04. The Weakest

Minato woke up very early the next morning– well it was more like he couldn't sleep– he kept thinking about how things had gone the day before.

He walked out of his room and looked around, hoping to find someone that could lead him to the training area. He hadn't walked far when he met the cool guy.

"Good morning." Minato expected him to just ignore him but instead he stopped and waited till he was standing next to him.

"Morning. Do you understand what the man from yesterday said or would you like me to explain it better?" He asked with his usual cool tone.

"I think I got it. You guys are great heroes that'll save this world while I'm just an undesirable summoned by accident."

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." Minato looked up at him and he smiled, though it was barely visible. "I'm kidding. The sooner we defeat this Villa dude, the sooner we can go home. Stick with me, I'm sure we can help each other out. By the way, I'm Miyano. Ichimura Miyano."

"Fujimura Minato. Nice to meet you."

"Same. Our names sound so similar." He said a he resumed his steps.

"You're right, they do. Does that mean we can be friends?"

Miyano turned to him, and for the first time Minato noticed his eyes were different color. Both were blue, but the shades were different. He nad never come across someone with such unique looking eyes before and as he stared, it felt like he couldn't look away. Like there was some kind of presence pulling him to keep looking.

"Minato Chan, I think we're here. You can stop admiring my face now."

Minato's cheeks flushed a crimson red color when Miyano said that.

'Wait, Minato…Chan?'

"What did you call me?" He asked slowly, trying to avoid making eye contact with Miyano.

"You don't like it?"

For some reason, Minato didn't have an issue with it. He definitely couldn't let someone else address him like that, but somehow hearing it from Miyano was okay with him.

"It's okay."


A few minutes after they arrived at the training area, the rest of the Summoned came out, with the same lady from the previous day leading them out.

When they were all present, the man who identified Minato as an Unwanted, Bato, appeared out of nowhere again.

"Good morning, primordial heroes. I have been waiting for you. Being on time is always a good sign of a committed fellow, and so, this young man here–" he pointed at Miyano. "--receives a higher bonus for being the first person here."

'What about me? If Miyano San got extra for showing up early, then what about me who's standing right next to him?'

"Now, before we begin your training, I will appraise each and every one of you. It is necessary for us to know your current level, and how much you can…"

Minato drowned out Bato Dono's voice, thinking about how he was going to survive. Even though they had decided to keep him, he had a feeling that they would all treat him like he didn't exist.

"Hey, don't let his attitude get to you." Miyano leaned closer to him, his breath fanning Minato's cheek as he spoke. "Remember what I said, just stick with me."

Minato looked up at the tall guy next to him, a new kind of emotion washing over him. He had never had anyone to be nice to him– well, anyone his age– and it felt nice.

"Since you were the first to get here, you shall get appraised first." Bato Dono finished, walking towards Miyano.

He held out a small crystal ball and asked him to touch it. Without the slightest form of hesitation, Miyano placed his hand on the ball. After a few seconds, his information was displayed on thin air, almost like there was an invisible screen there.

Name…. Ichimura Miyano.

Ability…. Fury.

Skill…. None.

Strength…. 119.

Intellect…. 145.

Rank…. C.

Soul power…. 250.

Magicule Restraints…. 190.

Feat…. Zero.

Bloodline…. Primordial 07, god of war.

"Unbelievable!, how can you be a C rank without any form of training? You truly are amazing, Miyano Sama." Bato Dono said with a small bow.

The next person to be appraised was none other than Minato's bully. So he was right about the person the voice belonged to. Even in another world, he wasn't safe from his evil clutches. How on earth was someone like him a hero?

Name…. Yamaguchi Kaito.

Ability…. Aura.

Skill…. None.

Strength…. 117.

Intellect…. 110.

Rank…. D.

Soul Power…. 170.

Magicule Restraints…. 150.

Feat…. Zero.

Bloodline…. Primordial 01, god of fire.

"Most impressive, Kaito Sama."

Kaito's response was a dissatisfied grunt as he walked away. Knowing him, he was probably jealous because Miyano San surpassed him because Kaito hated being beneath anyone.

Minato didn't know if Kaito didn't see him or if he just pretended not to, but he was glad.

The others were appraised one after the other and finally it was his turn. The reluctance on Bato Dono's face were displayed brightly for him to see.

As soon as he touched the ball, his information was displayed.

Name…. Fujimura Minato.

Ability…. None.

Skill…. None.

Strength…. 50.

Intellect…. 120.

Rank…. F.

Soul Power…. 80.

Magicule Restraints…. 50.

Feat…. Zero.

Bloodline…. Unknown.

"As expected, the Unwanted is the weakest. Hmph, I think you'd be better off just sitting and watching." He gave Minato one last look of disdain before walking away.

Minato stood there, still seeing the image of his information even though it was no longer there. Why? Why did he have to be the weakest?

Why was life always giving him the short straw?

How was he supposed to prove to them that he was important when he had such a weak ass information?

"Even in another world, you're nothing but trash Fujimura." Kaito said, finally acknowledging his presence. "I have no idea how you got here, but you're better off scrubbing dishes and cleaning like you did at my mansion."

Some of the others laughed at him while some eyes him like he was something undesirable, the only person whose expression he couldn't read was Miyano's.

He stood rigidly, his hands back in his pockets as his eyes brushed over his profile.

Minato didn't know what he was thinking, but under the watchful gaze of his new friend, he made himself a promise. He was going to get stronger.

He didn't know how he would do it, but he would. That way he would make Miyano proud of him.