
I slowly move out of bed, carefully raising the blanket off of me, and rolling to the side of the bed, so that the bed would not make a creaking sound.

As I continue rolling without a sense of distance, I abruptly stop myself once I no longer feel a solid surface supporting my head, forced to keep it up with my own muscles.

Martha said that she corrected her mistake, and would only let her most trusted, and senior physicians to keep watch over me. If she was concerned enough with my health and safety, that would mean that she must have placed guards around the room so no outside threat would be able to harm me, or take me away. And it wouldn't be those pathetic freelancing mercenaries given for free by the crown to guard all noble estates in the capital city. No, she must have gotten experienced guards at least at the Expert Stage of swordsmanship; people that I cannot fight against at the moment.

After rotating my neck into a horrifying degree, I stare down at the low floor, the bed quite far off the ground. After examining the distance attentively, I slide the rest of my body off the bed, and like a cat, I delicately land on the tips of my feet, masking almost all of the sound.

And I'm sure, since Martha is so caring of my safety, she gave them strict orders that I'm certain they'll follow, since she's the one paying them and not me.

I snatch the yet to activate Sagey, and the blue amulet from the bed, making a low swooshing sound as my nails scratch the bed sheets as I grab it.

I bring the amulet up to my eye and seem to be inspecting it thoroughly,

Hmm… I guess it isn't really mine anymore, since it isn't, so I think I'll just leave it here for WIlliam.

I turn to another direction, where an annoying light keeps stabbing into my eye.

Oh, it's just a mirror.

I throw the Eye of the Storm back onto the bed, and slowly set Sagey on a table in my path as I walk over to the mirror. 

I try a variety of poses, and facial expressions, like a blind man who sees the world for the very first time, in a hurry to see everything there is to see, and fascinated by all of it.

Even in my constant sick condition, I still look better than ever! There weren't any mirrors back in the Grand Library, so the only time I would see myself would be in my reflections from that cold pool of water. And, that reflection definitely didn't do my appearance any justice. 

I bring up my arm, and roll the sleeves of my patient gown up.

I can't say that I never miss the muscles that I permanently lost after this poison. I had admired the strength and durability of swordsmens' tough muscles, but I never managed to grow much muscle, despite how much training I did, and how strong my body was. Not having giant muscles is more suitable for my fighting style, and if my strength doesn't change, why not also be flexible as well as strong? Dad is also thin like me, but he is one of the strongest, and the fastest swordsman there is. Maybe the stopped muscle gain is just a genetic trait of the family, and I'm glad for it. I can't even imagine myself being as giant as Master Bladesong.

I pull my sleeves down, and look at myself in the mirror, the posing and facial expressions finished. 

This gown on the other hand, I can definitely imagine it off of me. It is way too conspicuous, and if anyone were to see me, they would probably think that some crazy person escaped from a hospital. 

I look away from the mirror, and glance over at the unsuspecting, plain, simple door, aside from all the fancy goldwork embroidered onto it.

Hmmm… but first, I must be certain.

With my eyes entirely focused on the door, I begin to move away from the mirror, and sneakily creep over to the door, paying close attention to each step I take, and the acceleration at which my foot descends, before I allow it to make contact with the ground.

Once I arrive, just arms length from the door, I stop, and carefully lower myself down onto one knee, then placing my hands flat on the ground, and finally bring my belly down to the floor, and the rest of my body.

My plan is being carried out perfectly! I haven't made a sound yet. Now I just have to see if my suspicions are right, or that I'm just too paranoid from all the traumatizing events I've seen, let's see!

Using my hands, I pull my body closer to the door, until I can smell the metal from the gold. I then bring my face as low to the ground as I can, and turn it sideways, focusing solely on the cracks under the door.

If my memory of the Mint Estate's hallways are correct, that means that there are Magic Lanterns all over the walls, and another two on each side of a door!

I stare intensely at the crack, as a steady stream of light continues to pass through, the amount and otherwise, unchanging.

Ho, I'll admit, these guards take their job pretty seriously, I haven't heard a single sound since Martha left the room. But my determination will not falter! I will not leave this position until I am certain of my theory, and that answer can only come when one event occurs! The event at which these damned guards move into the light and stop its steady flow!

I suddenly feel my body start to perspire, a drop of sweat forming on my forehead, slowly making it's way down to my left eye. Each time it moves, I concentrate harder on it, and as I concentrate harder on it, the more irritation I feel from that area, and the more I lose focus. Still, I keep my eyes on the crack.

Just as the drop of sweat reaches the end of my eyebrow, a portion of the light coming from the right side of the door stops, my eyes no longer being illuminated by light.

Yes! I knew there was someone there! And since no sound was made, that means they were standing there the whole time! Yes! I caught veteran assassins!

I quickly push myself off the ground and dust off my clothes, tiptoeing back to the bed, as I celebrate quietly in my head.

Wait, why am I celebrating? If there are guards, then that just means that it'll be harder for me to escape.

I think about slapping myself on the face, already in the motion of bringing it up, but bring it to a stop before it makes impact.

As I stand in place, I scan the room for anything that could help me.

Ugh, this room is so boring and clean, there's nothing here, and these weak eyes only scanned half of the contents of the room when I gave it five whole seconds!

After I recover from my anger and open my eyes, I begin scanning the room once again.

My eyes abruptly pause a second into scanning.

What the hell? Is that a closet? How did I not notice that tje first time?! These damned eyes! 

I squint my eyes, my face wrinkling as I pinch the top of my nose in disappointment, as if in pain.

I sigh quietly before the wrinkles disappear, beginning to walk in the direction of the closet, opening my eyes a second later.

Haaaa… Now let's see what's inside this thing. I swear, I will… do something… bad… if there is just another pair of clean patient gowns. 

I swing the doors of the closet open, bringing them to a complete stop before they reach the end of the closet's edge.

Just before I swing the doors open, I instinctually close my eyes, and keep them closed, only opening them again several seconds later.

Huh? Is there no dust? That means someone had cleaned it out beforehand, which means that someone was expecting me to change clothes myself? Hmm… What could they have prepared for me?

As I lift my eyelids open, I stand happily with anticipation, but as I fully grasp the identity of these clothes in front of me, the muscles in my jaw release, dropping my jaw open as I stare dumbfounded at it.

There's no fucking way the only clothes in here is a one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, fourteen piece suit! That's going to incapacitate me even more than this patient gown! 

I turn around and stare at my reflection, from the mirror on the opposite side of the room from me, trying a variety of poses and expressions, but my excitement is no longer present on my face.

Ehhh, it's not that bad, it. If I just stay away from crowded areas and don't draw attention– yeah no, why am I even trying to convince myself? I can't go out like this!

I turn back around and grab the suit from out of the closet, and throw it on the bed, inching over to it after it lands, and makes a small, but nonetheless, present, sound.


Finally throwing the last piece off of me, I breathe a sigh of relief.

That was harder to take off than I thought. I miss you Sebastian. I will make sure to ask father to give you an increase in pay once I get back.

After fastening my boots, tightening them one last time, I slowly make my way over to the window, awkwardly moving away from the patient gown, and 10 other articles of clothing scattered all over the bed, in my not so flexible pants.

Jumping, and sliding myself through the window without another look back into the room or mirror.