Divine Infinity Beast

Back at the battleground, the atmosphere was heavy with sorrow and devastation. Hanako sat slumped on the dirt, her hair disheveled, tangled with grime and sweat. Her pale hands gripped tufts of earth as tears dripped steadily from her hollow eyes. She mumbled to herself, her voice hoarse and cracked, "Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me," a desperate mantra of despair. Her gaze, unfocused and glassy, was steeped in a dead light that mirrored the destruction around her.

The once-imposing barn was reduced to a ruinous skeleton. Jagged planks and splinters jutted out from its foundation, resembling a graveyard of wooden corpses. The ground around it was littered with debris and stained with blood, evidence of the ferocious battle that had unfolded.