Legion closed its radiant eyes for a moment, as though mourning her words. Then it spoke again, its voice now carrying a faint glimmer of resolve.
“Perhaps… because of the Visitor’s power I consumed twelve years ago, I have awakened into something beyond what I once was—a being known as a {Divine Infinity Beast}. Lunaria Lucian was right.”
Its colossal form began to shine brighter, the edges of its figure softening and diminishing. “As I am now, Vladia is no threat to me. I can protect you better than ever before!” it exclaimed, the light surrounding its body intensifying.
When the radiance subsided, what stood before Hanako was no longer a towering dragon but a figure of divine beauty. Androgynous, yet leaning slightly feminine in appearance, Legion’s human form radiated an unearthly aura.