Origin of the Monsters part 2

However, it didn't work out.

"The wizards and witches were not able to eliminate the absurdly large amount on their own, the area used to keep the Stygians was crowded with them, whether through magic or fire."

"Eliminating them became almost impossible, they didn't need air, food or water, they had great resilience and duplicated every week, these conditions caused it to quickly get out of control."

"Even killing them, the amount of dead Stygians was not enough to reduce them by even 50% in 1 week, so they duplicated, wiping out all the work done to reduce their numbers."

"There was a limit to what the few wizards and witches could do, after all, magic was not infinite, they needed to stop to eat, sleep and rest, while the Stygians didn't need literally anything."

"Soon the area where they kept the Stygians contained could no longer support the large amount of them."

"So the most logical decision was to reveal it to the people, although disapproval and possible conflict would occur, it was better than letting the Stygians continue, because if the Stygians continued with this ridiculously fast reproduction, the world would soon be covered by this thing."

"So they decided to prepare everything for an urgent announcement, but it was too late, the wizard responsible for watching the mountain of Stygians noticed that the original Stygian, the one they had never killed, had changed."

"His body, previously a deformed mass of flesh, now had a slightly humanoid appearance."

"A small humanoid of flesh, although his appearance was still deformed and far from human, it was clear that he had arms, legs, eyes and a mouth, his body resembled a human perfectly, although the proportions were not symmetrical."

"Since one eye was well above while the other was well below, his mouth was distorted as if it were turned to the wrong side, his limbs were twisted and he still didn't move right."

"The wizard soon went to warn the others and when they returned, the original Stygian was devouring his copies, he bit and bit them, ignoring the presence of the humans."

"This was a different problem, the wizards and witches didn't know what to do, now that that being had changed in shape, it seems to have acquired hunger since it devoured its copies."

"Soon some more fearful wizards remembered what the strange hooded person had said, a being that would kill millions would emerge if they tried to create life."

"They ignored it because Stygian was not even capable of eating and did not indicate the need for food, but now Stygian has changed, and his first act was precisely to start eating what he saw in front of him."

"Soon the wizards came to the consensus to kill the original Stygian, but when they were going to do it, several Stygians also changed, their twisted forms began to take shape."

"Soon they lost sight of the original Stygian, before they knew where it was because the original Stygian did not leave the spot, but now it is impossible to know who is the original, it's even worse the older Stygians began to evolve into this humanoid form."

"Soon they tried to start eliminating as many humanoid Stygians as they could, the situation was getting worse by the second, totally out of the control of the human hands that meddled with something they shouldn't have."

"But the large amount made it difficult, so they decided to lock the area and wait, now that the Stygians were killing each other to eat, if they left them alone for a while, they would not have many of them."

"But this mistake would be costly, they locked everything up and waited, after 3 months they went to see, but when they opened the barrier door, what they found was something terrible, thousands of monsters of various shapes."

"Some resembled animals, others plants, others humanoid beings, while some had incomprehensible forms."

"Many of them were reproducing at alarming rates, probably a way to keep their species alive because of cannibalism, since they had many, they needed a lot of food in that confined space by magic."

"So to survive the cannibalism and overcome their self-destruction, they could reproduce even faster than the initial duplication of the Stygian."

"What happened was already quite obvious, the Stygians had evolved, but they had all evolved in different ways, generating absurd variations of the same being, after evolving they formed their own entire ecosystem."

"The place that was once a desert area surrounded by a barrier that did not allow them to see anything inside, was now a bizarre forest, the forest itself pulsed as if it were alive."

"The sight left the wizards and witches horrified, their search to create a food that would not run out resulted in the creation of thousands to millions of incomprehensible aberrations."

"Quickly the monsters noticed that the barrier had been opened, they who had already gotten used to the barrier never tried to get out, but now that there was nothing to limit them, they quickly started to get out of that area."

"Spreading through the real forest, the wizards and witches soon noticed that several monsters were chasing after them, they tried to fight with everything they had, but it didn't work, the monsters were too powerful and numerous."

"The men were devoured alive while the women among the wizards and witches were dragged somewhere to serve as a nursery for new monsters."

"Thus, thousands of different monsters quickly spread throughout that once idyllic oasis, as soon as they found the tribe, they began to attack."

"Devouring everything in their path while raping the women to generate more monsters at an absurd rate."

"The tribe, who did not expect the sudden attack, quickly lost territory until the entire area became a complete hell."

"The creatures they had never seen were too powerful, their diversity made it impossible to find any form of victory."

"The people who had gone back to food shortage during those 3 months ended up being easy targets because they were weaker."

"The tribal chief could only watch his tribe becoming food or nurseries for the monsters, an infernal vision of depravity and death."

"Then in the chief's house, that figure reappears, of low stature covered by a cloak, the chief knelt to her and asked for her help, leaving his pride aside."

"He believed that the figure who had predicted this terrible disaster would have a solution."

"The hooded figure agreed, saying that she would help even if he didn't beg."

"She walked to the exit of the chief's mansion, which is the tallest house in the tribe, while the chief followed her in fear."

"When they reached the ground floor and she opened the door, the sight was even worse than from the top of the mansion, the stench of death and depravity was practically palpable."

"The hooded figure, fearlessly, walked amidst the many corpses and women being raped."

"The chief, who expected to be attacked, was surprised to see that most of the monsters moved away and bowed before the hooded figure, the chief did not understand why the monsters stopped and bowed to this mysterious figure."

"This figure, without caring about the monsters, continued walking calmly through the vision that could be described as a literal hell, she and the tribal chief walked through the dense forest now full of creatures that could have come straight out of nightmares."

"After a walk through the forest that could now be called a den of monsters, the tribal chief and the hooded figure arrived at the heart of it all."

"The containment area where they started creating the Stygians, what was once a desert area with a giant barrier, turned into a pulsing forest, but all the life of the forest were monsters, even the vegetation was a monster."

"The forest opened before the hooded figure, all the vegetation moved away while the trees leaned as if they were bowing before the hooded person."

"This fueled the fear in the heart of the tribal chief, who was this person who made these aberrations bow before her, was she really trustworthy?"

"But there wasn't much he could do, all that remained was to hope that this hooded person with such capacity could help in this moment of despair."

"Soon they reached the center, an area made entirely of metal, a place that can be called a laboratory where the wizards created Stygian."

"They entered the metal dome, although the exterior was metal, the interior of the dome now pulsed, it was visible that the entire interior had been replaced by flesh, forming a grotesque scene."

"Walking through the dome, they reached him or her, it didn't matter what that being was, only mattered that it was what started it all. Stygian, now evolved again, its form a perfect humanoid similar to a human."

"An androgynous appearance where it was possible to see both genders, having both male and female genitalia, perfectly representing its super ability to reproduce and duplicate."

"Its appearance leaned more towards the feminine side, although it exuded the imposition of a King, its aura weighed the environment, showing its greatness as it sat on a throne of flesh."

"It was noticed that its form was a perfect blend of physical and spiritual form, a perfect union of soul and body, showing that it had not only undergone a physical evolution, but had undergone a physical, mental and spiritual evolution, becoming something unique."

"Everything reacted to it in that environment, showing a hive mind to which all the monsters were ultimately connected to Stygian, their progenitor."

"The hooded figure walked up close to Stygian while the tribal chief remained motionless, too frightened to even breathe properly in the presence of such a being that was wonderful and grotesque at the same time."

"The hooded figure now in front of Stygian, who looked at her with curiosity, said:"

"Ruler of the monsters, I ask that you please stop hunting the humans." The hooded figure said while bowing before Stygian.

Stygian showed clear disgust and hatred when looking at the tribal chief, but showed only curiosity when looking at the hooded figure.

Soon Stygian spoke, showing its now evolved intellect.

"Tell me then why I should spare these disgusting beings who fed on my flesh."

Stygian's voice was as beautiful as it was frightening, an androgynous tone impossible to distinguish between man and woman.

"Not everyone is guilty, they didn't know what they were feeding on, it's not fair to the innocent people who were never informed, the only guilty ones are those who knew about it and continued anyway."

"I ask that you please do not eliminate the humans for the mistake of some fools who did wrong."

Stygian looked at the hooded figure and then at the tribal chief as if pondering what she said.

"Tell me the terms that will satisfy me and I will think about whether I accept," Stygian says as he moves slightly, just his simple act of inclining his body generating a vibration throughout the area as if the environment itself were Stygian's body.

The hooded figure said before Stygian.

"In exchange for you stopping to hunt humans indiscriminately, I... will be your partner, I'm sure you've already noticed, so you know how suitable I am, I don't ask that you don't kill humans or make the monsters stop killing humans."

"I just ask that you don't exterminate the human race, let them live, please."

Stygian remains silent while pondering.

"I accept your request, I will no longer exterminate humanity, but I will still kill all those who were responsible for using me as food, this includes that human you brought."

The hooded figure nodded, knowing that Stygian would not be satisfied with other terms, Stygian, who was a monster, would only accept terms that he deemed suitable and favorable to himself.

Soon the tribal chief tries to flee, but is quickly consumed by the ground, which was now Stygian's flesh.

Soon Stygian turns to the hooded figure and says.

"I hope you play your role well... Daughter."

So guys, here is another super long chapter to be released.

This link is from an image of Ayla without clothes, it was supposed to be made available much earlier but you know how it is, right? I totally forgot that I hadn't put it on yet.

I hope you like the image, it's not perfect because I'm still doing it, probably in the future there will be art of Ayla cat version.
