03. Unwanted

Minato could hardly believe his ears. Not only was he summoned to another world, it turned out that he was unwanted there as well. Just how pathetic could he be?

"What is an Unwanted?" The cool guy asked, staring at Minato.

"Well it has been said that once in a while, an extra is summoned along with the seven heroes. This extra is completely irrelevant and never makes any meaningful contribution to the progress of the mission." The bald man explained.

"On some occasion, the Unwanted ends up joining forces with the darkness, antagonizing the heroes." The other man added. "Young man, why are you here?"

'Why am I here? Why was he asking like I had any choice? It's not like I intentionally came to their world. I'm still having a hard time taking in all they had just said, and now I'm an Unwanted?'

"Just a second ago you said it has never happened before. So how come you're able to give such a detailed explanation?" The cool guy asked again, getting their attention off Minato.

"Well, such has never occurred in Engrassia before. But it has in other kingdoms. Now, I ask you again. What is your purpose here?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? It's not like I came here by choice!" Minato was upset, not because he was summoned to another world, but because he was unwanted. It felt like his life was just as useless in any world he was in.

"Can't we just send him back?" The cool guy asked. It didn't sound like he hated Minato or was worried about the bald man said. It might have just been in his head but it almost felt like he was worried about him.

"I'm afraid not. None of the summoned heroes can be sent back until Villa is defeated."

"So what do we do with him?"

"That is unclear. If he vows not to be a nuisance to the real heroes, he can stay and receive training as well. Who knows, maybe this one just might be a bit useful."

Minato gritted his teeth, they didn't even care that he was standing right there. They kept talking about him like he was an object, trying to decide on whether to toss him aside or keep him. It made his blood boil.

He was a nobody back in his world, was he going to live the same life here again?

"Can we forget about the loser for one second?" Another voice spoke up from the Summoned. "Mr grumpy over there asked about our payments, that's what I want to hear about."

Minato didn't see the person talking, neither did he bother to look, but the voice sonded familiar to him, too familiar even. It was the voice he heard almost every day of his life. The voice of the person who made him miserable. He just hoped that he was wrong.

"Of course. Like I said earlier, the dark overlord has many followers and they are running wild in each kingdoms. With every demon, monster and dark human you vanquish, payment will be given as rewards. The rewards vary depending on the strength and rank of your opponents.

But before that, you have to undergo a brief training. As heroes, you'll have to teach yourselves to grow while fighting your opponents on the battlefield, what we want to teach you is just the basics you need to survive.

The training will commence at first light tomorrow, and will go on for the next three days. By then, we should be able to sort you into your prospective ranks. You will receive payment to purchase any weapon or armour you might need, and each hero gets six party members.

You and your party will work together to defeat the servants of darkness that have scattered across the valley. But, the feat of defeating the overlord is a fight meant for the heroes alone. Meaning your party members cannot help you out.

Does anyone have any more question?"

Any questions? Minato had a million. What was going to happen to him? He couldn't leave but he wasn't wanted either, what would be his fate? He didn't think they would want to give him any form of support, how was he supposed to survive? His mind was spiralling in different directions and he couldn't get it to stop.

None of the others asked anything, and the bald man concluded his speech.

"We have prepared rooms for your usage while you're in our kingdom. Note, the heroes are welcomed in all seven kingdoms, and your comfort and health are our number one priority."

A young woman was called in and she led the Summoned out of the room. Minato was allowed to go with them but he was given a separate room. In Bato Dono's words, his presence alone could curse the goal of the heroes, so he wasn't to spend too much time with them. His room was small, too small, and it had a small and uncomfortable looking bed by the wall.

He sighed as he sat on the bed, staring out the single small window on the wall. The view of the city was impressive, but Minato was not in the mood to appreciate the scenary. His current situation was painfully similar to his normal life back at home, and he hated it.

He was tired of the fact that nothing ever went his way. For once, he wanted to feel like he mattered as well. Like he wasn't just an NPC in a game or an unimportant side character that probably dies in the first few chapters of a manga.

He wanted to feel like the male lead for once, or at least a very important character that would steal the spotlight from the protagonist.

He wanted to do something meaningful for once in his life, something that mattered.

If he couldn't make it in the real world, then he might as well try to make it in a fantasy world.