Chapter 12: Preparing for the Wedding

The early morning mist clung to the grass as Asher and I made our way to the training grounds. It had become our daily routine, and I found myself looking forward to these moments more and more each day.

"Ready?" Asher asked, a glint of challenge in his eyes.

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Always."

We faced each other, circling slowly. I could feel the power thrumming beneath my skin, eager to be released. Asher lunged first, his movements quick and precise. But I was ready.

I dodged to the side, my reflexes faster than they'd ever been. My hand shot out, a burst of silver light emanating from my palm. Asher's eyes widened in surprise as the energy knocked him back several feet.

"Impressive," he said, dusting himself off. "Your control is improving."

Pride swelled in my chest at his words. It was true – each day, I felt my powers growing stronger, more focused. What had once been a wild, untamed force was becoming a finely honed tool.

We continued training, trading blows and energy bursts. As we sparred, I caught glimpses of Asher watching me with a mix of admiration and something else... something that made my heart race.

Finally, both of us breathing heavily, we called it a day. Asher approached me, his hand coming up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. The touch sent a shiver down my spine.

"You're amazing, you know that?" he said softly. "I've never seen anyone progress this quickly."

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. "I have a good teacher," I replied.

Asher's smile widened, his eyes warm. "We make a good team, don't we?"

I nodded, leaning into his touch. For a moment, we just stood there, lost in each other's eyes. The complicated tangle of emotions I'd been grappling with seemed to simplify in his presence.

"Come on," Asher said finally, taking my hand. "We have a big day ahead of us."

The bridal boutique was unlike anything I'd ever seen. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting rainbows across the plush white carpet. Mirrors lined the walls, making the space feel infinite. And everywhere I looked, there were dresses – an ocean of white, ivory, and champagne silk, lace, and tulle.

"Oh my," I breathed, feeling suddenly small and out of place.

Asher squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Only the best for my Luna," he said, pride evident in his voice.

A sleek, elegantly dressed woman approached us, her smile bright and professional. "Welcome, Alpha Asher, Luna Lyra. We're honored to assist you today. Shall we begin?"

What followed was a whirlwind of fabrics, styles, and fittings. Each dress I tried on was more exquisite than the last. I found myself marveling at the intricate beadwork, the delicate lace, the sumptuous silks.

As I stood on a raised platform, surrounded by mirrors, wearing a gown that probably cost more than everything I'd owned in my entire life as a slave, I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

"You look stunning," Asher said, his voice full of awe.

I turned to face him, the dress's full skirt swishing around me. "It's beautiful," I admitted. "But Asher, it's so expensive. Are you sure-"

He cut me off with a gentle kiss. "You deserve this, Lyra. All of it. Please, let me give you the wedding of your dreams."

I looked at my reflection again, hardly recognizing the woman staring back at me. The dress hugged my curves before flaring out into a dramatic skirt. Delicate crystal beading caught the light, making it look as if I were covered in stardust. The neckline dipped low, accentuated by off-the-shoulder sleeves made of the finest lace I'd ever seen.

It was a far cry from the threadbare, ill-fitting clothes I'd worn as a slave. I remembered the rough fabric against my skin, the constant struggle to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Now, I was draped in silk so fine it felt like water against my skin.

"What do you think?" the boutique owner asked, adjusting the train behind me.

I met Asher's eyes in the mirror. The love and adoration I saw there made my heart swell. "It's perfect," I said softly.

As we left the boutique, the dress safely packaged and to be delivered closer to the wedding date, I couldn't help but feel like I was walking on air. Asher's arm was around my waist, and for once, the stares of other pack members didn't make me want to shrink into myself. I stood tall, proud to be by Asher's side.

The days flew by in a flurry of wedding preparations. Flowers were chosen, invitations sent out, menus planned. Through it all, Asher was by my side, his steady presence a comfort in the whirlwind of activity.

One evening, as we sat in his study going over seating arrangements, I realized something.

"Asher," I said, looking up from the chart in front of me. "I haven't seen Lucian in weeks. Is he... is he still in the pack?"

Asher's expression tightened slightly at the mention of his brother. "He's been busy," he said after a moment. "Investigating the rogue situation. But he's still here."

I nodded, trying to ignore the conflicting emotions that arose at the thought of Lucian. Part of me was relieved he'd kept his distance – it made it easier to focus on Asher, on our future together. But another part, a part I tried to silence, missed his presence.

"Are you... okay with him being at the wedding?" I asked hesitantly.

Asher was quiet for a long moment. Finally, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "He's my brother, Lyra. Despite everything... he's family. And I know he's important to you too."

I reached out, taking his hand in mine. "You're important to me, Asher. You're my future."

The smile he gave me was tinged with sadness, but also hope. "I know. And I promise you, Lyra, I'll spend every day trying to be worthy of you."

As the days passed and the wedding drew nearer, I found myself settling into my role as Luna with growing confidence. The pack members who had once looked at me with disdain now bowed their heads respectfully when I passed. I led meetings, made decisions alongside Asher, and continued to grow stronger in my powers.

And through it all, my relationship with Asher deepened. We spent long evenings talking, sharing our hopes and fears for the future. I learned about the weight of responsibility he carried as Alpha, and he listened as I spoke about my dreams for the pack, for us.

One night, as we walked through the moonlit gardens, Asher stopped suddenly, turning to face me.

"Lyra," he said, his voice serious. "I need you to know something."

I looked up at him, curiosity and a hint of worry flickering through me. "What is it?"

He took both my hands in his, his blue eyes intense in the silvery light. "I know that your past... that becoming Luna... it's all been a lot to take in. And I know that there have been... complications."

My heart skipped a beat, wondering if he was referring to Lucian.

"But I want you to know," he continued, "that I love you. Not just as my Luna, not just because of our bond. I love you, Lyra, for everything that you are. Your strength, your kindness, your fierce spirit. I love you, and I choose you, every day."

Tears pricked at my eyes as I listened to his words. In that moment, all the confusion, all the conflicted feelings I'd been grappling with, seemed to melt away. Here was a man who loved me, who saw me for who I truly was and cherished me for it.

"Asher," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "I love you too. And I choose you. Now and always."

As he pulled me into his arms, kissing me with a passion that took my breath away, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. This was right. This was where I belonged.

The memory of Lucian, of the fire he had ignited in me, faded to a distant flicker.