Make me yours

"H-Hey there." In front of me stands a tall man with long white hair, blue eyes, and wearing a white robe with blue trimmings that reminds me of an oriental-style outfit.

The only way I could describe him is beautiful, but it's clear he's not human, due to the white horns on his head.

This is literally the same description I had the first time I saw him, even though that first time I was running and smacked right into him.

I also notice his silver tail on the floor, it has silver scales with a unique color that emanate a metallic glow.

"Hello little one, may I come in?" He asks me with a voice that's as lovely as before.

"Of course, please come in," I say with an inviting smile. The future is obvious he's come to be hospitable, offering me blood like wine to drink, as I'm sure that even if I hadn't bumbled into him in the past, he'd still offer the blood the same way.

Normally I'd feel disgusted, but after drinking semen for weeks, blood isn't even close to being disgusting.

"..." Leviathan doesn't seem to fully understand why I'm being so receptive, but ignores it and elegantly enters the room. The first time, I invited him, but it was because I didn't have a good excuse to give.

"I'm Ayla, and you are?" I ask, trying to sound excited. My dull world highlights Leviathan, who is colorful. I like his colors the white of his robe is calming, and his blue gaze is serene.

"My name is Leviathan, the Demon of Gluttony, but you can just call me Leviathan, little one," he introduces himself casually.

"Would you like something to eat?" I ask him as he lightly observes my room and then looks at me.

"Hmm, what a tempting offer, little one... but what could you possibly offer me?" He questions while looking at me, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

'It's just like the past.' It's obvious the offer is amusing, precisely because he knows I have nothing to offer.

"How about my blood?" I say to him as I go to the table, pick up the tea set, and a small butter knife, and approach him while he looks at me with confusion.

"Oh, pardon my lack of manners, please have a seat," My speech and body language are perfect, after all, I was raised as a princess, and my body has been trained in all the proper etiquette.

"Thank you for the invitation, little one," Leviathan is the polite and elegant type, so he must appreciate this approach. Even his steps are beautiful and balanced as he sits in the chair.

Using the knife, I carefully cut my wrist and pour my blood into the cup, keeping the knife pressed to maintain the flow. It hurts, but it's nothing compared to being crushed against the floor.

Once the cup is nearly full, I stop while the wound heals. The entire process was done with such precision and delicacy that nothing dripped out.

"Here you are, thank you for your patience," He simply observed what I did, but didn't try to stop me, showing that he's interested in my blood, after all, he likes food, especially something he's never tasted before.

He brings the cup to his lips and drinks, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Oh... this is very good," he compliments.

"Thank you for the compliment," I thank him with a smile. My smile is genuine the more of my blood he drinks, the more addicted to me he'll become, to the point where I can be compared to a drug.

'Now it makes sense why he likes my blood...' Given that I'm a chimera formed from the bodies of gods and monsters, I'm like a unique delicacy never seen before.

'...was that what he wanted to reveal to me before...doesn't matter...' He soon finishes drinking everything, the satisfaction on his face obvious.

"Thank you for the drink, little one, it was truly... wonderful. It would be a shame if I were to leave without returning your kindness," Two wine glasses and a bottle appear.

'It's hydra blood...' He pours me a cup, and I drink it with the same fake smile on my face. As a princess, maintaining a smile is easy.

"The flavor is very good," It's undeniably good, only the source it came from is not very pleasant.

"Yes, it's certainly very good," He agrees as he also drinks the blood poured into the glass.


"But I think it could be even better," I say to him as I get up from the chair. I'll be quite bold to win his heart.

"Oh? And what could make it even better?" He asks with a smile. I approach him and take the hydra blood bottle.

I climb onto his lap, sitting facing him, while giving him a mischievous smile.

"How about drinking directly from the source? I hear the flavor is even better that way," It's a fact, according to Leviathan himself in the game, my blood tastes even better if taken directly from me rather than poured into a cup.


"Think of it as a small repayment for the fine wine," I tilt the bottle, taking a big gulp while leaving myself at his mercy.

"...Are you sure about this, little one?" His tone is serious. He doesn't seem to be liking my boldness much, but I knew it would be this way. He doesn't care much for me yet, so I'm practically worthless in his eyes.

"Hehehe, of course I'm serious. After all, I can guarantee I only want to enjoy the moment."

"I don't think that..." He was going to deny me, but I use the trump card I know can affect him.

"It's just... my family abandoned me, you know?" I say, looking at him as tears flow down my cheeks. My life is so bad that crying on purpose is easy, I just need to remember certain things.

"Am I a bad girl? I was obedient, never questioned too much, just stayed like a decoration that no one cared about," The tears are genuine, but the reason is not what I'm saying.

"And... the only one who really cared had to go away and abandon me with those who didn't even care about me."

"Do they hate me? Do they not like that I don't die? Is that why they don't even care that I've disappeared?" Leviathan is complex, but given that I've seen his past with Aurora, I know how to touch his cold heart.

It's just a mix of boldness, desire, and finally pity. I'm capable of providing both. I'm being bold, which makes it seem like I want to immerse myself in something to forget my problems.

My blood contributes to the desire. I may not have much value to Leviathan, but now that he's tasted my blood, anything else won't be as satisfying.

And lastly, the pity the image of a broken girl who just wants her family's love, the same image that Leviathan himself portrayed in the past, where he only wanted Aurora's family love.

I'm not good at manipulating others, but I know one thing perfectly how to stir up trouble and discord. Ayla has always known how to do this, because she's a princess and has seen a lot of it, even if in a limited way.

"...Tsk," He looks at me with a complicated gaze while clicking his tongue.

"You shouldn't care so much about that. If you want to forget them so badly, the answer isn't to cry. You should just focus on enjoying something delicious."

He speaks metaphorically, trying to lure me into gluttony, something all the 7 always try to do. Each of the 7 always tries to drag Ayla into their own sin. When Beelzebub sent me to the [incubator], it was a chance for me to sink into sloth.

One choice was to just give up and let everything stay as it is, sinking into the sin of sloth and leaving everything as it is.

"I want to, please, hic, I hate being alone, I hate being the only one isolated. Why am I undesirable? Even if I did everything, begging, giving gifts, and crying for attention."

Part of this is true and part is a lie. Ayla has already given gifts and asked for attention, but she's never cried because she was too aloof to notice the indifference. She was too innocent to notice that fact.

What I said was what Leviathan did to try to get Aurora's attention.

"...Yes, you are undesirable," He belittles me, but I understand. It's obvious he would belittle me, after all, Leviathan is not a good person, he's a malicious and cruel monster who delights in suffering.

"Your family hates you, and they don't see any real value in risking trying to save you, but you don't need to care about them. Why not stay here instead?" He says while hugging me and bringing his face close to my collarbone, moving my dress slightly to the side.

He wants to reduce and break my will to escape, but I knew it would be like this from the beginning.

"Hmgggmm," I let out a pained moan as he bites me, a strong and deep bite.

"C-Can I?" I say while breathing heavily, feeling him drinking my blood quite vigorously.

The way the 7 treat me changes depending on how I act. It seems that acting this way has earned me a slightly more feral Leviathan, although it makes sense since this must remind him of his past.

"Of course you can. I'm sure you have much more value here than with your family, after all, you seem weak, useless, and have no good affinity for magic,"

'What a great incentive...' This is cruel, truly cruel.

"T-Then would you make me yours?" He looks at me with confusion, but my question is quite serious. I've already accepted that I am Ayla, it's imprinted in my body, mind, and soul.

So it would be good to have someone who would make me theirs, someone strong who can protect me, but avoid causing me serious problems. Leviathan is a good candidate for that person.

The best candidates are Uriel, whom I like, Leviathan, Valac, Lucifer, and ironically, Fenrir.

Both are acceptable choices that I would like. Now there are those I like the least, which are undoubtedly Beelzebub in my opinion, he could burn in the deepest pits of hell.

And then there's Asmodeus... he's a special case, but his aggressive personality is not a good choice for me.

"What do you mean by that?" Leviathan asks what I meant by asking him to make me his.

This is where the serious talk begins.

"I-I want someone... anyone, someone who will stay with me, who needs me, even if they hurt me a little, I want someone who decides to stay with me even if I'm useless."

"I won't die, so I can endure a lot," This is not just for Leviathan, it's for the 7. I'll make them compete for me.

"W-Would you do that? I-I know I'm useless... the only thing I can offer is my body and my blood."

This catches Leviathan's attention.

And that's what I wanted.

"...I'll see what I can do," He didn't refuse, which means it's my victory. If he had refused, it would mean he has no interest.

I move my dress, exposing more of my collarbone.

"P-Please think about it carefully," He accepts, giving me another bite. I can't help but smile. The more he drinks of my blood, the better. I want him addicted to me, addicted to my body.

So that he can't be without me, and decides to help me.