Origin of the Monsters Part 1

I open the book and start reading.

"At the beginning of it all, in a forest in the middle of nowhere, there lived a tribe of nomads who decided to settle in that beautiful tropical oasis."

"Abundant water and food made that a perfect place to build their tribe."

"And so it was done this nomadic people decided to build their village in the midst of that vast tropical forest."

"For years, life in that village was perfect, the tropical oasis was a dwelling with food and water that was capable of sustaining the entire tribe without any difficulty, and so this tribe began to grow."

"They grew and grew and grew without stopping until at a certain point the village became so large that it was no longer possible to feed everyone."

"From that point on, problems arose to acquire food, deaths and robberies began to occur."

"Thus, the once beautiful oasis was transformed into a land of death and suffering. To solve this problem, the wisest of the village decided to unite, seeking all the geniuses of the village to create a plan."

"Among the many geniuses, one young man in particular stood out with his idea to use magic to create something that could serve as food for everyone."

"As long as food existed, the problems would be solved, and the beautiful oasis would be restored to its former beauty and life."

"So the best mages and witches were gathered to help create something that could serve as a food source for the entire population."

"However, this was a grave mistake no being below the gods should break the balance of the cycle of life."

"Thus, a hooded girl suddenly appeared in the village. No one had ever seen her face or her body; her cloak and hood obscured any form of identification, leaving the imagination of everyone to wonder how the small hooded figure looked."

"This unknown young woman who suddenly appeared warned everyone that they should not do such a thing the creation of life is the prerogative of the gods, and mere mortals should not challenge the cycle of life."

"She said that by attempting to create something, they would be defying the heavens and the gods, an unforgivable affront that would not be forgiven."

"But the people, desperate with the deaths and hunger, did not listen to the young woman, saying that she was just a madwoman who did not know what she was talking about."

"And so day after day, the mages and witches tried to create a living being capable of serving as food forever, aiming to create something that would reproduce and grow quickly, thus providing an endless food supply."

"And day after day, the girl reappeared, trying to alert everyone, saying that this was a grave error, that mortal hands would never be capable of creating a living being in the way they imagined."

"She always warned that whatever was created would only bring chaos and destruction wherever it went, and she desperately tried to convince them to stop such foolishness."

"But they never listened to her desperate pleas they ignored her because hunger and death were greater than the voice of an unknown girl, and her desperate appeals only further incited the people to continue with their constant attempts."

"And after months of hearing her, they grew tired of her futile attempts and expelled her. Before leaving, in a last desperate attempt to prevent them from continuing what they were doing, she said:"

"If you continue down this path, what you will find will not be a being that will serve as food, but rather a being that will see you as nothing more than its own food."

"A dangerous being that will spread through the world like a plague, decimating millions of lives in its relentless search for food and reproduction. With this final warning, she finally left."

"No one ever knew where this mysterious girl came from or where she went after she disappeared, everyone noticed how strange it was that this girl simply appeared and disappeared, but no one had ever traded food or drink with her."

"No one ever saw where she lived, where she slept, what she ate, or who she really was like a ghost, she appeared and vanished, leaving no trace of ever having existed."

"The only thing that kept her fresh in the memory of all the people of the tribe was her warning a being that would cause millions of deaths would be born if they continued."

"Many became fearful after that was it certain that they should do this? Should they continue? Is it really safe to create such a being? Are we doing the right thing by challenging life and death in this way?"

"But even with the fear instilled in their hearts, hunger overcame fear even with such a warning, the deaths did not stop, so they decided they had no choice left, all that remained was to ignore this strange girl and her enigmatic warning."

"And so the mages and witches continued their arduous work, and after months they created the first living being made by magic. But what was born of magic was not what everyone had expected."

"It was not an animal, or any form of life derived from magic what emerged from all the experiments was a shapeless mass of flesh."

"Something that was impossible to say was alive, yet somehow breathed and moved."

"A strange thing that was completely out of expectations."

"After such a birth, many considered it a failure, but others decided to wait and see. And so Stygian, the first form of life created by mortal hands, emerged."

"Stygian was strange a shapeless mass of flesh that moved more than it did anything else, but it did not eat, did not drink, and barely reacted to external stimuli. The only thing it did was move a little and somehow breathe."

"And so they waited and waited, and nothing happened. After 1 week, Stygian showed the first variation in behavior its body trembled, and suddenly it divided into two."

"This surprised the entire tribe it had never eaten or drunk anything, yet it had multiplied, showing that it was completely self-sufficient and did not need anything to live and reproduce."

"They decided to study the second Stygian. First, they saw its behavior, but it was the same as the original. Then they decided to kill it and see what was inside its body."

"But what they found was frightening and grotesque the second Stygian was hollow inside, with no organs, bones, or anything a living being should possess to truly be alive."

"What was inside the second Stygian was a cluster of larvae or some kind of small, flesh-like Stygian that resembled a meat larva."

"These things crawled and slowly fused in a strange process of fusion."

"Such an anomaly was something never seen before, and the second Stygian remained alive even while still open, showing great resilience. Although the second Stygian died 2 days later, the larvae continued to fuse."

"And after 1 week, the larvae became a new Stygian and emerged from the dead carcass of the second Stygian."

"Meanwhile, the original Stygian had also duplicated again, generating one more Stygian."

"Thus, the mages and witches came to the conclusion that Stygian was, in a way, a success, because if they were to let it keep cloning, they would eventually have so many of them that no one would go hungry anymore."

"And since it was not very large, had no form of attack, and did not move well, it was perfect as a food source that could be easily obtained."

"So they decided to inform the people that they had succeeded in creating a form of life that would serve as food, and that all they had to do was wait until they had so many Stygians that they would no longer have to worry about killing them."

"And so it was. While the people were still dying of hunger, the Stygians multiplied, becoming increasingly numerous with an exponential multiplication that grew every 1 week."

"Finally, after 5 months, the number of Stygians had passed 1 million, and now it was time to give them to the people."

"However, in order for the people not to discover what was inside the Stygians, they would kill the Stygians beforehand and then only deliver the Stygian meat to the population, so that no one would know how new Stygians were born."

"During the first few days, everything seemed perfect Stygian was not very tasty, but for the tribe's population, who were dying of hunger, the taste did not matter. Just knowing that they had free food and could take as much as they wanted was already perfect."

"For days, everyone ate Stygian meat without knowing what it was or where it came from. They trusted their leader and the mages and witches, so they simply happily accepted the Stygian meat."

"But while the people were happy, the mages and witches were worried Stygian had now multiplied too much. 1 week had passed, and now the number of Stygians was almost 2 million."

"The amount of Stygian delivered to the people was not enough to eliminate the gigantic amount of Stygians, so the mages soon realized that if the Stygians continued to clone themselves, it would eventually get out of control."

"So the decision was made that it would be better to do a clean-up, to eliminate at least 80% of the Stygians as quickly as possible and leave only the amount sufficient for the population."