
It had been nearly a week since I fully embraced my new life as Lucius Ravenhart, and I had to admit—things were going surprisingly well. Almost too well, like one of those feel-good montages in a movie right before everything goes horribly wrong.

My physical abilities were improving fast, thanks to the rigorous training routine I'd set for myself. This body seemed to have a natural talent for swordsmanship, which was fortunate, considering I was planning on becoming a magical badass. Between mana circulation exercises and spell practice, I was hustling like a protagonist with a training montage on fast forward. Who knew being trapped in a fantasy world could be this much work?

At least the results were starting to show. My muscles were more defined, my stamina had skyrocketed, and I no longer collapsed after swinging a sword for more than ten minutes. Not bad for a guy who was used to spending his afternoons gaming on the couch. Honestly, I might have even considered myself fit—if it weren't for the slight caveat of being thrust into a life-and-death magical academy scenario.

I'd specifically asked my father for a sword after I realized something about Lucius. You see, after playing this character for the 300th time back on Earth, I uncovered a hidden trait—Lucius had the potential to be a genius swordsman. I mean, it wasn't exactly in the game's manual, but once you play a character that many times, you start picking up on the little things.

Why not take advantage of that hidden potential? A magic swordsman was the ultimate combo. Double the power, double the chances of surviving whatever chaos awaited me in this world.

The moment I gripped the hilt, it clicked. It didn't feel like just a weapon; it was like something I had been missing this whole time. With every swing, it was as if my body remembered moves I hadn't even learned yet. Lucky break for me, I guess.

Then came the real challenge—coating my sword with mana. Spoiler alert: it was not as easy as they make it look in games. For days, I wrestled with that elusive energy, trying to get it to flow correctly, and let me tell you, it felt like herding invisible, angry cats. After enough failed attempts to fill a blooper reel, I finally succeeded. My blade shimmered with a dark aura, looking all sorts of badass—like something a villain would wield, but here I was, the hero of my own story.

"Status window!" I called out, eager to see my progress in hard numbers.

[Status Window]

Name: Lucius Ravenhart

Age: 17

Element: Dark

Mana: 4.7

Strength: 5.4

Agility: 6.2

Endurance: 5.1

Intelligence: 15.1

Not bad, right? I wasn't exactly a level 99 boss character yet, but this was a solid start. I could jog for hours without collapsing, and weights that once seemed impossible were now laughably light. On the downside, my mana pool was still more of a shallow puddle compared to other mages.

[Would you like to access the Talent Window?]

Wait, what? Talent window? Oh, this should be good.

"Show me."

[Talent Window]

Basic Swordsmanship: lv.7

Mana Circulation: lv.5

Dark Element: lv.5

"Whoa... I can actually see my progress in this Talent Window? That's... amazing." I blinked in surprise, taking in the information. "I've been practicing my sword skills for a week, and it's already at level 7? Interesting."

I couldn't help but grin. "Mana Circulation at level 5 and Dark Element too. Not bad at all for someone who's only at two stars. But still, no increase in intelligence. Classic."

At least with the treasure trove of books in the library, I could train my dark element chanting. I practiced basic skills like Elemental Shoot—the bread-and-butter spell for all mages, useful for shooting magic based on their elements.

Of course, mine looked like a black ball—more goth than the typical fireball. So far, I could only manage this because my current body didn't have the talent to enhance magic well. But at least I could connect my mana with my sword, and even infuse it with dark elements. That was something even in the novel only a few talented characters could do before entering the academy. Among them was Claire Ambrose, the first daughter of the Ambrose family, and Zephyr Valerius, the first child of the Valerius family.

"Then is there something like a skills window too?" I asked curiously.

[Of course. Would you like to access the Skills Window?]


[Skill Window]

Elemental Shot: lv.1

Mana Sword: lv.2

This was fascinating. I could see the skills I had mastered. Although for now, I only had these two skills, it was still impressive for Lucius, who at the beginning couldn't even use Mana Sword.

I had to be a little careful not to attract too much attention, and I also needed to ensure the storyline didn't deviate. Though that would be difficult—like trying to catch smoke with my bare hands.

In the novel, the main character who masters all four elements is Dorian Ashford. He's an ordinary person, but because of his extraordinary talent, he's highly valued, even drawing many people to him like moths to a flame. He entered the Arcadia Magic Academy on a scholarship and eventually ranked in the S class.

My job was to make sure Dorian could get through all the chapters that would happen and that I didn't mess up the storyline.

In just a week, my preparation had been quite good. I felt my training had paid off. There shouldn't be many mages with my stamina and strength. But my mana? Definitely the lowest.

I realized this body didn't have great talent for accumulating mana and that it would take time to increase the dark element. Maybe I was the only noble around here stuck with a measly 2-star magic core. But hey, what can I do? I had been busting my butt for a week with zero significant improvement. It was like trying to squeeze juice from a rock. Even the fancy formulas from those ancient books hadn't done much.

Just as I was about to lose myself in more dark element theories, Marie knocked on the door and entered with my lunch.

"Young master, here's your food—" She froze mid-step, eyes wide. "W-wait, since when did you have those muscles?!"

I blinked, looking down. Oh right—I'd taken off my shirt after practice. Then I actually looked at myself. Holy—what the heck? When did I start looking like a character from one of those workout commercials?

"It's just… training," I said, trying to sound casual, even though I was freaking out a little inside. Turns out that potion I made with red lizard's blood was no joke. Who knew?

Marie turned bright red and practically ran out of the room. "I-I'll leave your food here!"

Well, that wasn't awkward at all. I was starving, though, so I made quick work of the meal. As for the whole muscle thing? Let's just chalk it up to the usual fantasy world weirdness. At this point, nothing surprises me anymore.

Once I was done eating, I debated my next move. Should I practice swordsmanship more? Or keep working on spells? Eh, might as well do both. Multitasking is a thing, right?


That night, my father called me into his study.

"Lucius, tomorrow you will leave for Arcadia City. Everything's prepared. Are you ready?"

Right. Tomorrow was the big day—off to Arcadia Magic Academy. I was mostly excited, but there was a hint of nervousness too. Leaving home for the first time, alone in a world that wasn't exactly the safest? Yeah, anyone would be a little on edge.

"I'm ready," I said, trying to sound confident.

My father's face was unreadable, but I could tell he was worried. We were a fallen noble family, and Arcadia wasn't known for being kind to those of lower status. But I didn't care much for what people thought. I could handle it.

"I don't really care about what people say, so I can definitely survive," I reassured him. After all, I'd made myself much stronger.

Based on the original story and the game, Lucius should still be at the 1-star magic core, but I was at 2 stars now. Plus, I had learned some sword skills, even if they were just basic swordsmanship.

"How does the system work in skill levels?"

[Each skill has a level limit of 20 before evolving to the next level.]

"Interesting, so if I want to evolve my skills, I have to reach level 20 on that skill."

[That's right.]

"Can you give me a guide before going to the Academy?"

[My advice as a system is to always be vigilant. That's all.]

"Why is this system stating the obvious? Stupid system..."

Well, anyway, I had to be vigilant about everything because something unexpected could happen. Many variables could determine the flow of this story.

For now, I just wanted to sleep. I didn't want to think about this too much.


The next morning, Marie woke me up at dawn.

"Young master, it's time to wake up! You should get ready to leave!"

Morning already? I jumped out of bed, adrenaline kicking in. Today was the day I'd head for the Academy.

After preparing my things, I double-checked to make sure I hadn't left anything behind. Satisfied, I headed out to meet my parents.

Before leaving, I had breakfast with them. For some reason, today's food looked more luxurious than usual.

"Eat a lot, son..." My mother smiled at me, her eyes filled with concern. "Remember to write home."

"Don't worry about me. I'm not going to die. I've got skills!" I said, attempting to lighten the mood.

My mother chuckled but still looked worried. "Be careful, okay? You know your father and I always worry about you."

After a few more assurances and a few extra pieces of food crammed into my bag, I was ready to go.

I stepped outside, and the cool morning air hit my face. The city felt alive with possibilities. As I walked to the carriage waiting for me, I couldn't shake the thrill bubbling up inside me. Arcadia Magic Academy was just a carriage ride away!

I climbed into the horse-drawn carriage with a slightly mixed feelings, anticipation buzzing in the air as I set off on my journey to the illustrious city of Arcadia. Nestled in the heart of the Arcadia Kingdom, Arcadia was not just any city—it was the home of the Arcadia Magic Academy, the crown jewel of magical education in the entire kingdom.

Sure, there were other magic academies, but this one was the best of the best. It attracted the brightest minds and most talented mages, with a heavy concentration of nobles among the new students. Rumor had it that everyone was scrambling to establish their connections before classes even began.

After what felt like an eternity, six hours later, I finally caught sight of the sprawling metropolis.

"Wow! Is this really Arcadia? It's incredible—so much larger than Zeug City!" I gasped, wide-eyed with wonder.

"Haha, is this your first time here?" a nearby passenger asked, chuckling at my awe.

"Yes, it is! I had no idea it would be this magnificent," I replied, my heart racing at the sheer vibrancy of the city.

The streets thrummed with energy, bustling with people and brimming with powerful mages. My eyes were drawn to the elite Spellblade Orders patrolling the vicinity, a breathtaking blend of magic swordsmen and mages formed to protect and serve. Basically, walking powerhouses flexing their skills for everyone to see.

Every student at Arcadia Magic Academy was required to join one of these units by their second year. Of course, if you were crazy enough, you could try forming your own unit, but that took a boatload of effort, planning, and, well, luck. Not exactly my idea of fun.

As I continued to take in my surroundings, I marveled at the city's magical technology. The entrance gate boasted a complex magical system that left me in awe. Guards stood vigilant, and overhead, majestic flying creatures soared, a sight straight out of a dream.

"Wait... is that a Levitas Orb?!" I blurted, pointing at one of the sleek, glowing spheres floating by.

"Yep," my companion said with a grin. "Mages use them for easy travel."

Seeing it in the game had been cool, but seeing it here? Absolutely mind-blowing. The Levitas Orbs glided through the air like they owned the place, and mages zipped around on them like it was second nature.

For the first time since getting stuck here, I felt my heart race with something that wasn't sheer panic—more like excitement.

"Ahead is the Arcadia Magic Academy, we'll be there soon"

I was surprised to see the building in front of me, that place was Arcadia Magic Academy, filled with magic around it, and also emitting an extraordinary density of mana. In addition, people could see the sparkle of light made of magic filling the place, truly like the Fantasy world that everyone imagines on earth.

And there were also several small islands floating above it, truly as described in the novel and game. This place is very beautiful.

And also the area of ​​this academy is very large, It's probably almost half the size of Seoul. It's really amazing, just for an Academy to take up such a large space, no wonder they can accommodate so many students at once.

That place is a place where magic is the main thing, and I will be a part of that Academy! I was quite excited.

Then I was dropped off in front of the Academy's entrance gate, and I saw that there were hundreds maybe thousands of students who came to this place.

Then I entered the Academy, and gathered at the designated place. We gathered in the front yard of the Academy, a very large place that could accommodate all the students here.

If it is according to the novel, there should be 3000 new students who join this academy. A very large number, and I have to compete with them in order to survive in this academy.

If it is according to the order, after this opening ceremony, we will do a theory test to divide our classes. The classes here range from S Rank to F Rank for the lowest.


"Welcome to Arcadia Magic Academy! I am Alastair Solmara, the Principal, and I'm honored to welcome you all as our future prodigies," his voice echoed across the courtyard, as if space itself bent to his command.

"Here, you'll sharpen your magical talents, and prove yourselves worthy of our Academy's name."

The man before us was none other than the Alastair Solmara—an 8-star mage, renowned for his mastery over the rare and enigmatic space element. It wasn't just his reputation that was powerful; the very air around him felt like it was bending to his will, heavy with magical energy.

His presence alone was overwhelming, but we had no time to dwell on that.

"And now," Alastair continued, his eyes gleaming, "we will begin the test for your class placements!"