Aria Catherine

Unique Ability, as the name suggests it is a unique power belonging to every single person in the entire world. Though people don't know how the unique ability awakens or how to awaken it early, because it simply can't be researched. It is common knowledge that when some certain requirements are met the unique ability of a person awakens and only the said person has any idea about the requirements. From that they can awaken it. The speculation on the formation of the ability are based on the two things - first,the talent of the person, second the power of the ability.

If the person is talented and his ability is formed he/she can awaken the unique ability at the age of 15 when his power awakens. But if the power of the ability is vast it will take time to form and the requirements will be difficult.

Even though its just a single ability. Every being takes it seriously and pray for a nice ability. The power that Unique Ability commands was that different. Unique Ability can be anything. It can be the ability to enhance and strengthen body to cross transcendental limit or it can be an ability that will raise the power of your spell tenfold.

The unique ability of a person can be as weak as not enough to kill a G-Rank to as strong as slaying a A-Rank with just one swing.For your information, some of the high ranking hero's rose in rankings because of their unique ability.

*Unique Ability can also be same as bloodline ability. There always a chance that if the youth grandfather had a buff unique ability than he will also have a buff ability though it can differ between range and effect of that ability.

Right now, the cause of the commotion, the girl coming towards his direction was an exception.

Yes, she Aria Catherine, the daughter of the GuildMaster of the world number one guild [The TWILIGHT RADIANCE] and ninen'th in world hero ranking and one of the main heroine in the novel was an exception in the ones gifted with unique ability.

Why she was an exception. It was because she awakened her unique ability [See Through] at the age of 12 before even before her awakening.

Ray seeing her was in a daze. She who once was a character in the novel was literally in front of him living and breathing. Her long - silky black hair which shined under the morning rays of the sun was flowing down like a river over her shoulder. Her face was like a well crafted jade with porcelain white skin without any blemishes. Her brightly glowing amesthet color eyes seem to see through everything. Even Ray was mesmerized for a moment.

Then, snapping out of his thoughts he noticed that she was coming towards him. Even though they had never met before he already knew the reason why she was coming towards him. He tried to see if he could escape from her but unfortunately she was already before him.

"Would you mind if I sit here..?" A soft voice chimed.

"No, i don't." Ray replied trying to hide his anxiousness.

Aria sat down in front of him while settling she took a look at Ray's face and thought inwardly

'Well that's not the kind of face you get to see everyday and I was right he really is shining brighter than Leon.'

"Hello, i am Aria" she introduced herself as the boy in front of him doesn't seem interested in doing it.

"Hello Aria, i am Ray" he replied bluntly and continued eating.

'Well that was unexpected, does he not know who i am or even though he knew he doesn't care,how peculiar' she thought inwardly.

Aria Catherine she knew how famous her name was. The daughter of the GuildMaster of the world number one guild.She was also a genius with twin elemental affinity. Whenever others hear her name they would flock towards her like bees.Singing her praises and buttering her up but she knew the reality of those people. The boy sitting in front of her was different her curiosity piqued more.

Yes, this was the whole reason why she approached Ray she was curious. She came to canteen to eat something before class but when she entered she was surprised to see a individual clad in pure golden light. The light was brighter than she had ever seen even more so than the Academy number one. Even she was left bewildered for a moment but knew her eyes never lie. Her ability See Through can never be wrong.

'See Through - Her ability allows her to see what normal eyes never be able see. She can see through people talent, desire and emotion. She can even see the persons affinity from her eyes. Though she can't still use full power of her eyes as she was not strong enough but in the future she will be able to see beyond what anyone can see. She will even be able to see mana particles and different energies which cannot be ever seen with normal eyes'.

"Though it's not a combat ability but it's still terrifying ability. It's like all my secrets, my everything was laid bare in front of her to see." Ray involuntarily shuddered.

'I have to get out of here fast'

Just as he thought about this, he noticed her amesthet eyes focusing on him and glowing more intensely than before. He knew the reason why there was a difference and if he doesn't do anything quick she can see will see his affinity. Though he doesn't mind as he only have three affinity right now but having someone see through you whole was not a very nice feeling.

"Please stop whatever you are doing" his voice somewhat cold.

Aria flinched

'huh, he can tell what I am doing' Aria was surprised whenever she uses her ability she always tries to conceal it as much as she can and even if she didn't do anything, anyone meeting her for the first time couldn't tell the difference.

"H- huh, you know.? how?" she stuttered as she was still shaken up.

Ray sighed in relief and thought about what to answer her

"It was easy, first someone like you would never sit with me without any reason, second from the moment I saw you my intuition or something like that is telling me that something is wrong,(that was a lie). Third you accepted yourself right now" he replied in a calm tone.

"Ah" as if realising her mistake it involuntarily came out from her mouth, she was embarrassed at herself for making such a mistake.

"Um, well i am sorry i was just a bit curious and let the impulse get the better of me but it seems you know who i am but still didn't didn't do anything, that's somewhat new." she quickly collected herself and asked

"Well there are always some exceptions, now if you would please excuse me."

Ray moved as he finished his meal and did not wanted to be under her scrutinizing gaze any longer. While, Aria who sat in her seat has her gaze fixed in front where Ray was.

'Three affinities huh, it seems academy is gonna be more interesting than i thought, hehe.' she chuckled.