Arthur Ventrike, a genius second-year at the prestigious Wolkan Royal Academy, hailed to be the most talented in his generation, reaches the Swordsman stage of Knight at just 15 under Grandmaster Thorne Bladesong. But envy strikes when a fifth-year student tries to poison him. Though the plot fails, Arthur is left crippled, his dreams shattered. Just when all hope seems lost, he inherits a Great Sage’s legacy and sets out to become the greatest wizard along with the blessing of an indecent goddess and save the world from an ancient evil.
Finally find something worth reading and this is free to read
The author has gotten a lot better in his writing. I wouldn't give the story a 5 star just yet, but since there seems to be some trolls giving 1 stars in the reviews, I'll give it a 5 to even out the rating a bit more. Definitely a good read, but the reviews reflect other people's opinions (including mine) so you shouldn't knock it until you try it!
DISCLAIMER: (PLEASE READ THIS REVIEW) I want to say that even though I have not heard of a lot of complaints, I complain to myself now that I'm reflecting on how I wrote the first volume, my main issue is how I introduced the characters, there were more overpowered characters than otherwise. I don't want to spoil too much, but it's fine to start the story on the second volume. There may be some references you won't understand, but if you're just looking for a decent read, you can start on the second volume, and if you want more information on things, you can check out the first volume. That's all I have to say, thank you for the support, and I hope you enjoy/ed my novel!
This novel is very wonderful, I advise you to read it 👍👍
Absolute dog shite of a novel story line makes no sense absolute gibberish writing with no consistency in the plot feels as though I'm reading about someone's imaginary thoughts skipping the details and instead bulletpointing the events makes no sense and glad that this gotshite novel is free still feel scammed by the time I wasted reading this but atleast I didn't waste any money on it