Pyro's Dreamworld

This is it, this is my one and only chance to speak with her and get her to help me. 

I cautiously begin to approach the steps to the throne. I become more anxious with each passing step I take.

If the entirety of the myth is real, then that means if Pyro is discontent with me disturbing her slumber, I could be exiled from her realm forever like she did to her first "Apostle."

As I finish this thought, I focus back into reality and realize that I have reached the top of the steps and stand over the slumbering goddess.

I take a closer look at her and she is even more beautiful up close, her hair is loose as it softly rests on her face and her body completely still as she sleeps. I suddenly feel my face turn red and my body hot, not from the extreme heat expected to exude from the realm modeled after the interior of the sun, but for some unknown reason that I've felt a few times before. 

What am I doing! How could I be so distracted? Get yourself together Arthur!

I slap myself as quietly as I can.

Another thought flies into my head as I realize she's been completely still without making a noise this whole time.

Wait, is she dead? Well, only one way to find out.

I try to calm myself down and cool my head as I brace myself but it bears no fruit.

I slowly reach out my hand, with my heart beating faster the closer I get to her until I eventually do reach her, and manage to muster enough of my willpower to slightly nudge her.

No response. 

Should I try nudging her harder this time?

While I begin to reach out my hand to nudge her again, I notice her twitch and instinctively jump backwards, away from her.

I notice that I've finally calmed down.

This is my chance!

I quickly get down on my knee and into a praying position and begin to shout with my loudest voice.

"Greetings O' Great Pyro, Goddess of Fire and Light! Your humble believer is here to see you, please grant me a moment of your time!"

I keep my head down and my eyes closed as I wait for a response but that response never comes.

Come to think of it, I have seen her move, but I have never heard her make a sound.

Without wasting another second, I quickly open my eyes and look up. 

My heart starts beating rapidly as the Goddess of Fire and Light stands above me. I frantically try to put together words in spite of my nervousness. 

"O' Great Pyro, please assist this lowly-"

Pyro interrupts me mid-sentence as she squats down until we are both at eye level. Her smile is brighter than the sun.

What beautiful eyes she has, her right eye orange, and her left one yellow.

"You're quite cute aren't you? At least more so than the last guy who came here around- three hundred years ago- yawn."

I feel my heart beat even faster and my body temperature rise higher than it ever has.

Who knew a compliment could affect my body to such an extent?

Still, I continue to keep myself calm.

She seems to be in a dream-like state, not being able to determine the difference between the dreamworld and reality. I must tell her.

"Great Pyro, I apologize if I'm speaking out of line but I must remind you that this isn't a dream. I desperately need you to be fully conscious during this conversation." 

We stare at each other without a noise being made for several seconds.

Then Pyro stares at me intently with a sinister smile visibly showing lust.

"It's been hundreds of years since I last saw someone."

She puts her hand on my thigh 

"You can just call me Pyro. I don't care if this is a dream or otherwise, how about you and me have some fun?"

At this point I am barely able to keep control of myself as I begin to breathe heavily as I gasp for air. I force myself to look away from her to stay focused.

"I- I don't think this is appropriate Pyro"

I say as I move down the steps, away from her.

When I look back at her, I see her making a face of bewilderment.

She then begins to angrily pace back and forth in front of her throne, as she begins to talk to herself.

"What's happening? I thought I was supposed to have full control of my dreams! I've had full control over it this whole time, why isn't it working now?"

"Maybe this isn't a dream?"

She stares intensely for a few seconds as she renders me incapable of moving.

"Haha, that's impossible, there's no way that there are humans as pretty as you." 

Just. Let. Me. Move!

Using all my willpower, I try to speak but only manage to muster a grunt. However, she notices the sound and begins to walk towards me.

"You got something you want to say?

I grunt again.

"Why is this happening? Did this character in my dream gain sentience or something? Fine, lets hear it."

I fall down after she releases me and allows me to move. Picking myself up, I say.

"Like I said earlier, Pyro, this is not a dream. I have an elemental affinity for the Sun."

When I look back up at her, I see her flawless pale skin, now cherry red. Before she hastily covers her face with her slender hands.

Ah, I've incurred the wrath of a god. It seems like this is the end of my journey now. I'm sorry father, I won't be able to help you and I'm sorry Headmaster Wolkan, I won't be able to protect the world from Arcanus. 

I close my eyes as I accept my fate and wait for my death to arrive. But it doesn't come. I open my eyes and I see her on the ground bowing to me.

"I apologize that you had to see me acting in such a manner! Please forgive me!"

I drop down to the floor and sit in front of her.

"Please get up Goddess, having a divine being such as yourself bow down to a lowly mortal like me."

When she lifts her head up, I see tears running down her face before she begins to wipe it off.

She stares intensely at my face for a little longer, studying it but is still in disbelief. 

"Are you sure you're a human? you're way too handsome to be one.

Immediately after, she covers her red face with her hands again and quietly mutters something while peeking out one of the cracks between her fingers with one eye.

"Are you sure you don't want to?"

I pretend not to hear her but I can't cover the red on my face.

"Did- did you say something?"

She immediately covers her eyes and turns away.

"No, I didn't say anything!"
