Solo Survival (3)

As we gathered the peculiar herbs, a glimmer caught my eye—a task scroll buried beneath the leaves. Curious, I snatched it up, sneaking a peek at the contents. One glance at the ominous description was enough.

"High difficulty. Extreme caution required."

Yeah, no thanks. I rolled it up faster than a shopkeeper closing early on a holiday and tucked it into my magic storage. Best not to think about it too hard—at least not while we were still knee-deep in dirt and monsters.

Luna brushed a bit of soil from her robes, glancing my way with a subtle look that said, I know you're planning something.

"You know," she said casually, "you could stick with us. We work well together."

Adel gave a small nod, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword like it was second nature. "It's safer in numbers."

I gave them both a lazy grin, though my mind was already ticking away. If I stayed with them, I'd be stuck playing it safe—and safe wouldn't get me on the leaderboard.

Plus, there was the little matter of the system's mission. It had come through with one very specific instruction: go solo. Why? No idea. But rules are rules, and I wasn't about to let them know I had some weird magical to-do list dictating my every move.

So instead, I gave them my most charming, nonchalant smile. "As much as I'd love to play team leader, I've got my own thing to take care of."

Luna arched an eyebrow, clearly suspicious. "What, scared you'll miss out on all the fun if you stick with us?"

"Something like that," I said with a wink. "You two have fun playing adventurers. I'll see you at the top."

As we wrapped up gathering the peculiar herbs, I adjusted the strap of my bag, casting a lazy grin at Luna and Adel. "I'll catch up with you two at the end of this camp event," I said, as if I were simply heading out for a leisurely stroll.

Luna rolled her eyes, tucking a loose strand of silver hair behind her ear. "Just try not to get eaten."

"Hey, I'll do my best," I shot back, giving them a cheeky two-finger salute. As I stepped back into the forest, the playful banter faded, replaced by the rustling leaves and the whispers of the woods.

Once I was swallowed by the trees, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. If I wanted to make a splash on the leaderboard, I needed something big—and fast.

The forest thickened around me, shadows stretching longer as the sun dipped lazily below the horizon, casting everything in hues of gold and orange. I had to find a spot to make camp before darkness descended like a heavy blanket. After a bit of searching, I stumbled upon a small clearing that seemed to be waiting just for me.

Survival was part of the test, and setting up camp was unavoidable. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. First came the tent, which I pitched with the precision of a well-practiced mage—let's just say my previous attempts had been a bit... less than impressive. Once it was up, I stacked firewood like a mini fortress against the chill creeping in from the surrounding trees.

With everything in place, I struck a flame with a quick spell. A burst of light illuminated my little haven, and the fire crackled to life, sending warmth through the cool night air. I settled back against my pack, the glow of the campfire flickering against the looming silhouettes of trees, which now looked like ancient guardians keeping watch over my humble campsite.

For a moment, it felt peaceful—a brief reprieve from the chaos of the day. But I knew better; peace was always temporary in the woods. The forest never slept, and neither could I if I wanted to survive the night. I could already hear the whispers of the trees and the occasional rustle of leaves, as if they were plotting something just beyond my vision.

"Just my luck," I murmured, casting a wary glance into the darkening shadows. "Campfire tales in the making. Perfect."

I leaned closer to the fire, feeling its warmth seep into my bones, and mentally prepared myself. If I was going to make it through the night, I needed to stay alert—and maybe even have a little fun while I was at it.

A soft chime echoed through the forest, snapping me from my thoughts like a twig underfoot. I glanced up as one of the glowing leaderboard panels shimmered into view, suspended high above the trees like a floating trophy. These enchanted displays were scattered all over the forest, ensuring everyone could track their points no matter where they camped, making it almost impossible to hide from the ever-watchful eyes of competition.

The soft light illuminated the leaderboard, revealing the latest standings:

[Leaderboard Update]

Team Dorian: 370 points

Team Zephyr: 280 points

Team Aldric: 220 points

Draven & Knox: 210 points

Team Luna: 150 points


Lucius: 30 points

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I stared at my own name, blinking back at me like a taunting specter. Thirty points. Even after a decent start, I was barely a blip on the scoreboard, a mere shadow compared to the teams racking up points like candy. If I didn't do something drastic soon, I'd have no chance of hitting the top three, and that was my ultimate goal.

I stared into the flames, their dance reflecting the turmoil in my mind. The herbs had been a distraction—useful, sure, but hardly enough to leave a mark in this cutthroat competition. My heart raced as I imagined what lay deeper in the woods, a challenge worth the risk.

"Think, Lucius, think!" I muttered under my breath. A challenge. A real challenge. The kind that could turn my thirty points into three hundred in the blink of an eye.

Then it hit me. I recalled the task scroll I'd caught a glimpse of while gathering those pesky herbs. It mentioned something about a Forest Guardian—a massive golem that towered over the forest like a living monument.

I pulled the task scroll from my bag, unfurling it once more to remind myself what I was up against.

[Task Scroll: Defeat the Forest Guardian]

Optional: Complete without taking damage for bonus points.

Reward: 500 Points (+100 Bonus if Unharmed)

Warning: High difficulty. The Forest Guardian is an ancient protector with unpredictable magic. Approach with caution.

The flames danced in the night as I stared at the words, reflecting my growing determination. Five hundred points. That would catapult me straight into the top three—or maybe even first place. The thrill of glory sent my heart racing, but reality crashed in like a cold wave.

"Ahh... this is that Forest Guardian I met this morning?" I groaned internally. The memory of its colossal form, made of ancient bark and stone, filled me with both awe and dread. How was I supposed to beat that? I was just a 2-star magic core magician, barely capable of conjuring a flicker of flame, let alone taking down a legendary beast with a penchant for turning adventurers into splinters and dust.

I glanced up at the leaderboard one more time. The glowing numbers felt like a personal challenge, taunting me.

[Leaderboard Update]

Team Dorian: 370 points

Team Zephyr: 280 points

Team Aldric: 220 points

Draven & Knox: 210 points

Team Luna: 150 points


Lucius: 30 points

This was it—my only shot. If I didn't act now, I'd be stuck in the middle of the pack, just another nameless student lost in the competition. But it was more than that; if I wanted to gain the rewards the system dangled before me, I had to secure a spot in the top three. Rewards that could enhance my skills or even grant me powerful items. The thought sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

But I couldn't back down now. This wasn't just about bragging rights; it was a mission from the system, and rewards were at stake. Who wouldn't want an opportunity to snag some sweet loot and level up? Besides, if I could just snag a top-three spot, maybe I'd finally earn a little respect—or at least enough points to justify not being a complete slacker.

Just then, a light bulb flickered to life in my mind. "Strategy? Wait, I think I can use my Librarian's Tome!" I fished the ornate book out of my bag, its pages fluttering open as if eager to share its secrets. The familiar glyphs glowed faintly as I summoned the information.

[Monster Window]

Name: Forest Golem

Age: Ancient

Element: Earth

Combat Style: Brutal Brawler

Strengths: Immense physical strength and camouflage in the forest.

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to fire and slow-moving.

I scanned the information, my heart racing. So it was a hulking mass of bark and stone, capable of twisting the forest around it to its advantage. But there it was—vulnerable to fire. Maybe my flickering flames could be a saving grace after all.

The challenge was daunting, but now I had some knowledge to back up my bravado. I could exploit its weaknesses and, with a bit of luck and a dash of strategy, I just might stand a chance.

With the leaderboard glowing in my mind like a challenge accepted, I took a deep breath, letting the campfire's warmth seep into my bones. If I was going to do this, I needed a strategy—something clever to outsmart a creature that had been outsmarting adventurers for centuries.

And if all else failed, I could always run really fast.

I kicked dirt over the campfire, snuffing it out with a swirl of smoke. The night was my ally now, and hesitation would only cost me points. With my tent left behind to travel light, I gripped the hilt of my sword. No risk, no reward.

"Alright, Golem," I muttered into the darkness, "let's see if you're as tough as the legends say—or if you're just another overhyped pile of rocks."

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the trees closed in around me, their branches twisting like gnarled fingers, whispering secrets of the challenges ahead. Each step crunched against fallen leaves, sending echoes through the shadows, while my heart raced in tandem with the rhythm of the night. I was hunting for a legendary creature—one that could make or break my standing on the leaderboard. The thrill of the chase coursed through my veins; every rustle in the underbrush was a potential encounter, every flicker of movement in the periphery could be the Guardian.

The air thickened with magic, curling around me like a shroud. A chill crept up my spine, prickling my skin as if the forest itself was alive and aware. "I can feel your judgment, trees," I whispered, "but I promise I'm not a lost tourist looking for a selfie with the Golem."

As I pressed on, the mist began to coil around the ground, thick and cold, as if the forest was wrapping me in its warning. But I wasn't about to let a little fog deter me. My determination steeled; I was here to prove something—if not to the world, then at least to myself.

And then, finally, I saw it—a massive golem, its body a formidable fortress of ancient bark and stone, veins of glowing green pulsating like the lifeblood of the forest. It loomed in the moonlight, a living monument, its eyes smoldering with an intelligence that was both ancient and unsettling. "Oh great," I muttered under my breath. "This is just what I needed—an oversized lawn ornament with a chip on its shoulder."

A low growl rumbled from its throat, reverberating in the stillness, as it turned to face me. My breath hitched; this was no ordinary beast. I felt a mix of excitement and dread, each heartbeat echoing in my ears like a war drum. I drew my sword, feeling the weight of my decision. The Forest Golem had found me—and the real fight was about to begin.