Chapter 50: Return

(Lyra's POV)

The familiar scent of pine and earth filled my nostrils as we approached the borders of the Crescent Moon Pack territory. My heart raced, a mixture of anticipation and dread coursing through my veins. Six years. It had been six years since I'd last set foot in this place I once called home.

"Mommy, look!" Aiden's excited voice broke through my reverie. He pointed ahead, his blue eyes wide with wonder. "Is that where you used to live?"

I followed his gaze, expecting to see the lush forests and well-kept paths I remembered. Instead, my breath caught in my throat. The landscape before us was a scene of destruction. Trees lay splintered and broken, deep gouges scarred the earth, and the acrid smell of smoke hung heavy in the air.

"Lyra," Lucian's voice was tight with concern. "Something's wrong."