Driving through the busy streets of New York, I made my way to my company, BAES GROUP. It is a multi-purpose company that deals majorly in food and partnership with many other restaurants.

Dad had taken over the company after his parent's death, a ‘family business' he called it. Something he had no interest in which had caused a lot of struggle in the company.

Graduating with an MBA at the young age of twenty-five years, I took over from where he left it. The company's gross skyrocketed the first year I took charge of the business and Bae's group has become the highest-grossing company of all time, that has been the goal every year and I could say the risk of an international establishment many others were not financially able to make help after all it is a billion dollar company.

Thinking of business expansion I remembered Sharon had talked about expansion to Africa at the hotel during the opening of Quings Jewelry, one of our partnerships.

As I reached the company building, I parked my car in the private parking area and sauntered towards the entrance, welcoming the silence that descended at my entry. I nodded to the ‘good morning sir' greetings of my employees and the receptionist gave a seductive smile with her greetings, the same damn act with different women all the time.

I entered the elevator and pressed the thirty-first-floor button. It used to be Dad's office before he handed things over. Only a few employees worked on this floor.

Once on my floor, I stride towards my office greeting Mrs Rachel Williams with a smile. She's been working with Dad as a manager before I started here and is very hardworking, she is one of the few trusted persons.

As I got near the door I stopped abruptly, the view in front of me giving me an instant headache. There were lots of flower bouquets placed near the waiting area of my office.

“What is all this, Miss Shirley?"I asked, frowning at my employee who actually worked in the management department but right now had to work as my temporary Personal Assistant since I fired mine about a week ago.

“Em.. sir..em the letters said they are well wishes from new partners and clients,” she replied stammering.

I sighed, I still do not understand what some clients think sending flowers to my office will do.’Will that do the work or pay the bills?’ They all pegged down to matchmaking their slutty daughters.

“And you do not know you should have cleared it before I arrived?"

“This is the second time this week. Do I have to always repeat myself?" I barked.. the sight of the damn flowers giving me a headache already.

“Clear the place, Shirley," I told her trying not to snap at her again, the scene stressing today out already.

“Em...Sir...the letters??"

“Give them to Mr..s Rechel ...she knows what to do with them,” I replied walking into my office.

I listened to Shirley as she gave me details about today's schedule. I settled to begin today's already hectic work.

I was going through some documents when my phone suddenly rang; I sighed, looking at the name that appeared on the now vibrating phone.

Answering the call, I grinned at the caller's chirpy voice.

“Good afternoon darling, How is today's work going?" My mum's voice sounded as cheerful as always.

“Fine Mom and I think I'm worried you are straining the purpose of your calling"

“Kellan I didn't raise you to be this cold, I'm only checking on my baby. James, your son is being mean to me,” she said, reporting me to dDad

I could imagine Dad giving her a head Pat.

She spends so much time with Mrs. Brooke and they influence each other damn too much. Whining seems to be the new method now.

Leaning back on my wheel on a leather chair to relax for the short drama.

“I love you Mom" I replied into the phone speaker.


Without waiting for my reply she continued “Of course I know you do, which is why you should not forget the reservation," She said,

I knew that was the purpose of her calling from the onset. She and Mrs. Brooke had planned a date for Olivia and me.

“Hmm...an Italian restaurant fits perfectly. So, you should take her to BELLS. I heard she's trying out new recipes you know she could give you reviews about the dishes,” She added.

“Mom these dishes are prepared by professional chefs, now tell me what review a high school graduate could give?" I asked.

“A high schooler you say?" she shouted. “Our dear Livia will be a graduate in four years. I know I raised you better than to look down on people.”

If I do not know better, anyone could convince me that my mother got her PhD in blackmailing rather than Art.

One thing I have learned over the years is not to argue with a determined woman, like my dear mother and her dear partner, Eva Brooke, they sure are trained to poke where it hurts.

“Okay mum, a five-star Italian restaurant noted.

Dishes review, noted. Anything else ?"I asked

“Treat her well and have fun,” she replied.

I hear Dad chuckling in the background, my poor old man.

“Go back to work boy,” Dad said into the phone.

“OK. Bye mum, bye dad.” I said before my mum hung up the phone.

Giving another heavy sigh I went back to the documents I was reading, eager to finish the files before Sharon arrived.

Sharon Bliss has been my girlfriend for the past four years. We had met at a gala during the opening of a new restaurant branch in Texas. The relationship has been going smoothly all thanks to her. She fits perfectly well with me, a poor living girl who struggled to become successful, a now renewed actress and model for the most successful brands.

The first time we were spotted on a date Mom had taken an instant dislike to the news. Sharon was born with no silver spoon she had worked hard the past years to get to the very top. I have always envisioned a career and mature woman for relationships and not a nineteen-year high school graduate still unsure of what she wants and comes with lots of baggage.

What was Brooke's thinking, adopting an adult all for marriage? To say she rubs off everyone in the family is insane. Mom becomes mother hen with her.

I looked up as the accounting head of my company, Peter, entered the office.

“I specifically asked you to prepare the presentation by twelve and it's three now, where is it" I asked him as he shifted in his seat uncomfortably and cleared his throat.

“I… I am almost done" he said, not looking at my eyes directly because he knew I knew he was lying. He was nowhere near finished with the presentation and it was obvious from his face getting pale with each second.

“Why didn't you do it yet, you had two whole days to work on it". I asked him, trying to calm myself down as much as I could.

“I'm sorry sir. I will submit the presentation very early tomorrow morning,” he said. I gave him a warning glare and he took it as a cue to leave.

After attending to all my schedules for the day, it was already 5 pm. I relaxed into my office seat and closed my eyes. A notification popped up on my phone making me open my eyes to check the notifications.

I saw a message from Dad, reminding me of the date with Livia.

“Shit,” I muttered. I completely forgot about the date. I immediately rushed out of my office and instructed Shirley to make a reservation at BeLLS restaurant for 6 pm and send the address to Olivia.