Green's nightmare

"Green is back!"

Gasping for breath, the guard's voice repeated with urgency.

"Green is back!"

"Green is back!"

Panting heavily, he hastily ran through the bustling streets of the Tier 1 City, where guards racing about was a common sight. Yet, the focused expression and glazed eyes of this particular guard drew the attention of townsfolk as he trotted through the streets. Tired out though he was, he did not stop until he almost collapsed against the wall of the king's palace.

"What's the rush?" a couple of guards approached him, concerned expression on their faces, but he offered no reply.

"Green is back!" he continuously mumbled.

"Green is back!"

"Green is back!"

Shaking off his fatigue, he rose unsteadily, determination was clear on his face as he banged open the massive gates of the palace and made a run through the stairs.

"Your majesty needs to hear this, Green is back."

The two guards didn't even bother to go after him ever since they heard what it was mumbled.

"Is it truly him? Did he survive the battle?" Greg breathed, his voice shaking on the verge of joyful tears. His partner, Andy, flashed a broad grin. "I'm not surprised at all. I've never doubted Green, even if I've yet to witness his magic firsthand."

"The king possesses keen insight—there's a reason he declared Green the strongest."

On the other hand...


As much as Clark wanted to, he couldn't stop running and banging into every door he came across until eventually, he reached the door of the throne room.

"Your majesty!" He nearly collapsed as he fell down in prostration. "I have an urgent report!"

The throne room was unusually dark at the moment. There were many doors and windows, and it is afternoon now, but for some strange reason, the sunlight couldn't penetrate through into the room.

It wasn't pitch dark, though it was dark enough to make only the outline of what resided in the room show, and not the appearance.

"Your majesty, the mages are back!" Clark's voice boomed, echoing in the room.

Clark knew the king White was in the room. King White's head was lazily hanging around, staring down from his throne where he was sitting, his eyes were closed, but he wasn't sleeping.

Still, there was no response...

"Your majesty, the mages you sent on the elite mission are back." He screamed again.

Still, there was no response, so Clark got back to his feet, finally catching his breath.

"Your majesty... Green is back!"


A wave of energy emanated from the king the moment his eyes shot open. It didn't contain the slightest bit of flame, but still, every single one of the candles on the wall of the throne room ignited into blue flame, lighting up the room.

"Did you just say... what I think you said?" King White's voice resonated deeply, each syllable heavy with authority and aura that pressed Clark down. "Is Green back?"

He spoke the last statement with a booming voice that sent ripples through the entire human settlement.

As the ripple travelled, each guard it went past froze on their spot. The guards in the palace, outside the palace, patrolling around the settlement, guarding the wall demarcating the Human and Beast territory, every single one of them froze up in their tracks.

One statement that was running through their minds was, "the king is active, prostrate before the mighty."

Every single one of them fell to the ground, they didn't even mind slamming their head to the ground and stretching out their hands to give the lowest prostration.

Every single guard did this out of instinct.

Slowly getting up from the ground, Clark activated his spell.

*Eye in the sky*

A giant swirling mirror made of magic appeared. It wasn't a mirror to show reflection, but it was a mirror to reflect any ground under the clouds.

From it, a few figures could be seen walking in a deserted area and the one in the middle stood out with his light green hair tied in a ponytail.


White mumbled as his heart melted. "You truly made it," his aura slowly suppressed.

"Go, go, bring him forward now, bring him to my castle, we must acknowledge his success."

"Bring him to me at once!" King White commanded from where he sat on his throne.

Every single guard at the palace heard this like it was being said directly into their head.

"Yes, sire!" they chorused, a small respectful bow from where they stood before rushing out. "You made it Green, you truly succeeded."

"Seems like me naming you the number one without even assessing you was not a wrong choice."

"Maids, prepare a grand feast for the 50 of them."

King White said from where he was calmly, and with that, they all heard this inside their heads, all the maids in the palace.

White tapped his feet on the marble floor, feeling both nervous and excited, lost in thought as he awaited their appearance.


The door swung open, and the first person to enter the room, the one who opened the door, walked in. "What do you want, old hag? Tell me, what do you want?" he barked, exuding annoyance as he entire appearance came into view. Though he is muscular with a well-chiseled body, but that wasn't the case right now.

It would only take a glance for someone to see that he had just been in an intense full-out fight, given how bloodied his clothes were.

"Oh, if it isn't the number one of the strongest mages. I was expecting you anyway, so welcome," King White exclaimed.

"Shut up!"


Good day, readers, I'll try to make this brief. Green: The Unknown Legacy is my first official novel, and I'll be trying my best to unleash the greatest fantasy into my creation (the book and its characters).

I hope you enjoy the book and support me as we journey together into the realm of fantasy with your reviews, power stone, and gifts. Those, I will truly appreciate. Thank you.