(You are in the sub dimensional chamber of the apex legacy).

"And why I am here ?" though, he the answer he still asked to confirm things.

[Main Quest - Acquire the legacy first piece.

(Reward - +5 all stats, Skill - Dash, ???)]

The system screen appeared give him his first ever quest.

(You, owner is here because he the successor of the Apex.

This dimensional chamber is created to safeguard his legacy. So only you the worthy of the legacy can come here and take it.)

"So, you are telling me the APEX the strongest being in this world who died left his legacy. And i the successor am here to take it"

(Yes,he died 100 years ago. ...Hm, why is the owner so upset even after listening that he can became the strongest person in the world.(⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠).)

"No, that's not it. I am happy and excited just about the thought of using magic- like throwing fireball around and everything. But I am also worried about the other things."

(The other things, what is it ?(⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠)).

"Just think about it. Even the most powerful being in the world died and I also have read about this world so I know how dangerous it is.It is only similar to earth in things like - food and clothing.The moment you underestimate it you wouldn't even know what got you"

(Oh\⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/, the owner is really intelligent. Most of the people in this situation, would be dancing and shouting their throats out but here you are already thinking about the future. I guess that's why you are chosen,huh.)

"Well, it is what it is, but from when you could use these emojis and you can also converse with me. Are you really like Al or something else ?"

(Hmph, owner if you are really comparing me,the great system with those AI's then you are really underestimating me ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠).)

"Okaaayyy" Ray answered

'Well,didn't know the system would be outright boastful' while thinking inwardly.

"100 years have passed since the apex died,huh wait what 100 years."

While thinking, the words that system spoke surfaced his mind. As he recalled them many different questions arised in his mind.

"100 years, have passed, then what about the protagonist,the future,the world ?"

(Clam down owner, did you forget the last chapters that you were reading before dying were the visions of the past.)

"Ah" he remembered and sighed.

"So many things had happened that my brain is not working much. Then which year is it now."

(It's the year when the protagonist starts going to the academy. From my calculation the academy will start tomorrow and for your information owner you or Ray is also in the academy.)

(That's why it's my advice that you take the legacy quickly.)

"Wait, i am in the academy and it's going to start tomorr... hah" he sighed.

"Let's stop thinking about the other things, my mind is already overloaded. Let's just take the legacy and quickly get out of this place." deciding he stood up.

"Tell me the way system" he asked.

"Oh wait,let me first start a fire for some light."

Ray closed his eyes and first tried to feel mana in his body but even after trying for some time he couldn't feel it.

'Is it because it's my first time or am I doing wrong?'

'No, i followed instructions in the novel correctly then why... no way' he exclaimed and closed his eyes again.

"I don't have a mana core." he tried to feel the mana core in his body in the middle of his chest but he couldn't.

(Of course you can't)

At the same time voice of the system resounded in his head.

(Did you forget the onwer of this body died before you took over .So his core was also destroyed.)

After listening to the system he remembered when the people die their mana core also drains and withers.

*Mana Core - At the age of 15 years when children awakens their elemental affinities and abilities. They also go through the process of creating their mana core in their body to store and abosorb mana from the environment.

Forming core can be a tedious process. If the child is not concentrated enough or did any mistake in channeling the mana in his body from surrounding or forming wrong passage of mana veins through his body. He could be seriously injured and became crippled for his whole life or worse instant death.

That's why on ARCANIA knowledge about how to form core is given to every child for free and their are also multiple mana high mana concentrated buildings which any child can use once in his life.

"Wait, so does that mean i can never use mana" he tensed up.His mind practically went haywire just from the thought of unable to use mana .

In this world power is everything.Although there are people who can't use mana but they are minority and most of all they're utterly weak. A normal person can't even fight against a G - rank Monster.

(Clam down, owner just how much do you panick's.Are you a worryrat or something?)

"How can i not worry in this situation? I literally can't use mana. The essence of everything in this very goddamn world." He yelled.

(Didn't i told you you are special. You are in the list of one of the people who have the potential to become strongest. So how (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯about you chill and start moving while i explain everything to you)

"Okay, but I can't see a anything in this darkness."

After listening system words he calmed down a bit and started to think about the problem in front of him.

(Just take a step first (⁠°⁠□⁠°).)


As soon as he took his first step the ceiling lit up illuminating the whole hallway.The real size of the place was known after the light came startling him a bit. The hallway was so long that he couldn't see the end of it from where he stood and it was wide enough that almost ten people can walk side by side without any problems.The walls of the hallways were pitch black and as hard as they were made of obsidian giving it an eerie vibe

He started moving and after walking for around ten minutes he reached the end of the hallway.