Few feet from the broken-radio that was Kaliyah, we see Gideon who had lost in a ferocious battle: Eira was washing his back.
"That Kaliyah can't be honest with our Lord's even if her life depended on it." Eira murmured glancing at Kaliyah, as she scrubbed on the flustered Gideon's back.
"W-well... She loves them very much; you know… that's probably the reason..." Gideon replied in a low tone.
"Ara? Is it me, or are you less feisty?"
"It's just you!"
They went quiet for a while, the crunches of scrubbing filling the atmosphere.
Then Eira broke the unnerving silence;
"Okay, let me do the front now?" She requested, moving to the front of Gideon.
"Like hell!!!!" Gideon refused, using his hands to cover his treasure.
"Okay, if you say so. I'll be gentle, I promise."
"I said NO!!"
"You cat. Alright then, you'll wash my front?"
"Wash it yourself!!!"
“Eh? After I went through hardships to wash your back?” Eira giggled mischievously.