Falling for Magic

Finally, after what felt like a mini vacation—thank you, Phantom Order attack—we're back to class! I mean, it's not every day that an attack results in a little chaos and a lot of room repairs, right? My own room looked like a tornado hit it, all thanks to that mischievous sword I bought in the city. Honestly, seeing my once-tidy space turned into a disaster zone nearly broke my heart.

I tried to ask the academy for help with the repairs, but finding a good excuse for why my room looked like a battlefield proved to be a bit tricky. But hey, at least everything is back to normal now. Or as normal as it can be in this magical academy.

Today, we dive back into the thrilling world of General Magic Class with the ever-enthusiastic instructor Seraphina. To be honest, I can't recall much about this class from the novel; it was mentioned only briefly. But anything has to be better than twiddling my thumbs in a messy room, right?

As I walked through the bustling hallways filled with students, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. It reminded me of high school, where I was more of a wallflower than a social butterfly—no friends, just me and my imaginary companions.

Arriving at the classroom, I stepped inside, greeted by the familiar tense atmosphere of talented students packed into the S Rank Class. It was like being surrounded by a group of superheroes, each with their own powers and dramas. But hey, I was getting used to it.

Making my way to my usual seat, I passed by Draven. The poor guy didn't even glance my way. He looked like he'd just lost a duel with a particularly cranky monster, probably still reeling from our last combat class incident. But whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

As I plopped down in my seat, Claire slid in next to me, which was no surprise. But the person to my left? That caught me off guard.

Lucas Hazemark! What was he doing sitting next to me? This guy wasn't exactly known for his social skills. We'd only exchanged a few words during our fight against the Two Headed Horned Wolf, and I hadn't expected to see him here—of all places!

Now I had not one, but two people silently pressuring me for no apparent reason. They hadn't even uttered a word! Why wasn't Claire talking to me in class? Outside, she was always chatty. Never mind.

Just as I was contemplating my life choices (or lack thereof), Instructor Seraphina waltzed in, her enthusiasm radiating like a high-voltage spell. Following her were two female students, who looked like they had just stepped out of a fairytale.

"Good morning, everyone! Finally, we're back in class!" she chirped, practically bouncing on her feet.

"Today, we have some new additions to our magical family. Meet Luna Zoloria, the princess of the Reoniel Kingdom, and her very capable escort, Adel, who's also a new student from Reoniel." Instructor Seraphina continued, her eyes sparkling like the morning sun.

Both girls stood there, emanating a royal aura. Luna, with her stunning blonde hair and regal grace, could've given any princess from a storybook a run for her money. I'd read about her in the novel, but seeing her in person was like being slapped with a reality check.

"Both of them aced their entrance exams and will be joining us in the S Rank Class," Seraphina concluded, as jaws dropped around the room—particularly those of a few noble boys who suddenly looked like starving wolves.

I mean, who could blame them? Luna was breathtaking, and Adel, standing beside her, exuded an aura of fierce loyalty. She didn't just look like a bodyguard; she was the kind of warrior who could take down a dragon with a flick of her wrist, which made me think she'd probably be the one to knock some sense into any would-be suitors.

"Do you think she's beautiful?" Claire nudged me, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Hmmm… so-so," I replied, adopting an exaggerated nonchalance.

"Is that so?" Claire beamed, clearly unfazed by my lackluster response. What a strange first conversation to have in class, though. Maybe we should add a royal beauty judging section to the syllabus.

"Hey, Lucas," I leaned toward him with a mischievous grin. "Do you think the new student is beautiful?"

"I don't care…" He replied, sounding exactly like the deadpan character he was in the novel.

Typical Lucas. You ask him about beauty, and he acts like he's in a no-glam zone. At this rate, he might as well be wearing a "Do Not Disturb" sign.

"Alright, everyone, take your seats. We'll start class," Instructor Seraphina commanded, bringing a semblance of order back to the chaos.

As Luna and Adel found their places, Luna leaned toward Adel, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Can you believe I'm actually here? It's like a dream!"

Adel chuckled softly, her voice steady and confident. "Just don't let the nobles get too close. I'm here to make sure you don't get swept off your feet by a bunch of lovesick courtiers."

"Or swept into a duel," Luna teased back, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she took in the classroom full of curious faces, completely unaware of the brooding figure sulking in the corner.

"Good point. I'll leave that to you," Adel replied with a wink, clearly reveling in her role as both protector and friend.

"Alright, alright, let's focus on magic and not royal gossip," Instructor Seraphina interjected, a hint of a smile on her face.

With that, the class began, and I settled in, feeling the pulse of excitement in the air. Who knew the return to class would come with royal drama?

"Today we will learn about Levitas Orb!"

Woah… this is interesting! Something I have wanted to try for a long time. I just remembered, in the novel it was said that instructor Seraphina's second class was Levitas Orb!!!

"So Levitas Orb is a transportation commonly used by mages, and you all must have heard of it or even used it."

Then he explained some theories about Levitas Orb again, it was very interesting for me but I could see that the other students were bored with this.

"Now, how about we go to the Skyward field and try it out directly?" He smiled as he said that.

All the students who were sleepy immediately became excited, especially me who had been dreaming of this for a long time, finally I had the chance to ride it! It moved me to the point of shedding a single tear…

Finally we all went to the skyward field, a field made specifically for the Levitas Orb sport that was often competed in by mages in this world. They called it Skyward, and the place we were standing now was the skyward field.

You could see a line floating in the air that circled like a race track, and this field was very wide because this Skyward sport was like a race where mages were allowed to use spells to knock down their opponents or slow them down.

"Everyone pay attention! There are enough Levitas Orbs here for everyone, you can try them each!" Instructor Seraphina said that loudly.

Then all the students started rushing to get the Levitas Orb, and some students immediately operated it, like Leon, Claire, Selene I didn't see that they had any difficulty at all. It even felt like they were already one with the device.

Dorian seemed to have difficulty at first, but he was able to control it well in just a few tries, as expected from our MC.

And this in front of me is my Levitas Orb!!!! I tried to step on it, and this thing... why isn't it moving. Why is this so hard?!

Just as I was contemplating my miserable fate, Lucas suddenly approached me.

"Circulate mana to your feet, and try to control it." Lucas said that with a straight face.

Then because I got advice from one of the talented people, I immediately tried it. I slowly circulated my mana and I tried to control it. And suddenly I floated! Although slowly but I started to float!

This was indeed more difficult than I expected, but it was very exciting! I tried to move in various directions, and in a few minutes I seemed to understand how to use it. I looked at Lucas while expressing my gratitude from afar.

After a while, instructor Seraphina gathered all the students with an air of excitement.

"Let's try doing Skyward!" she announced, her enthusiasm practically radiating off her.

"The students I point out may come forward: Leon, Claire, Dorian, Zephyr, and Draven." She pointed like she was selecting the starting lineup for a magical sports team.

The chosen ones stepped up, each of them buzzing with competitive energy, as if they were about to participate in the World Mage Olympics.

"3... 2... 1... Start!" Instructor Seraphina's voice rang out, a signal that set them off like firecrackers.

With a whoosh, they shot into the air on their Levitas Orbs, spells flying as they jostled for position.

Leon and Dorian rocketed ahead, using their wind elements for a burst of speed that could've blown away a mountain. Meanwhile, Zephyr wasn't about to let them take the lead easily; he fired several light spells in their direction, trying to trip them up. But they dodged like it was a dance competition, gracefully sidestepping his attacks.

On the sidelines, Claire unleashed her fire spells, creating a fiery barrier to slow down both Zephyr and Draven. It worked… sort of. They were still neck and neck, and it looked like the competition was heating up.

Suddenly, Draven decided to up the ante. With a flick of his wrist, he gathered a swirling mass of sand and aimed it at both Zephyr and Claire. The sand filled the air like a mini storm, successfully disrupting their movements. But wait—wasn't that going a bit too far?

I gasped as Draven hurled a spell directly at Claire's Levitas Orb. "Isn't that dangerous?" I muttered, realizing that a Levitas Orb wasn't exactly equipped with seatbelts.

True to my fears, Claire's Orb sputtered and began to falter. "No, no, no!" I shouted, my heart racing as I watched her desperately try to regain her balance.

"That looks bad," Luna whispered to Adel, her wide eyes darting between the chaotic scene and the princess's private bodyguard. "Is this normal at this academy?"

"More normal than it should be," Adel replied, crossing her arms, clearly unimpressed. "Just wait until someone gets seriously hurt; then it'll be a real party."

Claire was now teetering perilously as her Levitas Orb struggled to stay afloat, and I couldn't just sit back. My instincts kicked in, and before I knew it, I was pouring my mana into my own Levitas Orb. Suddenly, it felt as if the dark elements inside me exploded into action.

"Lucius, wait!" I heard someone shout, but it was too late. With a surge of energy, I shot forward, aiming to catch Claire before she hit the ground.

I shot away like a comet, every ounce of my focus locked on Claire, who was spiraling toward an unfortunate rendezvous with the ground below.

There she was, falling through the air like a wayward firework, completely unaware of the impending doom. My heart raced faster than my feet as I pushed the Levitas Orb to its limits, feeling the wind whip past me, a frantic chorus of urgency ringing in my ears. Just a little more—come on!

Time slowed to a crawl, and I could almost hear the dramatic score building in the background. I reached out, and in that split second, I caught her! Claire's eyes widened in shock, as if I'd just broken the laws of gravity and logic.

"H-how did you get here?" she gasped, covering her face as if bracing for the awkward revelation of my crush.

"Just your friendly neighborhood savior, apparently!" I quipped, though my breath was heavy from the exertion and my heart still hammering like a drum.

Setting her down at the edge of the field, I staggered slightly, utterly spent, still trying to process what had just unfolded. Was I really capable of such speed? Was my dark element stirring up some kind of hidden power?

As the adrenaline faded, I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just shifted within me, a storm brewing just beneath the surface. The thrill of saving her mingled with a confusing rush of power, leaving me with more questions than answers.

"What kind of speed was that?" a student exclaimed, his jaw nearly on the floor.

"What an incredible speed!" Selene chimed in, her eyes sparkling with disbelief.

Instructor Seraphina rushed over to check on Claire, relieved to find her unharmed. "Selene, please take Claire to the academy's medical room," she instructed with a look of concern.

Then, turning to me with a mix of surprise and curiosity, she asked, "How could you cover such a distance in such a short time?"

"You covered 100 meters in just 5 seconds! That's quite impressive!" she added, her brows knitting together in intrigue.

"I-I did that?" I wheezed, still gasping for air. How had I managed that?

"I don't even understand either," I confessed, feeling like I had just emerged from a whirlwind.

Once the dust settled, class concluded, and I watched as Draven was escorted away by Instructor Seraphina, likely for a punishment that would be more embarrassing than the first time you trip in front of your crush.

The day had been quite the adventure, and I felt a thrill coursing through me, a lingering echo of whatever had surged inside me during the rescue—something dark, yet exhilarating.

With all that excitement, my stomach suddenly growled like a dragon waking from a nap. Images of the academy cafeteria's delectable offerings filled my mind, and I couldn't resist the siren call of food any longer. I rushed over like a hungry ghost at a buffet.

Before I knew it, I had demolished twenty plates of food all by my lonesome, each plate disappearing faster than I could register.

As I leaned back, patting my now pleasantly stuffed belly, I caught sight of Luna and Adel across the room. Luna stared, wide-eyed, as she nudged Adel. "Did he just eat an entire banquet?"

Adel smirked, her arms crossed. "Looks like he's ready to challenge the next Skyward race or just training for an eating competition!"

Meanwhile, Dorian and Leon observed from a distance, their faces a mix of disbelief and intrigue. "Did that accident truly just unfold before our eyes?" Dorian remarked, shaking his head in a blend of shock and amusement.

Leon, with a smile that held the charm of royalty, replied, "Indeed, it seems we've just witnessed a scene worthy of an epic tale. One might say it's not every day you see a hero save the day mid-plummet!"