I watched through the window as heavy raindrops fell from the dark-covered sky, bringing the freshness that comes with rain. The buzzer sound of the oven brought my concentration back to the kitchen. Satisfied with the outcome of my baked homemade banana bread.

Mrs Richard has been wonderful in showing me her cooking recipes. Immediately, I showed interest in one of her recipes and mom had said I could as well pass for a professional chef in my big blue apron and white head cap Dad got me.

Carefully mixing the hot Mexican chocolate drink, Dad's favorite of all the chocolate drinks I have been making, and also the perfect drink for rainy weather. Twisting around in excitement, eagerness filled me as I imagined Dad's look of satisfaction after tasting my baked banana bread.

I carried the banana bread with the chocolate drink and made my way upstairs to Dad's office.

He has been distant for the past few days; he is either locked in the office or outside working out things in the company. I barely see him these days, and when I do, he looks distracted and worried.

Knocking on the door again and waiting without any reply, I turned the knob and entered the warm and cozy office.

A dark walnut bookcase lined the entire left-hand wall and bookshelf atop a matching file cabinet at the other side.

There are indeed two deep green plush armchairs with fur rugs over the side and an Indian blanket draped over the arm.

The view through the window panes overviews the back side of the garden with the imagery of white orchids and tulips.

A large walnut piece, rather imposing, wooden desk that looks like the early nineties dominates the center, and a Captain style on wheels chair with a leather seat behind. A dormant fireplace at a side and on the mantle, a rough art Sketch no doubt mom's.

Carefully dropping the tray on one side of the table so I could arrange the messy files on the other side, I saw the file with my name written boldly on it; not a bit bothered, I moved to arrange it. It must have been one of the legal papers for my adoption process, it always requires a lot of paperwork.

‘Marital contract draft'..., picking the paper with the headline I thought I must have clumsily packed that with mine.

I'm pulling the file out for separation ...I froze; this must have been a game of mind or an illusion, right?? A marriage agreement between... OLIVIA BROOKE of QUEENS CONSTRUCTION and..KELLAN EASTON of BAES GROUP

Taking a step back, my eyes widened as I read the words on the paper. I blink rapidly to clear my blurry vision still trying to process what I have just read. Dread and fear filled me, something I have not felt for a short while now.

I heard the click of the door as Dad entered the office; he raised his eyebrows at my tears-stricken face.

I watched as the realization of what had happened hit him. “Livia...I...”

Cutting his words in a shaky and disbelieving voice I almost do not recognize as mine "You are marrying me off?" I said more like an answer to my questions.“Why? Have I done something wrong?” I voiced out, looking at him.

“Of course not. Dear, please hear me out.” Looking everywhere but me, he continued, “It is not what you are thinking. It's just something that needs to be done.”

“And what would you gain from it?" I questioned. "Ha…I guessed things like this would benefit your company right?" I added

Without waiting for him to reply to me.

I rushed out of the office. My heartbeat rapidly pounded in my ears as I darted down the stairs to my room. I felt sick to my stomach as the bile rose in my throat, barely making it to the bathroom to eat breakfast. Tired and weak, I sat down on the floor.

I noticed Mom behind me in the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

It must have shown on my face that I did not want to talk because she didn't say another word.

Pulling over the blanket over me as she arranges the pillows under my head, I hear her quietly muttering, ‘You will be fine’ as I welcome the silence.

When I woke up, I noticed it was dark; I must have slept through the evening. The silence made me feel empty and I dread what comes outside this room.

Still lost in my thoughts, I saw Mom enter the room. “I brought you dinner in case you do not want to come down."

“You should eat something,” she said again.

“The dinner with the Easton”, I said to myself, now just realizing it myself, all the pieces coming together.

“Does he know about it?” I asked looking at Mom who had a worried expression

looking back at me.

“Yes he does,” she replied.

“So, it was all planned out, and I was the only one left in the dark,” I said bitterly. “Would you have done this to me if I was your real daughter?”

“Yes, dear. There's no harm in this. The Eastons are a very respected and successful family, and Kellan on the other hand, is one of the most successful bachelors in the country and every young girl's dream,” she stated. “This will benefit both families and it's also an opportunity for you.”

There was a pause, as I didn't have any words to say to her anymore.

“You should eat Livia, and I want you to know that we want the best for you. You are our daughter, adopted or not.” She spoke again. “When you feel better we can talk better about it.” She gave me a gentle squeeze before leaving the room.

That night I had slept with the lights on not wanting any shadows in the corners.

It has been three days since and no one has talked about what happened. Mom was trying to be her chatty self and even Brian had made one or two jokes. Dad has been quiet and he went to his study immediately after dinner.

Carefully watering the flower just like Mr Fergs had shown me I saw Dad coming from the other side he must have seen me from his office. Satisfied with what I had done after some minutes, I noticed Dad still sitting on the bench at the other side. Dropping my watering can, I went to sit beside him


“Dad,” we spoke at the same time.

Chuckling nervously, I rubbed my ears.

“Livia, I want you to know I will never do anything to hurt you,” he began to speak. “The marriage agreement you saw is something that has to be done. Yes, the merger would greatly help my company but I would also want my daughter to marry into a family like the Eastons,” He explained holding my hands and looking at me

“Hmm.. Brian explained, "I murmured thinking about what I read in the complete documents Brian had brought to me yesterday. I got a twenty percent share of the joint corporation the Eastons and the Brookes were working on, Brian had thiry while Kellan got fifty percent.

Brian had taken his time to explain to me why the marriage was necessary to unify the shares. My name had been registered as a shareholder of the company three years ago.

That must have been around when I came back to the orphanage from my abusive foster parents. Not knowing what to say at the moment, I turned to hug Dad and silently thought of what the future holds for me.