*the director's journey* follows Arjun, a young boy from the slums of Mumbai, who dreams of becoming a film director after losing his father. Despite the hardships he faces, including financial struggles and the responsibility of caring for his mother, Arjun pours his heart into a screenplay that reflects his life and the resilience of his community.
After securing a chance to direct his film, he confronts numerous challenges: tight budgets, a skeptical crew, and logistical nightmares. As he battles doubt and pressure to compromise his vision, Arjun's determination never wavers. Through perseverance and passion, he ultimately brings his story to life, celebrating the power of storytelling and the strength of the human spirit.
Reveal Spoiler
i will be honest, its not my cup of tea but I did find it enjoyable. the stories gets better as the chapters are release which is good.
the book good atleast for now I don't know about future