Chapter 13: Bonds of Forever

The morning of my wedding day dawned clear and bright, as if the Moon Goddess herself was smiling upon us. I stood before the full-length mirror in my room, hardly recognizing the woman who stared back at me.

My wedding dress was a masterpiece of silk and lace, hugging my curves before flowing out into a dramatic train. Tiny crystals caught the light with every movement, making it look as if I were clothed in starlight. My silver hair was swept up in an intricate updo, adorned with a delicate tiara that marked my status as Luna.

But it wasn't just the dress or the jewels that made me look different. There was a confidence in my posture, a light in my eyes that spoke of the journey I'd been through. Gone was the hunched, frightened slave girl. In her place stood a woman ready to take her place as Luna, as Asher's wife and partner.

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come in," I called, smoothing down my dress nervously.

The door opened, and Asher stepped in. He froze mid-step, his eyes widening as he took me in.

"Lyra," he breathed, his voice filled with awe. "You're... breathtaking."

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks at the intensity of his gaze. Asher crossed the room in a few long strides, coming to stand before me. His eyes roamed over me, drinking in every detail.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life," he murmured, reaching out to gently cup my cheek.

I leaned into his touch, my heart racing. "You don't look so bad yourself," I teased, taking in his formal Alpha attire. The dark suit accentuated his broad shoulders and lean physique, making him look every inch the powerful leader he was.

Asher's lips quirked up in a smile, but there was a heat in his eyes that made my breath catch. "Do you have any idea what you do to me, Lyra?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "How much I want you?"

His thumb traced my lower lip, sending shivers down my spine. "You're mine," he growled softly. "My Luna, my mate, my wife. After today, nothing will ever separate us."

The possessiveness in his tone should have frightened me, but instead, it ignited a fire in my veins. I was his, yes, but he was also mine.

"I love you, Asher," I whispered, meeting his intense gaze. "I'm ready for this. For us."

He leaned in, his lips barely brushing mine. "I love you too, my beautiful Luna. More than you could ever know."

With a reluctant sigh, Asher stepped back. "We should go," he said, offering me his arm. "Our pack is waiting."

I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. "Let's do this."

The pack grounds had been transformed for the wedding. Flowers lined the aisle, their sweet scent filling the air. Pack members filled the rows of seats, all eyes turning to me as I appeared at the entrance.

As I walked down the aisle on Asher's arm, I couldn't help but notice the varied expressions on the faces around me. There was awe, respect, and in some cases, poorly concealed fear.

I spotted Cora in the crowd, her face pale as she avoided my gaze. Next to her was Evelyn, Asher's ex-girlfriend, who looked like she'd bitten into something sour. They had been my primary tormentors for years, taking every opportunity to remind me of my place as a slave. Now, they couldn't even meet my eyes.

A petty part of me wanted to revel in their discomfort, to make them grovel for forgiveness. But I pushed that thought aside. I was Luna now, and I had to be better than that.

Further down the aisle, I saw Beta Kieran. He had never been outright cruel to me, but he had turned a blind eye to the abuse I suffered. Now, he bowed his head respectfully as we passed, a mixture of admiration and wariness in his eyes.

As we reached the altar, I caught sight of Luna Elder Anya, Asher's mother. She smiled warmly at us, but I couldn't help noticing a flicker of something in her eyes. Worry? Concern? It was gone so quickly I almost thought I'd imagined it.

The ceremony itself passed in a blur of ancient words and sacred rituals. I felt the pack bonds strengthening as Asher and I exchanged vows, our energies intertwining in a way that left me breathless.

When Asher finally kissed me, sealing our union, I felt a surge of power unlike anything I'd experienced before. It was as if the entire pack was lending us their strength, their hopes and dreams for the future channeling through us.

As we turned to face our pack, now husband and wife, Alpha and Luna, the cheers were deafening. I saw genuine joy on many faces, along with respect and a touch of fear. They had witnessed my growth, my transformation from slave to Luna, and they knew I was a force to be reckoned with.

During the reception that followed, pack members approached us to offer their congratulations. Many of those who had once looked down on me now bowed low, their words laced with a mixture of respect and apprehension.

"Luna Lyra," Cora said, her voice barely above a whisper as she approached. "I... I wanted to offer my congratulations. And my deepest apologies for my past behavior."

I regarded her coolly, feeling Asher tense beside me. "Thank you, Cora," I said, keeping my voice neutral. "I appreciate your words. I hope we can move forward in a spirit of unity for the good of the pack."

Relief flooded her face, quickly followed by shame. She nodded quickly before scurrying away.

Similar scenes played out throughout the evening. Evelyn kept her distance, but I caught her watching me with a mixture of envy and fear. Beta Kieran was more direct in his approach.

"Luna Lyra," he said, bowing deeply. "I want you to know that you have my full support and loyalty. I... I regret not seeing your potential sooner."

I nodded, accepting his words. "Thank you, Beta Kieran. I look forward to working with you for the betterment of our pack."

As the night wore on, Luna Elder Anya approached us. She embraced me warmly, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"My dear Lyra," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "You look absolutely radiant. I couldn't be happier to welcome you to our family."

"Thank you, Elder Anya," I replied, genuinely touched by her warmth.

She turned to Asher, cupping his cheek in a maternal gesture. "My son, I'm so proud of you. You've chosen a strong and worthy Luna."

Asher beamed, pulling me closer to his side. "Thank you, Mother. We'll make you proud, I promise."

As Anya's gaze moved between us, I again caught that flicker of worry in her eyes. "I know you will," she said softly. "Just... be careful, both of you. The path ahead may not be as smooth as you hope."

Before I could ask what she meant, she was swept away by other well-wishers, leaving me with a nagging sense of unease.

Asher must have sensed my disquiet, because he leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Don't worry about it, love. Mother always worries too much. Tonight is about us, about our future together."

I nodded, pushing my concerns aside. He was right. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.

As the reception wound down, Asher led me to the center of the clearing. The pack gathered around us in a circle, their eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"My brothers and sisters," Asher's voice rang out, strong and clear. "Tonight, we celebrate not just a union between mates, but a new era for our pack. Lyra is not just my wife, but your Luna. She will lead beside me, her strength and wisdom guiding us all."

He turned to me, his eyes blazing with pride and love. "Lyra, my love, my Luna. Together, we will make the Crescent Moon Pack stronger than ever before. Are you ready?"

I met his gaze, feeling the power of our bond thrumming between us. "I am," I said, my voice carrying across the clearing. "I swear to serve this pack, to protect and guide, to be the Luna you all deserve."

A cheer went up from the pack, a howl of acceptance and celebration. As I looked out at the sea of faces, I saw hope, excitement, and yes, a healthy dose of respect tinged with fear. They knew I wasn't the same Lyra they had once looked down upon. I was their Luna now, and I had the power to shape the future of this pack.

As Asher swept me into a passionate kiss, sealing our vows before the pack, I felt a sense of rightness settle over me. This was where I belonged. This was my destiny.

But even as I lost myself in Asher's embrace, a small voice in the back of my mind whispered a question I couldn't quite silence: Where was Lucian?