Chapter 22: Sorry, I Refuse!

"Twin spirits? Master, what are you talking about? I've never heard of such a thing..."

Although Tang San had warmed up to the Master, especially after witnessing his fair handling of the doorman earlier, the moment he heard the Master mention his deepest secret, his entire body tensed up. Forcing a smile, Tang San subtly aimed his sleeve dart at the Master, ready to strike if necessary.

"You don't need to deny it. Not only are you a twin spirit user, but he is too." The Master shook his head, casting a glance toward Lin Ye as he spoke.

"You're probably wondering how I figured out that both of you have twin spirits, right?" The Master smiled faintly, though his expression seemed stiff.

Lin Ye: "..."

"In certain circles, I'm somewhat renowned, as Tang San mentioned earlier. People call me Master because of my extensive research into martial spirits." A subtle confidence emerged on the Master's face.

"I've studied many types of spirits, some powerful, some weak, including spirits like Blue Silver Grass and Begonia."

"These two spirits are classic examples of 'waste spirits.' Among hundreds of Blue Silver Grass and Begonia spirit users, it's rare to find even one with spirit power."

"And even if there is spirit power, it's usually just one or two levels. So far, no one with Blue Silver Grass or Begonia has been found with spirit power above level three. Yet, both of you have full spirit power. This clearly defies logic."

"In my years of research, I've established several principles regarding martial spirits, which I've compiled into what I call the 'Ten Core Competencies of Martial Spirits.'"

"One of these principles states that the innate spirit power of a user is directly proportional to the strength of their spirit."

"Both of your spirits are considered weak, yet you possess full spirit power. This indicates that you must have a second, much stronger martial spirit!"

As the Master spoke, Tang San's initial nervousness began to ease. His admiration for the Master grew as he realized the accuracy of his deductions, especially considering he had never revealed his twin spirit secret to anyone.

Lin Ye, on the other hand, remained silent.

The Master's conclusions, while seemingly correct for Tang San, were completely wrong in Lin Ye's case.

First of all, Lin Ye wasn't a twin spirit user—he had three martial spirits.

Secondly, his Begonia spirit wasn't a weak spirit at all. It only appeared similar to the ordinary Begonia, but its true power was far beyond that.

So, despite the Master's confident deductions, Lin Ye felt no particular response.

"Master, please accept me as your disciple!" Tang San, who had initially been on guard, was now filled with admiration. He bowed deeply to the Master, his voice full of respect.

"A disciple? Tang San, do you know what it means to have a teacher?" The Master gave Tang San a long, thoughtful look.

"I do. 'A teacher for a day, a father for life.'" As he spoke, Tang San knelt, bowing three times before the Master. "Teacher!"

"You silly child, there's no need to kneel. In this world, you only bow to kings and parents. For a teacher, a simple bow is enough." The Master, touched by Tang San's gesture, gently helped him up.

"Lin Ye, why don't you join me and take the Master as your teacher too? He knows so much, and he could definitely help us become powerful spirit masters!" After completing the ritual, Tang San turned to Lin Ye, sincerely suggesting he also follow the Master.

The Master's eyes turned toward Lin Ye, his expression outwardly calm, but with a flicker of hope hidden deep within.

Lin Ye: "..."

"Sorry, I refuse." Under the expectant gazes of both the Master and Tang San, Lin Ye finally shook his head, speaking softly but firmly.

This Master might indeed possess considerable knowledge, but Lin Ye, who had cultivated the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique, already had a physical strength that far surpassed most adults.

The Master's teachings were based on the limits of ordinary people, and Lin Ye didn't believe they would be applicable to him.

Besides, if he were honest, the Master's impressive-sounding deductions weren't correct in Lin Ye's case—not a single one of them. How could he trust a teacher whose insights were irrelevant to him?

The Master's knowledge might be useful for ordinary people, but Lin Ye wasn't ordinary. He had no need for someone else's guidance on martial spirits.

Furthermore, Lin Ye already had his own resources. His father had left behind two books—one on spirit beasts and the other on the spirit master world, which included ample knowledge on martial spirits. Lin Ye didn't require additional tutoring.

And for spirit power cultivation, he had the four martial techniques left by his father, so he didn't need a teacher in that regard either.

Given all this, Lin Ye saw no reason to take on a mentor.

Growing up without parents, Lin Ye had only Old Jack, his grandfather. Since Old Jack was often busy, Lin Ye had learned to think independently from a young age, never blindly following advice from others without careful consideration.

Especially when it came to important matters, Lin Ye believed in caution and thoughtfulness before making decisions.

And becoming someone's disciple was certainly a major decision.

"Lin Ye, reconsider! The Master knows so much; he could be a great help to us!" Tang San urged, still not willing to give up.

But Lin Ye remained resolute. "Tang San, I appreciate your concern, but I'm not ready to take a teacher just yet."

"Lin Ye..."

Tang San wanted to persuade him further, but the Master, who had been silent for a while, shook his head. "Little San, don't push him."

Turning to Lin Ye, the Master spoke calmly, "I understand. We've only just met, and discussing apprenticeship so soon might be premature. However, having a teacher is important. Without one to guide you, it could take a long time before you're ready to hunt for spirit rings. If you don't want me as your teacher, I could introduce you to someone else within the academy who holds a high position. They might meet your expectations."

The Master's gaze remained steady as he made his offer.

"Thank you for the kind offer, Master, but I'd prefer to choose my own spirit ring," Lin Ye replied, shaking his head again.

"Lin Ye!" Tang San was becoming anxious.

But Lin Ye's unwavering expression made the Master pause. He remembered his younger self—eyes filled with the same determination, unwilling to bow to convention, relentlessly pursuing his own path.

With a sigh, the Master said, "Lin Ye, hunting spirit beasts is no simple task. These creatures are incredibly powerful, not something ordinary people can easily deal with. Choosing the wrong spirit ring could ruin your future. I hope you'll consider this carefully."

"Here, take this. It's a compilation of my research on spirit beasts and their relation to martial spirits. You can look through it, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. If you want to find me, just ask Tang San. When I take him to hunt for his spirit ring, you're welcome to join us."

As the Master spoke, he handed Lin Ye a notebook filled with his notes.

Lin Ye hesitated for a moment. His grandfather had once told him that debts of gratitude were the hardest to repay. But when he thought about how little his father's books said about spirit beasts and spirit rings, Lin Ye decided to accept the notebook.

"Thank you, Master."

Not taking a teacher, but still accepting the notes.


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