Battle of Fists to Fists!

"BloodBreak? No... it's just very similar to BloodBreak. And this force—it's like the fluctuation from a few hours ago. Could it be...?" Fiya Hatsuse's red eyes fixed on Riku as her expression finally shifted from casual to serious.


As Fiya Hatsuse mulled over the thought, Riku sprang into action. His body vanished from sight, reappearing right in front of her. With no hesitation, he unleashed a punch, striking directly at her. Despite her cute appearance, he held nothing back—this was a fight for survival, and showing mercy wasn't an option.


Fiya Hatsuse's face contorted just in time, her hand shooting up to block the blow at the last second. An explosion echoed through the air as she was launched backward, her figure becoming a blur. But Riku wasn't done. He pursued her relentlessly, raining down a series of powerful strikes, each one faster and more forceful than the last.

Fiya Hatsuse's expression turned more focused as she fought back, blocking Riku's barrage of attacks. But the truth was clear—she couldn't keep up. With the Gate of Pain open, Riku was on another level, and all she could do was defend herself.

Explosions filled the sky, their intensity enough to rupture eardrums, while shockwaves rippled across the battlefield, churning the clouds and unsettling the Beasts below. They looked up, trembling at the sight, unable to tell who held the upper hand as they could only see shadows darting through the air.

"You're strong, I'll give you that. But I haven't even begun using my true power." Fiya Hatsuse smirked, though her arms were numb from Riku's onslaught.

And then, her aura surged.


Fiya Hatsuse's shout pierced the air as an intense blood-red aura enveloped her body. Her hair turned the same crimson hue, her presence becoming overwhelming, and her power skyrocketed to terrifying levels.

"BloodBreak..." Riku muttered, his purple eyes narrowing, fully aware of the danger that now stood before him. Even so, he wasn't afraid.

With a burst of energy, he charged at her again, his fist cutting through the air like a lightning bolt.


Fiya Hatsuse stood her ground. With only a slight raise of her hand, she effortlessly blocked Riku's full-force punch. Her petite body didn't even move an inch.

Riku felt like his hand was trapped in a steel vice, pain shooting through his arm. In her BloodBreak state, Fiya's claws tore through his defenses—both elemental and physical—leaving deep gashes on his right hand.


But Riku didn't flinch. He spun mid-air, aiming a whipping kick at her head. Fiya Hatsuse blocked that too with ease, before lashing out with her own punch, which landed squarely in Riku's abdomen.


At the last moment, Riku condensed his energy to absorb the impact, but even then, cracks spread across his energy shield, and he was sent flying. His body streaked across the sky like a comet, crashing into the ground far from the Beast Tribe.


The impact left a massive crater, several kilometers wide, as the land caved in under the force. Riku lay in the center of the pit, wincing as pain radiated through his abdomen. He wiped a trickle of blood from his mouth and muttered, "Damn... she's way stronger than she looks. If I hadn't blocked that..."

Fiya Hatsuse slowly descended from the sky, her crimson hair flowing around her like a blood-soaked aura. "Riku, if you surrender now, I won't kill you. In fact, I'll make you an honorary guest of the WereBeasts. Your power interests me. I'd like to see if we can learn something from you."

Riku stood up, brushing dirt off his clothes, his eyes focused and sharp. "You're confident, huh?" he said, his voice calm despite the chaos around him. He had no intention of giving up.

"The Fifth Gate... Gate of Limit... OPEN!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, his energy surged, the flames surrounding him turning blue. His power spiked to a new level, making the air around him vibrate with heat.

In an instant, Riku disappeared from sight. Fiya Hatsuse's eyes widened, but before she could react, Riku reappeared beside her and struck with a devastating punch to her abdomen.


Fiya Hatsuse's eyes bulged, her mouth letting out an involuntary cry of pain. The force of the punch sent her flying backward, smashing through an entire mountain, then another, and another. The destruction didn't stop until she finally came to a halt, having demolished a range of peaks in the process.

Riku hovered in the air, breathing heavily but ready for more. The dust settled as Fiya Hatsuse pulled herself from the rubble. Blood trickled from her mouth, and she clutched her abdomen, her expression now one of genuine shock.

"He's actually grown stronger again... Does this guy have no limits?"

Though she had been caught off guard, Fiya Hatsuse now knew one thing for certain—Riku was no ordinary opponent. His power had not only matched hers, but in that moment, it had surpassed it.

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Link: På

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.