
It had been two days since I became Lucius Ravenhart, and there was still so much to accomplish. Surviving until the very end of this story was my top priority, but the path ahead looked more like a treacherous labyrinth than a straight road.

My daily routine was set: I began with a morning jog to build my stamina, followed by a variety of physical exercises to enhance my overall abilities.

"Ahhh, this is exhausting! I want to stop!" I gasped, struggling for breath just ten minutes into my jog. Seriously, how am I supposed to survive at this rate? I felt like a hapless character in a training montage gone horribly wrong.

After two grueling hours, I finally completed my workout, but my entire body ached as if I had run a marathon while being chased by a pack of rabid squirrels. All I wanted was to collapse onto the floor, but I knew I needed to check my progress.

[Status Window]

Name: Lucius Ravenhart

Age: 17

Element: Dark

Mana: 4.3

Strength: 3.4

Agility: 4.7

Endurance: 2.3

Intelligence: 15.1

To be honest, given the intensity of my training, these gains felt minimal. I knew it was unrealistic to expect rapid improvements in just one day. Yet, the impatience bubbled within me like a potion on the verge of boiling over.

It might be difficult, but I had a plan to increase my physique quickly; I had played this game for far too long to be caught unprepared.

I needed to find some specific ingredients to boost my physical stats. Red Lizard's blood was one of the crucial components I required.

"System, where can I find Red Lizard?" I asked, hoping for a straightforward answer.

[Red Lizard can be found in the Ernes Forest.]

"Isn't that forest quite far from here? How can I get there?" I sighed, exasperated. Could there be an easier option?

[There should be a merchant who sells Red Lizard in this city too.]

"Why didn't you say so from the start?" I shot back, a little too snappy.

Then it would be easy! I just needed to buy it in the city, and the price shouldn't be expensive. But first, I should talk to my father.

"Father, I want to go buy Red Lizard in the city."

"Why do you need it?" He looked up from his papers, brow furrowed with genuine concern.

"I just want to try a few things, hehe," I replied, attempting to sound casual while inwardly cringing at my vague explanation.

"Okay, ask Marie to go with you."

"Okay then!"

After a brief exchange, I got some money—my father handed me 3 silver coins. The currency in this world was simple: bronze, silver, and gold. A hundred bronze was equal to one silver, and a hundred silver to one gold. In Korean currency, maybe one gold was equivalent to about 10 million won.

However, my family's finances were not great, and 3 silver was a valuable amount. But according to the Arcadia game, the Red Lizard should only cost one silver.

"Marie, let's go to town. I need to buy a Red Lizard!"

"Why do you want to buy that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Come on, just come with me…." I tried to sound persuasive, though my tone bordered on whiny.

"Okay, young master, haha."

I set off for town with Marie, grateful for her company. Without her guidance, I likely would have gotten lost. In no time at all, we reached the city center.

"Wow, this place is bigger than I expected!" I exclaimed, taking in the bustling atmosphere filled with lively chatter and vibrant stalls.

"Why do you say that as if it's your first time here?" Marie raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

"Haha… of course not! I was just surprised by how much I've missed this place since I haven't been here in so long." Almost slipped there; good recovery, Lucius!

The city was vibrant and alive, far more impressive than I had imagined. Zeug City lay in the south of the Arcadia Kingdom. If I wanted to head to Arcadia, I would need to travel north from here. Zeug City was also home to several noble families, including my own.

"Marie, do you know where the merchant is?" I asked, scanning the crowded streets.

"Of course, follow me, young master."

After a brief two-minute walk that felt like an eternity in a busy marketplace, we arrived at the merchant's stall, where a myriad of items sprawled before us. The atmosphere buzzed with chatter, the sounds of bartering and laughter swirling around me.

As people clamored to purchase their goods, I struggled to locate the elusive Red Lizard. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I spotted it. Just as I'd expected, it was priced at one silver. I should be able to manage that with the coins my father had given me.

"Sir, I'd like to buy this Red Lizard. Here's one silver," I said, extending my hand, trying to look confident despite the quiver of anxiety in my stomach.

"Are you from the Ravenhart family?" the merchant asked, eyeing me with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

"Yes, that's correct."

"What is a fallen noble like you doing here? This place is meant for nobles," he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt.

"I just want to buy this Red Lizard and leave," I replied, trying to keep my composure. Seriously, who did this guy think he was?

"Alright, but it'll cost you three silver," he said, smirking, clearly relishing the moment.

"What do you mean? Isn't it one silver?" My voice rose incredulously.

"It is for nobles, but for you, it's three."

Damn, is it that obvious how far my family has fallen? This man wants to take advantage of me simply because of my lineage? How charming.

Just then, a voice cut through the crowd like a knife. "Oh, look who's here! What's a child of the Ravenhart family doing in such a place?"

I turned to find Ian Canius, one of the most insufferable characters from the game. His mere presence sent a jolt of irritation through me, like biting into a lemon when expecting a sweet fruit.

"Who are you?" I asked, feigning ignorance, but my irritation simmered just below the surface.

"Damn… have you forgotten me already? Ian Canius," he replied, a smug grin plastered on his face, as if he'd just won a duel or something.

"What do you want?" I snapped, trying to dismiss him like a pesky fly buzzing around my head.

"Oh, I see you're struggling to pay for that Red Lizard. If it's too much for you, maybe you should just walk away," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

This bastard was trying to humiliate me in front of everyone, and I could feel the stares of onlookers piercing into me, like arrows aimed straight at my dignity.

"Haha… are you worried about me? Or are you just interested in me?" I shot back, my irritation bubbling to the surface, my heart racing a little from the thrill of the confrontation.

"What did you say, you bastard?" His face turned red with rage, which only fueled my amusement.

"Here, I'll pay three silver for this Red Lizard. Now I'm leaving," I said, begrudgingly handing over the coins with a flair that almost made it feel like I was doing him a favor.

In the end, I had to pay three silvers for that lizard—what a waste!

"Haha… can you really stand to pay three silvers? Isn't your family struggling right now?" Canius's taunts cut deep, and my temper flared. Should I just beat him senseless? No, stay calm.

"That's none of your business," I retorted, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me, feeling like I was on a tightrope of composure.

With that, I turned and left, making my way back to my residence, my mind racing with thoughts of how I could rise above this humiliation.

"Young master, are you okay?" Marie's voice was filled with concern, her eyes scanning my face for signs of distress.

"Don't worry, Marie, I'm fine," I reassured her, though the embarrassment still stung like an angry bee.

It felt different when someone was worried about you and cared for you. I shouldn't make her sad.

Now, with this Red Lizard, I could drink its blood. I just needed to mix it with some other ingredients and cook it.

We should have everything at home, and I could make it right away.

I rushed to the kitchen, excitement bubbling within me. As I rummaged through the cabinets, I gathered the ingredients I needed: the Red Lizard's blood, jasmine petals, and a splash of alcohol—just enough to help mask the rancid odor of the lizard. Who knew that mixing strange concoctions could feel like preparing a bizarre cocktail?

"Alright, let's do this!" I declared to no one in particular, channeling my inner alchemist. I set to work, cutting the Red Lizard with the precision of a master chef and collecting its blood in a bowl. The vibrant crimson liquid was strangely mesmerizing, almost poetic—if poetry involved a lot of squirming and hissing.

"Now for the petals," I muttered, tossing in a handful of jasmine petals that added a floral scent to the mix. If this potion were to taste terrible, at least it would smell nice.

Next came the alcohol. Just a dash. "You know, maybe this should be labeled a 'Courage Cocktail' because I need a whole barrel of courage just to drink this!" I chuckled at my own joke, wishing I had a proper audience to appreciate my humor.

After mixing the concoction vigorously, I placed it over a low flame and waited. The mixture began to bubble, and a foul stench wafted through the air. "Ugh, it smells like a troll's gym sock!" I exclaimed, wrinkling my nose. Marie peeked in, her expression a mix of horror and concern.

"Young master, what are you making? Why does it smell like death in here?" she gasped, covering her nose with a handkerchief.

"What do you mean, Marie? This is a gourmet potion!" I replied, trying to sound convincing. The reality, however, was far from appetizing.

"There's no way you're going to drink that, right?" She looked at me, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Of course, I have to drink it!" I insisted, a fierce determination rising within me.

"Nooooo!!!! Please don't kill yourself, young master! I'll do anything!" she pleaded, desperation lacing her voice.

"Marie, stop! How could I possibly want to kill myself? I want to become stronger!" I said, trying to calm her down, but her reaction was understandable. After all, this potion hadn't been discovered yet but would be in the future according to the novel.

This potion would only be useful if I drank it for the first time, and it promised a significant increase in my physique. There was no time to waste—I had to drink it now!

I lifted the bowl to my lips, hesitating for a moment. The horrid aroma clawed at my senses, but I steeled myself. "Here goes nothing!"

I gulped down the potion in one swift motion, the taste exploding on my tongue like a surprise party gone wrong. My eyes widened, and I fought the urge to gag. The acrid flavor mixed with the floral notes hit me like a rogue spell.

"Ughhh…." I moaned, my taste buds staging a revolt.

Damn! I thought I was going to die right then and there. But suddenly, a wave of heat surged through my body as if my blood vessels were boiling. The sensation was intense—more painful than I anticipated.

"Young master! Are you okay?" Marie cried, her worry palpable.

"I'm fine… c-calm down," I managed to wheeze through clenched teeth. The warmth coursing through my veins felt like fire, both invigorating and torturous.

I stumbled, struggling to remain upright as the heat and pain overwhelmed me. After what felt like an eternity, the wave of discomfort began to subside. I slumped against the wall, panting heavily.

After five grueling minutes, everything finally calmed down. The pain faded, and I could feel the power coursing through my body, invigorating me like a jolt of electricity.

"Marie, I will return to my room first," I said, waving her off as I collected myself.

"Okay, young master, I'll help you," she offered, her voice still tinged with concern.

Once back in my room, I checked my status window again, excitement bubbling inside me like the potion I had just downed.

[Status Window]

Name: Lucius Ravenhart

Age: 17

Element: Dark

Mana: 4.3

Strength: 4.4

Agility: 5.3

Endurance: 3.5

Intelligence: 15.1

"Wow! My stats look much better! An increase of up to one full point in strength looks amazing!" I exclaimed, grinning at my reflection. I hadn't expected it to have such a massive impact.

To be honest, my stats were still far from impressive. If I compared them to the game, I was still trailing behind, but unlike the rigid levels from the game, the scaling here felt different and more dynamic.

"How are my stats compared to ordinary people?" I asked the system, eager for a comparison.

[Your stats look normal for some parts.]

[But your intelligence is at a genius level for someone your age.]

[While your endurance is below the average for a normal person.]

"Great," I muttered, exasperated. So, I had the brains of a genius but the endurance of a soggy potato. Just my luck!

"Do these stats have a limit?" I inquired, seeking clarity on my newfound abilities.

[All stats have no limit except intelligence.]

[Intelligence has a maximum limit of 30, and no one in the history of Arcadia has reached that number.]

[Based on the highest assessment in history, the highest recorded intelligence is 27.]

So, other stats except intelligence had no limits. I pondered this new revelation, realizing there was a lot to unpack. If reaching two digits in the game was extraordinary, achieving that here could also mean the difference between life and death.

I had to find out more about this world and the mechanics that governed it. The road ahead was long, but I was determined to walk it—preferably with less potion-induced nausea.

"Time to hit the books," I said, already formulating a plan. If knowledge was power, then I needed to make sure my brain was as buff as my soon-to-be brawny physique.