Dark Element Class

After what felt like five eternities at the academy, today was finally the day—my first Dark Element class. Maybe, just maybe, I'd figure out how to kickstart my mana, which, in case you missed it, is still stuck at 4.9. Yep, so close to leveling up I can practically taste it, but nope. The universe just says, "Nah, not today."

I mean, check out my stats. Everything else is climbing like a hero in a training montage, but mana? Still stuck in the mud.

[Status Window]

Name: Lucius Ravenhart

Age: 17

Element: Dark

Mana: 4.9

Strength: 6.6

Agility: 7.0

Endurance: 6.1

Intelligence: 15.1

Yeah, I've read every book about mana I could get my hands on. Dragged them all the way from home, too, like they were some kind of magic cure. Spoiler: they weren't.

But hey, it gets better. Guess who else is in this class? Aldric Umbershade. The guy who's a complete ghost in every other class. I'm talking next-level classroom stealth, practically a pro-napper. He's always in the back corner, face-down, probably dreaming about his next power nap. But here? He's awake and weirdly... alert. Great, now I've got two mysteries on my hands: my stuck mana and whatever flipped his switch.

And no one, I mean no one, dares disturb him. The crazy part? Even half-asleep, he probably understands the material better than I do wide awake. The guy's a natural when it comes to dark magic—totally outclasses me. Maybe I'll pick up a trick or two just by watching him. One can hope.

So, off I went, rushing to the Dark Element class like my life depended on it. The moment I stepped inside, I was hit with a vibe that screamed, "Welcome to the dark side!" The room? Pitch-black walls, eerie equipment scattered about, and this heavy, ominous atmosphere. If death had a decorator, they definitely worked on this place.

Honestly, though, after everything I've seen at this academy, I shouldn't even be surprised. Weirdness is just the default setting here. The Dark Element class is notorious for having barely any students—ten of us tops. In the S-Rank class, it's just me and Aldric, so, yeah, we're a rare breed. Apparently, not many people are fans of dabbling in the darker side of magic. Except Aldric, of course. That guy lives for this stuff, always nose-deep in some cryptic tome researching dark magic like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

I found an empty seat, trying to blend into the shadows like everyone else. Then I spotted Aldric. And here's where things got... weird. He was awake. Not only that, but he looked way more alive than I'd ever seen him. Energized, even. It was like someone flipped a switch in his brain, and suddenly, Mr. "Perma-Nap" was actually doing... stuff. Before the instructor even showed up.

Huh. Guess he's into dark magic more than I gave him credit for.

Finally, the moment we'd all been waiting for—Corvin Lintius strolled in. Picture this: a guy who looks like he moonlights as the villain in a fantasy novel, complete with glasses that reflect enough dark energy to power a small village. Seriously, those glasses should come with a warning label: "Caution: May induce existential dread."

Corvin was the embodiment of dark magic obsession, practically vibrating with excitement as if he'd just found the last slice of pizza at a party. His enthusiasm was palpable, and I could already tell he was the type who would take "a little dark magic" and turn it into an entire course catalog of chaos. Spoiler alert: he's going to be our villain later on, especially after the Phantom Order incident. You know, just a casual Tuesday at the academy.

When he opened his mouth to speak, it was like the shadows themselves leaned in, eager to hear whatever dark secrets he had up his sleeve. "Welcome, aspiring sorcerers. Today, we will explore the fundamentals of dark energy manipulation," Corvin began, his voice smooth like velvet yet with an edge sharp enough to slice through the dimly lit room.

"Dark magic is not merely about shadows and illusions. It is about controlling the essence of the unknown—the fear, the power, the depth." His eyes gleamed with a manic intensity. "To master dark magic is to embrace death itself. With it, one can awaken creatures from the dark, commanding them to bend to your will."

Well, that sounds... ominous. But honestly, if it helps me get past this mana block, I'm all in. I mean, at this point, what's a little existential dread compared to being stuck at 4.9? Let's just hope I don't end up in the 'consumed by darkness' category.

Corvin kept going, weaving his hands through the air like he was knitting the void itself. "This element is not for the faint-hearted. It draws from the shadows within you. Harness it, and you'll hold unimaginable power. But if you lose control…" He paused, letting the suspense hang in the air. "…it will consume you."

Ah, there it is. The classic 'this power could kill you' disclaimer. Noted. But who cares? I just need more mana, and if the cost is a side of ominous whispers in the dark, bring it on.

Across the room, Aldric was living his best life. I mean, the guy who sleeps through every class was now hyper-focused, scribbling away like he was discovering the secrets of the universe. He had that rare glow—well, as much as one can glow in a room drenched in shadows. Apparently, dark magic was his caffeine.

Corvin clapped his hands together, the sound echoing like a judge delivering a sentence. "Now, I want each of you to feel the darkness. Close your eyes."

Alright. Eyes closed. No big deal, right?

Except the second my eyes shut, the whole vibe shifted. The air got heavier, colder—not your average "forgot my jacket" kind of cold, but the kind that seeps into your bones. Like the shadows in the room weren't just hanging around—they were inching closer, curious, like they had a mind of their own. It felt like the room itself was holding its breath.

And then it hit me—a wave of darkness that wasn't just an absence of light. It was deeper, like a tangible force. I felt it pressing against me, pulling, as if the shadows wanted in. And weirdly enough? Part of me wanted to let them.

I cracked one eye open, sneaking a glance at the others. Everyone was dead still, faces tense, but Aldric? Dude looked serene, like he was soaking in the dark magic like a warm bath. The guy's a dark magic sponge, no doubt.

"Feel the energy around you," Corvin's voice floated through the dark, deeper and more intense now, like he was narrating some ancient horror story. "The shadows are alive. They wait for you to command them."

I tentatively reached out with my mana, and immediately regretted it. The air felt thick—like I was pushing through molasses in a swamp. But then—there it was. A flicker. Just a hint of something… dark. It was nothing like the magic I was used to; this felt heavier, slower, like it had actual weight.

But before I could even wrap my mind around it—


A shockwave of dark energy surged through the room, knocking the breath out of me. My eyes snapped open to find Aldric at the center of it, looking as calm as a cat in a sunbeam, utterly unfazed as if he hadn't just unleashed a mini shadow storm across the entire class.

"Excellent, Aldric," Corvin said, a glimmer of what could only be pride in his villainous gaze. "You've grasped the essence of dark magic well. The rest of you, keep focusing."

Great. Aldric was already pulling off moves that made me feel like I was still trying to figure out how to tie my shoes. Here I was, stuck at the starting line while he was already sprinting toward the finish.

Determined not to be outdone, I closed my eyes again, channeling my inner dark sorcerer. I reached out, but it felt different this time. The shadows were pulling back, teasing me like they knew I didn't belong here, like they were whispering, "Not yet, newbie."

"Remember," Corvin's voice echoed through the dim room, sounding far too pleased with himself, "the dark element requires patience. It does not yield to impatience or recklessness."

Oh, great. Patience? Yeah, that's my middle name. If my parents had named me "Impatient" instead, I wouldn't be in this mess.

Still, I tried again, pushing harder this time, but nothing happened. My mana felt like it was stuck behind an invisible wall, refusing to budge. I gritted my teeth. Come on! Just a little more...

Suddenly, a hand tapped my shoulder, and I jumped like I'd been zapped with lightning. I turned to find Aldric standing over me, his usual sleepy demeanor replaced by something a bit more serious.

"You're pushing too hard," he said quietly, his voice soothing like a lullaby. "With dark magic, you don't force it. You coax it."

Coax it? That's easy for him to say. He made it look as effortless as breathing. But... maybe he was onto something. I took a deep breath and relaxed, trying to feel the shadows again without shoving them around.

And this time? There was something. Small. Barely there. But it was a start.

"Better," Aldric nodded, then, without a hint of hesitation, his head hit the desk, and he was out like a light. Seriously? He must have some kind of dark magic nap powers.

But at least someone in this class had it figured out.

I was finally starting to get the hang of this "coaxing the shadows" thing, gently probing the edges of the dark mana, when something in the room shifted. And I don't mean just a little—this was like the entire atmosphere held its breath.

"Now, let's see how well you command your shadows," Corvin announced, a wicked grin spreading across his face. He waved his hand, and a dark figure materialized in the corner of the room—a shadowy silhouette, twisting and curling as if it were alive.

The class gasped, and I felt my heart race.

"Meet your first challenge," Corvin said, his voice dripping with amusement. "A shadow construct. Control it, or it will consume you."

What the—? Just like that? I was supposed to face off against some creepy shadow creature?

A pulse of panic surged through me, but I clamped down on it. I had to remember Aldric's words. I couldn't fight it—I had to coax it.

I took a deep breath, and in that moment, a surge of determination filled me. I reached out to the darkness, willing it to bend to my will. "Come on," I murmured, channeling every ounce of focus I had left. "You're not going to eat me today."

And just as the shadows were starting to bend—


The room exploded into chaos as the shadow construct lunged at me. I barely dodged it, my heart pounding as adrenaline kicked in.

"No! Focus!" Corvin shouted, his excitement palpable. "This is your chance to learn!"

And as I struggled to regain control, I felt the darkness close in, swirling around me like a tempest. "Okay, okay! I get it! You want to dance? Let's dance!"

Suddenly, I threw my hands up, feeling the dark energy pulse through me as if the shadows were awakening to my call. The room fell silent, anticipation thick in the air.

And just like that, the shadow construct stopped, teetering on the edge of chaos.

In that moment, the darkness seemed to listen.

But the power felt overwhelming, slipping through my fingers like sand, and just as quickly as I'd tapped into it, everything spiraled out of control.

I could hear Aldric snoring in the background, oblivious to my struggle. Seriously?

Then, out of nowhere, the shadow construct lunged again, and I barely had time to react—


A sharp sound echoed through the room as the construct collided with a nearby desk, sending splinters flying. My heart raced as I lost focus, but before I could fully comprehend what was happening—


The shadows exploded outward, wrapping around me like a blanket. Darkness swallowed me whole.

"Lucius!" Aldric shouted, now wide awake, eyes wide with surprise. "Watch out!"

But it was too late.