by the gods alongside some other races which were all referred to as “Ancient beasts,” or “Arch beasts.”

Upirs are supreme progenitors – ancestors for races like Vampires, Ghouls, Liches, Revenants, banshees, and some other undead beings.

I, myself, and my Undependable Senior, Kira, are also Banshees, as previously mentioned.

She’s not my mother, don’t believe her!

Banshees can come about in many ways, but the most prominent is transformation through Dark magic.

You get to have a longer life-span – almost eternity – you also get impressive abilities like, flight, precognition and Supersonic scream.

Our voices are our strength, literally.

Back to the reason we disturbed the “summer shenanigans.”

In the world, there exist no more than 20 Upirs. All of them were born in pairs; so they are all 10 pairs in total.

And Upirs don’t necessarily move together with their pairs, like Lord Khaos and Lady Kaktos do. However, they weren’t graceless or anything that Kira told you.

Some of them established their own kingdoms, domains/ territories which they govern. While some remained in solitude. They also didn’t look so much like their counterpart, too: Lord Khaos and Lady Kaktos were very close, closer than the others right from their birth.

[Hmmm, you sure?]

Ahem! Did you guys miss me?


Returning to the story, Lord Khaos and Lady Kaktos tried to raised Drabo in a way that he wouldn’t follow in his father’s footsteps… or dragonsteps in this context.

They pampered him, following the practices of the emotionally-bound humans; They took him on trips, tours; had treats and different delicacies throughout the world. They had pleasurable times, as a real family would, and made Drabo feel like a normal, human kid.

But guess what?

Did he see the beauty in relationships?

Did he realize that the twins loved him more than anything? Of course not!

If he did, then he wouldn’t have abandoned them and gone from continent to continent, challenging and plummeting various warriors.

He caused a lot of cleaning-up and headaches for the twins.

And like father, like son; he eventually challenged the wrong opponent.

You see, in life, both I and Victor have understood something…

[Please, don’t mention my name in the narrative.]

If you believe you are strong, then understand that someone out there is holding the entire sky.

If you believe you are the loftiest, then assume someone out there is watching a speck of dust that is you.

About a millennium had passed, since the birth of Drabo, the dynamic Dragon Lord, and never once had he tasted defeat.

Honestly, he wasn’t intentionally being wayward, no. He was just an immature spoiled brat, who loved fighting a little more than Goku did.

[I don’t think that is true, though. That guy really loved fighting.]

But the monitors – the police, or rather, secret service of the supernatural world – don’t really care about that. For them its shoot first, then ask questions later, To the corpse, perhaps.

Monitor: Soooo, why did you do it?

Corpse: ……

Actually, that was how I and Victor met our demise. Right, Victor?!

[I said stop mentioning my name in the narrative! And aren’t you insulting Lord Drabo a little too much?]


Nevertheless, Drabo sought out a certain legendary monitor – the type of people who vanquished his father, and whom he should stay out of sight from – Lunaria Lucian was her name.

According to the rumors, she has the appearance of a 12-yr-old. But that was all part of the psychological swindle to make you assume she’s innocent and weak, only for her to rip open your bowels and bathe in the blood of your innards.

[Hold on! You’re being too graphic! And lying again!]