Main Cast


Ray sighed in relief as he somehow was able to get away from Aria. There was still some time in his classes so he decided to look around the academy. The academy was enormous. Establishing itself at the half of whole Zone - 2 which is miles and miles long. The Academy grounds contains everything that a student would need. From the best training facilities to the best instructor. It has everything that would need for a student to grow into a Hero. Outside the academy ground which is separated by a barrier that protects the academy was different malls, restaurant, arcade and everything that would be available on the city.

*Bzzt Bzzt

As his watch rang. Ray noticed that the classes are going to start soon so he move towards the class.

[Class - 1 -19 F (Random)]

As he glanced at the class name and concluded that he is in the same class as the main cast.

'Oh what a coincidence it's random even than i am in the same class as the maincast, tsk how cliche'

he clicked his tounge at the so called coincidence.

Just as he was open the door another hand came in both their hands collided.

""Sorry"" both of them simultaneously apologised

As Ray looked who he had clashed into

'Well now this is something new, both mc and extra crashed into on another before entering the class' thought Ray inwardly as he looked at the student.

In front of Ray stood a boy, with obsidian black hair and golden-yellow eyes that seem like a two sets of bright orb. His face was clean and white without any imperfections. His face carried a bright smile. His body robust and in perfect shape. He was a true figure that any women would fight for. This was the protagonist. Leon Aekins hailing from one of the five great families he was nicknamed (The Golden Sun) in the novel.

"Well um, would you like to go together.? " Leon suggested

"Sure " Ray nodded as he was also going in and did see any problem in it.

Both moved in the class at the same time together. As soon as they entered the class all gazes of the students in the class fell on them and for a second there everything become silent, then as if a dam had broken whispers and murmurs rang throughout the whole class.

"Woah, they both are so handsome"

"Are they models..?"

"They must be. How can students look like this"

"One is Leon but whose the other one "

"Doesn't know doesn't matter "

"Tsk bastards"


"What have we done wrong to get in the same class as them"

While the girls sequeled at the pleasant sight in front them and lost themselves in their own world, the boys clicked their tounges and cursed under their breath.

However, the cause of the commotion the two teenagers could only fidget uncomfortably under the gazes of the students.Ray who was never the one to like too much attention was really uncomfortable and as for Leon even though he is from the five great families he never really venture out too much from the Aekins estate.Then, as if giving a life line a brown hair student waved at Leon pointing at the desk in front of him. As Leon moved towards his friend he turned towards Ray who was already on the move at the back he asked.

"Do you want to sit with us.?" and pointed towards the table seat where some of the main cast was sitting.

"Hm, Okay" Ray raised an eyebrow in skeptism but still agreed as both moved towards the main cast.

As they sat on their seat both heaved a sigh.

"Well, that was a drag " Ray spoke

"Hehe,aww don't be like that, what did the two of you expected coming together in the class getting the spotlight, well ray" Aria sitting in front of them spoke

"Hm, you to already know each other" Leon asked

"No, we don't " Ray refused

"Still as rude and blunt as ever huh." Aria said

"Well, Miss Aria how do you except me to be after what you tried before and you don't even know me that much to use words like ever " Ray said with a smile that did not reached his eyes.

"Th- that was "

"Now now, guys before you continue your little squabble atleast let us introduce ourselves. My name is Kevin ". The brown hair individual Kevin spoke in the middle before Aria could retort.

Kevin has a sturdy build, he had same eye colour as his hair, he was also a good looking and handsome individual but just a bit less that the protagonist. His personality was a bit you see could be overly cheerfull and he was a playboy. However as the member of the main cast he wasn't weak in the least. He was also a genius and like aria he had twin affinity. He was also from one of the great families.

"Oh, and my name is Leon. It's nice to meet you Ray." Leon also introduced himself.

"So are you new because we don't think we have seen you in post academy before or we would have remembered a face like yours" Kevin asked

*Post Academy - When the youth awakens at the age of 15 they are referred to join the post academy for one year for basic education like basic of a fight and study. Every student who comes to ARCANIA Academy first studies from the post academy than directly transfers to the academy for further education. As to those who doesn't attend the post academy the entrance exam of the academy are open to all.

"Yes i didn't study in the post academy" Ray answered


As Ray finished saying this the bell rang and at the same time the teacher came inside the class. She moved with grace. Her mere presence demanding atmost attention as the whole class fell in a pin drop silence.

Her voilet colour hair cascaded down till her waist. Her eyes the same as her hair seems to contain the galaxy in it. The curves on her body accunted her figure, in short she was a very beautiful woman.

" Just as written in the novel the proffessor Rebecca Archen was as a breathtakingly beautiful women." Ray thought

And not just in appearance, she was one of the most powerful teacher in the academy and she ranked seventy two in the world hero ranking.

"Hello, students my name is Rebecca Archen and I will be your homeroom teacher for this year.

"Woah, is she really gonna be our homeroom teacher"

"Well thats what we should expect from the best academy"

"Damn, she so gorgeous "

Murmurs and whispers went around as she announced that . As an S rank hero before coming to the academy and with her beauty Rebecca was naturally very famous.


Seeing that the students are going astray she clapped and gaining their attention again she spoke.

"As you already know that our world is constantly fighting against demons and dijjins and monsters.

This academy is place for you to learn how to fight against them and became a full fledged hero. The people out there are weak and can't protect themselves that's why there is the Hero Association and you hero's to protect them. That's why you should always try your best to train and became strong. That all."

"We will move towards the training facility to check your affinity for your classes. Let's go."

Rebecca completed her speech and moved towards the training facility with all the students following behind her.