The Upir Twins III

[You’re being too graphic! And lying again!]

[She has. Some readers probably didn’t realize it was her.]

[Well, I was neither born long ago, nor did I live that long. So I wouldn’t know about her.]

I and some of our comrades were attending a joint operation in India, Bhangarh Fort, with some really powerful Supernatural guys, and even some Alpha werewolves were present. They wanted to usurp the authority of some local deities. It didn’t really concern us, but Lord Khaos said we should humor them a bit, so.

It was a place filled with intense pressure and power cramming. Weak individuals would perish on the spot, faced with just their aura.

A young, black-haired man, maybe in his early 20’s, walked in, casually, and sat at the table where 7 others were already seated. They were all big bosses. I even saw a sophisticated lady with this Hinata-Sakaguchi-vibes; she has pink hair, fox ears and tail; wearing an intricate kimono. She reeked of power. Even her two attendants behind her – donning black suits and shades – were exceptionally powerful.

The young man sat down quietly, for some seconds, “………Lunaria Lucian is coming here, you know,” he said, and immediately, every single person at the table started to freak out, like really bad.

“W-w-w-w-w-w-w-why?!!!” a I’m-the-Mafia-boss looking guy said trembling like a little girl, “And you, why are you acting all composed?!!”

The young man replied, “Well, don’t even bother trying to run away, she is already in India. I’ve lost all hope. I feel like a dead man walking, now.”

The lady who was previously giving off some Hinata-Sakaguchi vibes, was now in tears and snorts, sobbing, “Wh-What, sob…sob, do you mean by ‘don’t bother running?’ sob, sob…” she inquired.

When I looked closely, the young man’s eyes were also red, like he had been crying, too.

He said to her, “When I saw Lunaria Lucian in the footage my suicidal spies managed to send me (may God be with them), she was having ice-cream in a restaurant with her Grandson (who looked like her father). I immediately thought, ‘now is our chance! To run, that is.’ But what she said in the video made me shed tears of sheer sorrow – She said, ‘Patience, patience, dear Hank. I said I already know where they are – they’re all sitting ducks – let me finish my treat, first. One of them is watching us from their smartphone now, you know – the effrontery, I’m skinning him alive with blunt knives.’

P.S. I was watching them from my smartphone.

She continued, ‘He-he, all of them are all dying today, rest assured. There is currently no route for them out of India, my agents have blocked all passages.’

My secretary watching with me fainted.”

As he said all that, the lady who gave off that Hinata-Sakaguchi-vibes, started to foam in the mouth.

Why didn’t her two attendants worry with her? They were also on the ground, foaming in the mouth.

I quickly forced myself to calm down, “it’s just 2 monitors against almost 30 supernaturals here, they’re all overreacti-”

Before I could finish the thought, I saw a silvery blue, liquescent blade focused on my eye.

I couldn’t look away; I was super scared.

I felt like I was going to die in the next moment.>

[But you lived to tell the tale.]

“You are so loved by luck, Kira. By Some miracle, I managed to retrieved you this undamaged.” Lord Khaos voiced in relief.

“Huh, What just…? Aaargh!!” I tried to speak but indescribable pain ensnared me, interrupting my voice.

I was missing an arm… and an eye.

How? I didn’t realize before, no pain inflicted me. So was I set, somehow, to be torn apart in Bhangarh fort but Lord Khaos’ spatial interference stopped it?

I screamed and writhed, the pain was wolfing through me. I had never felt pain like that before.

I call it “pain,” but that isn’t the accurate term to communicate the experience I felt at that time.

It took the joint efforts of Lord Khaos and Lady Kaktos, with the assistance of Lady Kaliyah, for 2 months, before I was fully restored.

Our comrades that went with me to Bhangarh fort? Yeah, we never heard from them again.

I have never met Lunaria Lucian, but she managed to almost kill me, regardless.>

[I-I see… And that was the person Lord Drabo challenged?]

[Well, he did die, but you survived.]

Apparently, because of a mistake she made, her sister was taken to the underworld. Then the Oblivious buffoon, Drabo, went and challenged her to a duel “to see who was mightier! Khahahaha!”>

[You sure are getting into this, huh.]

Okay, I don’t know if she actually said that, but Lunaria Lucian ACTUALLY incinerated Drabo until nothing was left. And now, our greatest challenge in his revival is his missing vessel.

As he’s a high-ranking existence, we can’t just randomly pick some character and use them as a vessel.>

[Lord Drabo did bite off more than he could chew, didn’t he? Okay, let me narrate the story on how we successfully resurrected him, lost him again, and lost our lives in the process?]

[E-Eh? I was just… Whatever!!]

We’ll continue our rant in chapter 17; Drabo’s resurrection, 500 supernaturals vs 2 monitors, Khaos and Kaktos show their full power for the first time in several millennia.

What will happen to Drabo, the Upir twins, and… Gulp…! Us?!