A New Dream





I gulp as I prepare for the results, to see if I really did have the talent to meet the expectations of the headmaster and click confirm.



Swordsmanship: Swordmaster


Seeing the results of my Swordsmanship talent, I begin smiling brightly not paying attention to anything else in the room.

Then, William's head goes through the Sage System like a ghost, and startles me.

"Why do you keep pointing at your stone orb, and why are you looking so intensely at it? Is it really that interesting? You're smiling more now than "

Now poking my head,

"It is that interesting, and only those with mana can see it, which is why you can't."

I say with a straight face, as I push his head away from me.

"Now leave me, I'm tired and I want to rest. I will pay you tomorrow."

"Much obliged young master, please have a good rest."

He says with a smirk on his face, as he happily skips outside the door.

What a money-driven man. Wait, wasn't there more to the talent analysis page? TALENT ANALYSIS



Swordsmanship: Swordmaster+

Magic: Great Sage+


As I looked under the Swordsmanship analysis I slowly read the magic section, in such disbelief that I couldn't understand.

Magic: Great Sage+ ? Magic: Great Sage ??? Magic: Gre-at Sa-ge 

Immediately after realizing, I fell off my bed in joy, probably the happiest I've been in my life. Ever since I was six, my dream had always been to become a mage. I was enchanted by the beautiful bright display of the elements and their destructive capabilities and constantly begged my father to hire a tutor for me.


When I was eight, he eventually caved in and brought me a 6th circle mage as a tutor. I remember that day very vividly, it was a cloudy day and we were in the gazebo. He first checked my body to make sure that I had mana and then pulled out four stone tablets and explained that if I had an affinity to an element, the stone would react. Then I interacted with the stones, holding all of them at the same time, the tutor's face getting dimmer by each passing second. Later that day, I overheard him speaking with my father;

"Count, it is impossible for him to become a mage, the boy is Attributeless and therefore cannot produce any spells with substance. At best, he could only be a priest for the church!"

After hearing that, I was greatly disheartened and ran away with tears flowing down my face. Then, it strangely started raining, so I hid under a tree and continued sobbing. After I calmed down and wiped the tears off my face, a giant old man who introduced himself as an acquaintance of my father's and asked me if I wanted to become a swordsman and be his disciple I accepted his offer, which began my journey as a swordsman. Later I learned his name was Thorne Bladesong and that he was a swordsman at the Grandmaster rank, one of the only four to ever exist.


After I recovered from the shock and got up, I reopened the affinity analysis to see if there was anything else.



Sun (Fire + Light)


Accuracy: 100.00%


My jaw dropped.

I have never heard of this elemental affinity, but this explains why my tutor thought I was attributeless. I have heard that it is possible to combine some specific elements together to create a new element, but it is a tiresome and arduous process, so no one would expect an eight year old to have one. Actually, I have been wondering why my mana stat was so high and why my mana blade never dissipated no matter how long I kept it on. Sage System, what's the normal amount of mana that a 5th circle mage has

"ANSWER: The average amount of mana that a 5th circle mage has is normally around 5000 mana."

This is extremely abnormal, even if I have great talent, it should be impossible for me, who has never trained my manaheart to have this much mana. Let me check my status window-

"NOTICE: Your talent for magic is higher than your talent for the sword. Would you like to change your class?"

It was a tough decision to make, on one hand I want to continue my family's legacy of swordsmanship that I've spent the latter half of my life on, but on the other hand, I have a higher talent for magic which will be necessary to repel Arcanus. After much deliberation, I decided. 




Name: Arthur Ventrike

Class: Mage

Rank: 1st Circle

Strength: 200 (-100)

Agility: 220 (-100)

Stamina: 400 (-100)

Mana: 20000

Intelligence: 135

Active Skills:

Mana Blade (Mastery: Max)

Enhance Body (Mastery: Level 5)

Aura Blade (Mastery: Level 1)

1st Circle Solar Imaginary Technique 

Passive Skills:

Ventrike Swordsmanship Technique (Mastery: Max)

Ventrike Footwork Technique (Mastery: Max)

Bladesong Swordsmanship Technique (Mastery: 6)

Bladesong Footwork Technique (Mastery: 7)

Heavenly Martial Physique

Solar Mana Gathering Technique (Mastery: 1)

Status Abnormalities:


Overall Combat Rating: B

Accuracy: 100.00%


I see, so that's why I have so much more mana than mages, normally mages only train their manaheart one hour every day. In normal cases not because they are lazy, but because of how mentally exhausting it is to train it.

I on the other hand gather mana just by being in the sun and I've been training under the sun for no less than 6 hours every day for the past seven years. Well, until the accident that is. What a day, I have big plans for tomorrow so it should be fine to rest now.

The Sage System screen disappears, with the stone falling beside me as I close my eyes and start drifting away.


I immediately open my eyes and get up.

What's... the door on the other side of the room?

afterwards, a huge figure emerged from the door and slowly began walking to my bed. Then, I unknowingly summon a fireball.

"Oho, so you learned some magic, that's a unique looking fireball you got there."

As the figure got closer, and his face was lit by the fireball, all my anxiety washed away.

"So, how have you been? I'm sorry for coming this late, my disciple, I was caught up in some work."