Solo Survival (2)

When the blinding light finally faded, I was greeted by… nothing. No crackling magic, no howling winds—just an eerie, suffocating silence. The kind that sinks into your bones and whispers you shouldn't be here.

My pulse pounded in my ears, adrenaline still buzzing in my veins.

"Okay, Lucius. Stay cool," I muttered under my breath, though my voice barely sounded convincing, even to me. "You've fought undead, ticked off demon instructors, and survived group projects with Claire. This is just another Tuesday."

I took a cautious step forward—and the ground shifted beneath me, soft and unsteady, like standing on a mattress stuffed with broken promises. My boots sank into damp soil, and the scent of moss and decaying leaves clawed at my nostrils.

"Draven? Knox?" I called, keeping my voice low, as if saying their names any louder would summon something worse.

Nothing. Just my own voice bouncing off the trees, making me sound as lost as I felt.

Then I heard it—a low, bone-rattling growl from the underbrush. My heart stuttered, and instinct kicked in. I crouched low, peering through the tangled ferns like a kid cheating in hide-and-seek, except the stakes were don't get eaten.

A shadow slinked forward from the depths of the forest, revealing something straight out of a nightmare. Massive, sinewy, with fur shimmering faintly like embers laced with mana. Its eyes, cold and predatory, gleamed like twin moons, sizing me up. A Forest Guardian.

Fantastic. Just what I needed. If my day wasn't already circling the drain, it had officially flushed. This was going on the "Top Five Worst Moments of My Life" list.

I had two options:

Bolt, immediately attracting every dangerous creature within a five-mile radius.Stay, and politely inform the Guardian that I wasn't on the menu today.

Naturally, I chose the more responsible, mature option.

"Hey there, big guy," I said, raising my hands in what I hoped was a friendly, please-don't-murder-me gesture. "No need to get all snarly. I'm just passing through. I swear, I taste terrible—like disappointment and regret."

The Guardian's head tilted, as if it was genuinely considering my nutritional value. Great. Now I was auditioning to be lunch.

Then—because the universe really loves kicking me when I'm down—a familiar voice shattered the tension.

"Look at Lucius, trying to sweet-talk a Forest Guardian! How heroic!"

Dorian. Of course, it was Dorian.

I barely had time to curse his name before the Guardian's eyes snapped toward the new target, hackles raised, fur bristling.

This was it. My shot. Run now or stay and get chewed up alongside Dorian.

I took a slow step back, ready to vanish into the forest like a shadow—

And then, behind me, came the sound of footsteps. Heavy. Deliberate.

"Oh, no. Not again…"

I didn't even need to look. I knew exactly what that sound meant. Something worse had just found me.

In a snap decision fueled by pure instinct, I bolted into the thicket, dark energy surging through my veins like a second heartbeat. The aftermath of the Mana Tempest buzzed in the air, lacing my magic with residual power. It was fleeting but enough to sharpen my senses—every leaf, every branch felt alive, buzzing with potential.

A shadowy cloak curled around me, making my movements as seamless as a whispered lie. I wasn't running anymore—I was gliding, slipping through the forest like a wraith on caffeine. Branches that would've snagged anyone else's clothes parted just in time, as if the darkness itself decided I was too stylish to trip over nature's obstacles.

The moment Dorian's obnoxious laughter faded into the distance, relief hit me like a splash of cold water. Finally. No more unwanted commentary. Just me, the forest, and the haunting stillness pressing down on everything.

Only the distant rustle of leaves and the occasional screech of some nocturnal creature kept me company now. It was the kind of quiet that could either be peaceful or really unsettling, depending on whether you were being hunted. In my case, I wasn't eager to stick around long enough to find out which.

I darted deeper into the woods, weaving between gnarled trees and low-hanging vines. Then, just ahead, I caught a flicker of green—a soft, pulsing glow tucked between the roots of a massive tree.

Mana herbs. Jackpot.

I crouched low, and with a subtle flick of my wrist, tendrils of shadow magic snaked from my fingertips. The vines slithered forward with precision, plucking the herbs one by one like a professional thief picking pockets at a festival. Not a single rustle, not a single stem disturbed.

"One… two… three," I whispered, a smug grin creeping across my face as the herbs piled neatly in my hand.

"Four… five."

There it was—that tiny surge of satisfaction only a perfectly executed heist could bring. For once, the universe hadn't decided to ruin my plans in the most inconvenient way possible.

I let out a quiet breath of relief. Take that, forest. I'm winning tonight.

Of course, knowing my luck, that probably meant something bigger and meaner was lurking just around the next corner. But hey—for now, at least, it was me: Lucius, 1. Forest of Death, 0.

In the distance, I spotted movement—Princess Luna and Adel backed against the massive trunk of an ancient tree, surrounded by a snarling pack of Forest Wolves. My stomach sank. The wolves weren't just moving; they were flowing, synchronized like a sinister dance troupe with murder on their minds. Their glowing eyes flickered in the dappled sunlight, every growl a reminder that these weren't your average backyard mutts.

Adel, sword at the ready, stood between Luna and the wolves, her stance steady but exhaustion clinging to her like an old cloak. I could feel the weight on her—she was running on fumes. Earth magic crackled under her feet, stones shifting and roots writhing, while her sword lashed out at the nearest wolf.

"Hold on, Luna!" Adel's voice trembled but didn't break, a warrior through and through. "We've got this—just stay focused!"

Luna, her breathing heavy and her glowing hands trembling slightly, tried to summon more light magic, but the strain was written all over her pale face. "I-I'm trying! But there's too many!"

I crouched low behind a tree, heart hammering. Every sensible part of me screamed to stay hidden—let the wolves do their thing and let me keep living. I wasn't exactly thrilled about getting shredded to bits by wolf teeth.

But watching Luna—determined, scared, and still fighting—and Adel standing firm despite the odds stirred something deep in me. I vaguely remembered something Fiona had said, though she probably meant it as an insult: "Being a hero isn't about grand gestures—it's just about showing up."

At the time, I'd rolled my eyes, convinced she was trying to sound smarter than she was. But now? Yeah, it made annoying sense.

I let out a slow breath, wiping my palms on my pants.

"Alright, Lucius," I muttered, half-smiling despite myself. "Time to show up."

The Rescue

Summoning my magic, I fired an Elemental Shot—a pulse of pure shadow that struck the nearest wolf dead-center. The beast let out a sharp yelp as it tumbled across the ground, kicking up dirt. The rest of the pack locked onto me, their glowing eyes narrowing with renewed hunger.

"Lucius?!" Adel's voice rang with surprise as she spotted me charging toward them.

"Yeah, yeah. I know—I just can't stay away from trouble," I called, flicking my wrist to summon my sword from storage. The sleek weapon materialized in my hand with a metallic hum, and I poured every ounce of my mana into it. Dark energy pulsed along the blade's edge, wrapping it in shadow. The glow flickered ominously, like black fire licking at the air—this was my Mana Sword technique, Voidpulse.

"Let's see how you mutts like this."

I darted forward, the Voidpulse Blade carving an arc through the nearest wolf. Dark mana exploded on contact, sending the beast flying with a pained snarl. Another wolf lunged from my right, but I twisted on my heel, bringing the sword around in a perfect backhand slash. Shadows trailed behind the blade, striking the creature mid-pounce and hurling it into the bushes.

Luna shot me a look, disbelief written all over her face. "You actually came to help?"

"Of course! What's the point of being mysterious and cool if no one's around to witness it?" I grinned, spinning away from a snapping jaw just in time. My sword hummed as I parried another wolf's claws with a sharp metallic clang. "Now, don't just stand there—time to hit back!"

Adel nodded, determination flickering in her eyes. With a stomp of her foot, the ground trembled, and a massive earthen wall erupted beneath a charging wolf, sending it tumbling head over tail into the underbrush.

"Nice one!" I called, striking another wolf with a diagonal slash. My dark mana surged through the blade, stunning it long enough for me to finish it with a clean follow-up strike. "You've got potential, Adel—though I think I'm more of a leading man than a sidekick."

"Keep dreaming," she shot back, summoning more stone spikes to scatter the pack.

The wolves, now realizing they'd bitten off more than they could chew, let out low growls before retreating into the dense forest, tails between their legs.

I exhaled, lowering my sword as the dark mana flickered out. "Well, that wasn't so bad," I muttered, shaking my hand to clear the lingering tingle of depleted mana.


As the last wolf disappeared into the forest, I let out a breath, my mana sword dissolving into dark mist around my hand. My chest burned from the exertion, but a small grin tugged at the corners of my lips. Not bad for an improvised rescue.

Luna stepped forward, her expression caught somewhere between relief and curiosity. "You and that dark magic. Always so dramatic."

I sheathed my sword with a flick of my wrist, dismissing it back into storage. "Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it. Besides, dramatic entrances are part of the charm package."

Adel shot me an appreciative nod. "Whatever works. You saved us—so thanks."

Luna raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Not that I'm ungrateful, but you've really leaned into the whole 'brooding hero with dark powers' thing, huh?"

I gave her a mock-offended look. "I prefer the term 'enigmatic.' Brooding makes me sound moody. And, let's be real, I'm too fun for that."

She rolled her eyes, though I could see the edges of a smile tugging at her lips. "Fun? That's…debatable."

"Harsh, but fair," I conceded, raising my hands in mock surrender. "Still, it's not like my element is a secret. Everyone at the academy knows by now—you just got the bonus experience of seeing it in action."

Adel smirked. "Lucky us."

"Exactly," I said, flashing a grin. "You didn't plan to get rescued by the guy who works alone, but hey, I aim to exceed expectations."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Rescued and lectured. What a bargain."

"You're welcome," I said with a wink. "I don't do half-measures."

Adel chuckled under her breath. "And yet, somehow, you keep surprising us."

"Call it talent," I said, flashing a grin. "Besides, dark magic has flair. Do you know how much cooler things look when they're wrapped in shadows? Instant atmosphere."

Luna gave me a skeptical look but couldn't resist smirking. "I guess there's no such thing as subtle with you."

"Subtlety is for people without style," I shot back with a wink. "And last I checked, style saves lives."

Adel smirked and shook her head. "I'll admit, you do have a weird way of getting things done."

"That's what I'm here for." I clapped my hands together. "Now, are we all good, or do I need to summon more wolves just to make sure you're sufficiently impressed?"

Luna groaned, but her smile was still there. "You're insufferable."

"And yet, here I am. Heroic and insufferable," I quipped. "It's a package deal."

Adel gave a playful shove to my shoulder. "Alright, Lucius, let's get out of here before your charm summons something worse."

As we caught our breath, something glinted in the aftermath of the battle—a peculiar herb I had never seen before, nestled among the fallen leaves. It looked like a green jewel lost in the chaos.

"What's this?" I wondered aloud, leaning closer to examine it. The moment I did, I felt a tickle of unease run down my spine.

Adel stepped nearer, her curiosity piqued. "That could be a rare specimen. I've read about it—said to enhance mana absorption. But it's notoriously tricky to cultivate in this area. There might be greater threats lurking in these woods."

Luna scanned the treetops, her earlier exhaustion melting away as determination surged through her. "We should gather more and head back to camp. Who knows what else might be lurking out there, waiting for its chance."

"Agreed," I said, the earlier tension morphing into a shared resolve. "Alright, team. Let's collect these herbs and keep our eyes peeled. I have a feeling the forest isn't done with us yet."

As we began our search, a strange sensation pricked at the back of my mind. It felt as if the shadows themselves were watching us, whispering secrets of dangers yet to come. The thrill of adventure mixed with an unsettling sense of foreboding, and I couldn't help but smirk, despite the uncertainty.

"Just another day in Arcadia, right?" I quipped, though my heart raced at the thought of what lay ahead.