Chapter 2: The Stranger

Finn wandered through the forest, calling out, hoping for any sign of life. Hours passed, and the oppressive silence grew unbearable. Then, he saw someone— a figure cloaked in dark robes, walking ahead of him through the trees.

"Hey! Wait!" Finn shouted, desperate for help.

The figure stopped and slowly turned. Beneath the hood, glowing amber eyes peered out, studying him. "You're not from here," the stranger said, their voice low and smooth.

"No, I'm lost. I don't know where I am," Finn admitted, a chill running down his spine.

The figure tilted their head. "You've crossed into the Veil. You're far from your world now."

"The Veil?" Finn repeated, not understanding.

"It's the boundary between worlds, boy," the stranger replied. "And once you're here, it's almost impossible to return."