Crazy Ambition!

"The Sixth Gate, the Gate of View, open!" Riku's voice echoed through the battlefield, his deep roar sending shockwaves through the air. Fiya Hatsuse's pupils narrowed in response, her heart pounding in her chest.

'His power keeps growing stronger… What kind of state is this?'

Without hesitation, Fiya pushed off with her legs, launching herself like a bolt of red lightning toward Riku. The ground where she stood cracked and caved, like it had been bitten by a massive beast. She moved with fierce precision, her eyes locked on Riku's form.

"Morning Peacock!" Riku's voice boomed as his body pulsed with power, veins bulging across his skin. His punches came faster than the eye could follow, each blow igniting the air and forming a cascade of flame bombs aimed directly at Fiya.

The sky lit up like a storm of fire.

"Even if you're strong, this princess will never lose!" Fiya growled. Her eyes gleamed, her voice full of defiance. She leaped into the air, defying gravity with her unpredictable movements, dodging the majority of the blazing fireballs with elegance and speed. The ones she couldn't avoid, she met head-on, her fists smashing through them with thunderous force. The wind howled, sparks flying around her like fireworks, lighting up the sky in bursts of red and orange.

In an instant, Fiya closed the distance. Her petite hands became a flurry of shadows, attacking with relentless speed. Riku was ready. He countered each blow with equal intensity, their fists colliding thousands of times in mere seconds.

The earth couldn't handle the destruction.

With each clash, the ground beneath them shattered. The force of their blows spread outward, creating massive spiderweb-like cracks in the terrain. Entire sections of land collapsed under the weight of their power, forming deep gullies and jagged fissures. Their movements became so fast, so chaotic, that to the untrained eye, it looked like they had vanished, leaving only the explosive sounds of their impact echoing in the distance.

The force of their battle alone was enough to shatter the eardrums of anyone foolish enough to get close.

"Hahaha, now this is what I'm talking about!" Riku laughed mid-fight, his calm demeanor completely gone, replaced by raw excitement. His fists flew with even greater speed and power, fueled by adrenaline.

It had been too long since he let loose like this. A true battle, fist-to-fist, power against power—it was a man's dream come true. Even if his opponent was a fierce little Lolita...

"Hmph." Fiya snorted at his words, but there was no denying the thrill in her own blood-red eyes. Her fighting spirit burned bright, her attacks unrelenting.

For so long, Fiya had carried the weight of her race on her shoulders, always worried about their survival, never free to unleash her full strength. Now, she didn't have to hold back. She could let loose. She could give in to the battle, fully and completely. And it felt amazing.

While the two combatants were caught up in their own world, others were not so lucky.

The demon species unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire were annihilated by the sheer force of their attacks, reduced to nothing more than collateral damage. Meanwhile, the Beast tribe—the WereBeasts—stood on edge, listening to the distant roars of battle.

None of them could believe what was happening.

Someone was matching their princess—their strongest warrior—in raw physical ability? And not just anyone, but a human, someone they once dismissed as nothing more than a "wild monkey." It was beyond belief. Their pride as the physically superior race was shattered.

The air was thick with tension. Eventually, the chaotic noise of the battle began to die down, but this only heightened the unease among the WereBeasts. At their leader's command, dozens of their strongest warriors began moving toward the battlefield.

When they arrived, what they saw shook them to their core.

The land itself was devastated. Mountains had been flattened the earth torn apart as if the very world had been brought to its knees. Standing in the center of the destruction were Riku and Fiya, both covered in scars, their energy depleted but their fighting spirit still burning strong.

They stared at each other, exhausted but exhilarated. Though they were still technically enemies, something had changed. They had earned each other's respect through the battle.

"Fiya Hatsuse," Riku panted, a wild grin spreading across his face. "Don't you think this world's gone completely insane?"

Fiya paused, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. "The world's always been crazy," she replied, her voice soft but firm. "Whether it's me, you, or the other races… we're all a part of the madness."

Riku chuckled at her response. "Hahaha, that's what I like to hear! So, how about we do something even crazier?" His eyes gleamed with ambition, his voice dripping with excitement.

Fiya raised an eyebrow, curious. "What are you suggesting?"

"I want to end this pointless war. Kick the strongest gods off their high thrones, take control of the world, and win the Suniaster. " Riku's voice was unwavering, his tone full of confidence, ambition, and something even more dangerous—determination.

For a moment, Fiya was speechless, her eyes widening in shock. Then, she spoke quietly, almost to herself. "You're crazy."

"You already said that," Riku shrugged with a playful smirk.

Fiya shook her head. "You can't do it. No matter how strong you are, neither you nor I can even take down the Flügel species, let alone the gods." Her voice was tinged with sadness, the weight of her responsibilities hanging heavily over her. Surviving in this chaotic world was exhausting, especially when the fate of her entire race was at stake.

Riku, however, wasn't fazed. "That's for now," he said, his voice calm but firm. "Just because we can't do it now, doesn't mean we can't in the future."

Fiya blinked, her breath catching in her throat. There was something about the way he said it—something that made her heart race. Before she could respond, Riku locked eyes with her, his purple gaze intense.

"So, what do you say? Will the WereBeasts join me in changing the world?"

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Link: På

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.