Chapter 21: Master, Twin Spirits

Hearing the voice behind him, Lin Ye instinctively turned around.

He saw a man with a cropped haircut, dressed in a black and white scholar's robe, slowly walking toward them.

The previously beaten and bitter-faced doorman immediately transformed, a flattering smile appearing as he hurried over. "Master, you're back!"

"Master? Is this man a teacher at Nuoding Academy?" Lin Ye frowned, his mind raising its guard.

He had no idea what kind of personality this teacher had. If the teacher was biased and decided to protect the doorman, Lin Ye would have to be ready to make a move.

The man, referred to as the Master, responded with a casual nod to the doorman's ingratiating greeting and then, with a slight frown, asked, "What happened? How did you end up in this state?"

"Master, you have to stand up for me!" The doorman's eyes filled with fake tears as though someone had struck a nerve. He began whining.

"I was just doing my job, standing guard here as usual, when these country folk showed up saying they wanted to enroll. But they're clearly clueless and demanded that I personally take them inside for registration. But I'm the doorman; I can't just leave my post. So, of course, I refused! Then they started threatening me, and when I wouldn't budge, they assaulted me. I didn't even fight back because they were old and young, but look at what they did to me!"

"Master, you can't let people like this join Nuoding Academy!"

The doorman, with his face twisted in mock misery, threw a hateful glance at Lin Ye as if getting beaten hadn't been enough.

"You... you're lying through your teeth!" Old Jack, who had been standing beside them, trembled with fury. His beard quivered as he pointed at the doorman, his voice shaking with anger.

"It was you who insulted us for being from the countryside! You said our spirit certification was fake and refused to let us in. When you tried to shove me, that's when Little Ye hit you. How can you twist the truth so blatantly and turn everything upside down?!"

"I'm not twisting anything. You hit me first! If I hadn't held back, could three of you really beat me to this state?" The doorman clung stubbornly to his lie, refusing to back down.

"Master, please don't be deceived by these lowlifes!" He looked to the Master again, feigning innocence and playing the victim.

"Are you finished?" The Master's voice was suddenly calm, unnervingly so.

"Finished...?" The doorman hesitated, sensing something amiss.

"You're clever. I almost believed your story," the Master said, raising a single finger as he continued. "But there are too many holes in your words."

"First, you claim to be dutiful and kind, but you referred to this old gentleman as a 'country bumpkin.' That's not something a kind person would say."

"Second, if you're so dedicated to your job, why didn't you defend yourself when attacked? If you let yourself be beaten to this extent, how could you continue to guard the gate?"

"Third, if you're such a kind person, why didn't you just let it go? Instead, you argued that they shouldn't be allowed to enroll. So, you were lying."

As the Master spoke, his tone grew colder.

"I... I wasn't lying, Master! I swear!" The doorman, drenched in cold sweat, still tried to defend himself.

"You're still lying..." The Master shook his head in disappointment.

"Someone like you staying at Nuoding Academy would only tarnish its reputation. I think it's time I spoke with the academy about replacing the gatekeeper."


At the mention of losing his job, the doorman immediately dropped to his knees, tears and snot streaming down his face as he begged, "Master, I was wrong! Please don't report me to the academy. I can't afford to lose this job!"

"It's too late..." the Master said, shaking his head indifferently as he turned toward Old Jack.

"Sir, may I take a look at your spirit certificates?" he asked politely.

"Here you go, Master. These are our spirit certifications," Old Jack replied warmly, his earlier anger melting away. As the village chief, he was adept at reading situations, and he'd already deduced that this 'Master' must hold a considerable position within the academy. His fair handling of the matter had won Old Jack's respect, so he eagerly handed over the certifications for Lin Ye and Tang San.

The Master accepted the certificates, carefully reviewing them while occasionally glancing thoughtfully at Lin Ye and Tang San.

"Your certifications are genuine, sir. The earlier situation was entirely the doorman's fault. I'll ensure the academy disciplines him. I hope you don't hold any ill feelings toward the academy because of this."

"No, no, not at all!" Old Jack waved his hands quickly.

"In that case, if you don't mind, I'll personally take the two boys in to register," the Master said with a small smile and a slight bow.

"Thank you so much, Master!" Old Jack was genuinely grateful.

"Little Ye, Little San, remember to listen to your teachers while you're here. Grandpa has other matters to attend to, so I'll be off. I'll come to pick you up at the end of the term." Old Jack sighed, looking reluctantly at the two boys. He spoke with a hint of sadness but quickly turned and left the academy grounds.

"Follow me inside." After Old Jack's departure, the Master led Lin Ye and Tang San into Nuoding Academy.

The academy grounds were spacious, with wide paths lined by lush, towering trees.

Lin Ye remained quiet, his mind still thinking of his grandfather's departure. Suddenly, Tang San's curious voice broke the silence.

"Master, are you a teacher here at the academy?"

"What makes you ask that?" The Master paused mid-step and turned to face him.

"Because that doorman was so afraid of you. You must be a teacher here, and a high-ranking one at that!" Tang San responded earnestly.

"Haha, you're quite observant. But you're wrong. I'm just a guest here, not a teacher," the Master replied, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

"Hmm... even if you aren't a teacher, you must still be an important person!" Tang San persisted.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" the Master asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because the title 'Master' isn't something just any teacher can earn. A Master can always become a teacher, but a teacher won't necessarily become a Master!" Tang San declared, his tone still serious.

"Master, huh? You're quite the clever child," the Master chuckled, though his smile looked slightly stiff.

"The third twin spirit in the world... Looks like I'll have to take the initiative this time," the Master muttered under his breath.

"Twin spirits?!" Lin Ye's head snapped up at the words, his gaze shifting immediately to Tang San.

Tang San, on the other hand, visibly tensed, his pupils shrinking in response to the sudden revelation.


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