Chapter 3: A World of Magic

The stranger, who introduced himself as Kalen, led Finn out of the forest. As they walked, Kalen explained the world he had found himself in. It was called Elysana, a land where magic was real, but unpredictable. Wild forces of nature governed this world, and ancient beings, long forgotten in Finn's realm, still roamed the lands.

They reached a clearing, and Finn saw a vast, sprawling city made of stone and vines, shimmering under the light of twin moons. Towering spires reached for the sky, and the air was thick with the scent of something strange—an otherworldly fragrance he couldn't place.

But magic, Kalen warned, came at a price. Those who wielded it here often lost themselves, their minds consumed by the raw power they controlled.

"I have to find a way back home," Finn said, his heart racing. "There must be a way."

"There might be," Kalen admitted. "But first, you need to survive. Elysana is not kind to outsiders."