Green's nightmare 2

"Shut up!"

"You not only sent us on an impossible mission, but you also barred us from receiving medical attention," Green yelled at King White, in annoyance, his angry voice bouncing within the room. "Instead, even before we entered the city, you already sent your guards to summon us."

"Just how unreasonable have you become, White?"


All of the mages in the dimly lit chamber inhaled sharply, unable to register the confrontation right before their eyes.

Green speaking to the king like this is not an unusual occurrence. In fact, Green has never treated the king with respect right from day one, and they have all witnessed Green's attitude towards the king, yet they just couldn't get used to it.

"No... No, they can't be dead. How is it possible? You are the strongest! Why did you fail to protect them? Why did you let them die? Who is meant to protect the city now? How many people..."

"Are you blaming me, old hag?" Green continued. "Are you blaming me for your own stupidity?"

He clenched his bloodied fist, causing his bulging muscles to tense even more. "How dar... Cough!, cough!." Blood spewed from his mouth as he coughed in pain and clutched his chest, filled with broken ribs.

The trio behind him couldn't help but fear for his life, and finally, one of them spoke out.

"Your Majesty, we would greatly appreciate your kindness if you allowed us to receive treatment before questioning," the one who spoke shared the same name as the king: White.

"Okay, you may leave. You're dismissed... And I'm sorry for blaming you... broccoli head."

A porter appeared by the side and multiple mage dressed in white appeared out from it with some first aid and other equipment to transport Green to where he needs to be in order to complete his treatment.

So that was how it went. King White grabbed his hair in distress. I can already guess they didn't follow Green's lead, they must have been jealous of how much privilege I gave Green.

It is all my fault, IT IS ALL MY FAULT!

I must have subjected Green to an incredible amount of stress, more than any one individual should bear.

To think that his wound isn't healing naturally like it used to... I cannot seem to picture how that battle truly turned out. It is my fault.

A porter materialized before King White, revealing a lady clad in a medical gown, clearly a member of the treatment team.

"Your Majesty," she greeted.

King White nodded in acknowledgement, allowing her to go on with the report.

"Green has sustained grievous injuries. His recovery will take a minimum of three days."

"Do I have the permission to alert his family and the city folks?" she asked.

"No need, they already are all aware he is around and are aware of his condition."

White gaze turned toward the window. "Look for yourself."

With a gulp, she slowly walked towards it, the moment she looked through it. As she peered through, her facial expression was instantly drained of color.

Everyone is here, right outside the palace!

Continuous chant could be heard from them.

"Where is Green! Where is Green! Where is Green!"

She hurried back to the king, her voice trembling. "Your Majesty, there... There... The—"

Soon multiple guards rushed into the room then bowed down before the king. "Your majesty, what should we do?"

White remained expressionless, deep in contemplation for several beats before a smile played across his lips.

"So Green is loved by them, he must have bonded with the weak and ordinary humans pretty well. At least, I am happy for this."

"Inform them! Tell them Green is receiving treatment and that he requires no disturbances. He will be ready for discharge in three days."

"I knew it." Dark smirked, with evil written all over his face. "I knew his downfall will come. I knew it will be my turn one day.

Green, I promise you, I will be the one who kills you. I will make you experience true pain. Just you wait, Green."

He declared as he stared outside from his tower, looking at the crowd gathered outside the king's palace.

"***3 days later***

"Hmmm, I see, so that's what happened. I just can't believe it. I know I tagged the mission as impossible, but... but I never foresaw that forty-five of the top fifty mages would be annihilated. I am really surprised. King White started, currently in conversation with the four mages, including Green.

Now I know why you blamed me, broccoli head. To be honest, I was burdened with guilt too, but upon reflection, I realize I cannot shoulder the entire blame.

It's their fault for not being as strong as you."

"My dear subjects, please, I have one favor to ask of you.

As a king, asking for a favor instead of giving orders isn't something you see every day, so please take this to heart. The fact that the four of you came back only means one thing:

The four of you are currently the strongest mages in existence and of this generation, so please, mages, protect the weak. Give them a reason to become stronger, inspire them, create guilds, because with the top mages wiped out, human life is at risk.

Should another entity of comparable might to that which you vanquished emerge, we are doomed.

So I really want you all to create clans, create guilds, and help the weak become strong. I beg of you all.

Especially you, Green. Please.

"You are dismissed!"

Walking around the streets in the southern part of the city was the muscular broccoli head.

He stopped at a restaurant, bought a particular flat square-circular-triangular meal. A pizza box, to be precise. "I bet they'll miss me. Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see me. There's no place like home, no bond like a family, and no... *Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff*

"Why do I detect the scent of blood? Am I merely hallucinating as a result of the aftermath of battle?" Green pondered.

"It should go away soon," he thought, but that wasn't the case. The closer he got to his destination, the stronger the smell became.

"It can't be emanating from home, can it?"

"Why do I have a feeling that it is? I need to hurry."

Despite the injuries that had yet to heal, he was forced to run home. The nagging feeling wasn't giving him ease.

The moment his eyes met with the first door, it widened in horror, the first door was opened.

As he approached his doorstep, terror seized him; it lay wide open, shattered into numerous fragments.

"How the hell did someone manage to break into this house?" His eyes widened.

"This is the barrier zone of the kingdom, where only mages live, and my house, of all, is under the protection spell to restrict any unwanted guests, so how."

Bloodstains marred the ground, tracing a path into the living room.

Upon entering, his gaze landed on an ominous pool of blood marking the lobby entrance. A small, lifeless figure lay sprawled across the floor.

"Son... Son... Zain." His aura, his emotions he'd been trying to suppress, exploded.

His body was ignited with green aura, burning like a flame that distorted the air.

"No, no, no, Zain, what happened to you?" he screamed, tears welling up in his eyes.

Turning the green-haired kid around, a slash could be seen on his neck, along with a broken sword still lodged in his forehead.

Tears streamed down Green's face as he saw this. "So while I was away from home, someone brutally murdered my family. I knew I had enemies, but I didn't expect them to go this far," he said in a sober tone.

"To dare kill my six-month-old baby!"

Slowly pulling the sword out of his child's head, he then sat up the motionless body and placed his hands on the corpse's chest.


He activated his magic.

This is not something he should be doing at this condition, but he had no choice. He had to try something.

Thump! Thump!

He could feel the pulse on his baby's chest, which calmed him down.

There is only one suspect I have... I.....

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clattering blade could be heard a distance away.

Touching the blood on the floor, it was still fresh and red, and he heard the sound of metal clashing.

"It's not just metals, it's swords... they're still fighting."

He stood up, wiping away his tears. "I won't let them escape. They'll pay with their lives." Green's eyes gleamed as he tightened his fist. His aura subconsciously expanded.

The red-veem crystal used for the construction of his home slowly deteriorated; at this moment, he couldn't care less about the building.

"I'll show them why I'm number one.

Even after I kill them, they'll never rest in peace."



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