The Trio

"Zain, hurry up or you'll be late for school," Mother's voice could be heard from the kitchen.


Zain exclaimed from the dining room as he quickly stuffed all the remaining food into his mouth, "I'm not a kid mom, you don't have to take me to school, I'm sixteen for damn sake."

"Not yet, you'll be sixteen in four months' time, that's long enough" she replied with a grin, "and besides, you're still my baby, only just bigger than an actual baby ..... Like a big baby."

Grabbing his backpack, Zain rushed out too fast for his mother to even bother chasing after him, or so he thought.

'Not today, mom. I've got some new things to do you shouldn't be aware of.'

The school wasn't far from home by any means, and Zain, of course, already got there in a matter of minutes.

The duo he was expecting could be seen in front of the school gate. "It seems like you're early today, boss," Gem sarcastically said before giving a small, fake bow. Rising his head from the bow, his eyes gleamed with furiousity.

"So that's what you expect me to do, Zain, after you came thirty minutes later than our initial time."

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, DAMMIT," Dem quickly grabbed his brother before he ripped Zain apart.

"Calm down, please. I'm sorry. You know I had to not make things stand out too much, and besides, I wouldn't do anything so stupid without having a backup plan of my own. Zain quickly explained, slowly backing off. If I hadn't, my mom would have found out using her witchcraft like always, you know how extremely observant she is."

Hearing this, Gem managed to calm down a bit for Dem to let go.

"Then you'll have to compensate me for letting me stay too long. You know, the longer I stay here, the further the time I'll have to turn my fantasy into reality." Gem's eyes glittered with excitement, stars in his eyes as he said the last statement.

Hearing this, Zain smiled. "Then you shouldn't dare complain again because if I had screwed things up now, then I'm sure we wouldn't have gotten another chance to do this."

Clap! Clap!

"Now, let's start with phase one of the task. 'Let's show some appearance."


Gem and Dem didn't just have similar names, they were brothers and twins, to be precise.

Gem was the craziest among the duo, he was extremely rough to the extent that he had no friends other than Zain and his brother because of that.

At one point in time when he was younger, he fought a kid and "made him all right." You heard that right– the kid lost his left hand in the fight and became all right.

Gem, although he could get mad frequently, related to Zain more due to one thing they had in common: their love for fantasy.

Dem, on the other hand, was the more like the one with the brain. One thing he loved for sure was science and experiments.

Although he was smart and calm, he still did crazy stuff like one time he tried to inject some combination of chemicals into his body, all in the name of it being a vaccine that makes one immune to every disease. He wanted to do that because he wanted to prove someone wrong who called him a loser.

In the end, Gem managed to calm him down and made him use it on two rats, a male and a female.

It was only then he realized that it was an advanced body smoother - one that levels everything in the skin and gets rid of any awkward non-leveled part in the skin.

As for the female rat, her breasts were cut off and her nose flattened, and as for the male, its nose also flattened but as for what else he lost... well... I can't say, you can guess for yourself... sorry.


Walking into the school was a certain trio that made all heads turn towards their direction.

The living disasters are here themselves. A student commented and of course in a low tone so he won't be caught.

"The phase one of our mission is for us to make an appearance in the school," Zain started. "If the three of us don't appear in school today, they'll know something is up and ask our parents because no coincidence can cause three close friends to avoid school the same day... They'll know something is definitely up."

Entering their class, Zain and Gem sat down with grins on their faces, carrying a certain strange air of aura.

Seeing a grin on Zain's face was indeed cute, even making some girls blush, but the moment their eyes met Gem's grin, shivers were sent down their spines, it was terrifying.

Every single person in their classroom has a story to tell with a crazy encounter with Gem they can't forget, which contributed to one of the reasons why he had no friends.

Entering the classroom was the English teacher, Mr. Pink.

"Good mo..."

"Sir, can I use the toilet?" Gem chimed in, nonchalantly.

Staring at him in disgust, Mr. Pink continued, ignoring him."Uh um, good morning cl..."

"Sir, may I use the bathroom?" Zain chimed in.

Turning towards Zain, the teacher was starting to get annoyed. "You, Gem, and Dem should please leave my class, NOW!" He screamed in anger, forcing a wide grin on their faces. He didn't need any more confirmation that all three of them were in this together.

Seeing how two of the three major problems in the school were trying to exit the class one after the other, Mr. Pink wasn't stupid enough to not know they were all doing this on purpose.

If he dared stop them, he knew for sure that he would only regret it because it would be like refusing to let the fly out of the bottle, they would end up annoying him.

Seeing how their prank was one of leaving the class, Mr. Pink was relieved, at least he wouldn't be among who or what they plan to ruin.

Dem had a grin as he thought, 'The old man just made things easier.'

"That's phase one completed," Gem spoke as they were finally outside the classroom.

"Yeah, you guys did great, but don't you think this is kind of stupid?"

Both Zain and Gem turned around with a puzzled look on their faces at Dem who just spoke.

"Come on, we all know that the story of the legendary green was just a fictional book. I've proven it to you guys multiple times with science that magic is just something made up by a creative 'someone'."

"I know you do have natural green hair like Mr. Green, but it doesn't make you some sort of big shot or the protagonist of reality. Anyone can have green hair; it's just a coincidence."

"Stop being so unreasonable and quixotic!"

Still looking at Dem, Zain and Gem were still puzzled.

"Come on, guys, you can't go looking for some city that exists in a storybook. Come on, guys, use your brain."

It was at that moment Zain snapped. "I think the only one not using his brain here is you!"

"After all the preparation we've made to go explore the outside world, you're telling us to back out now." Zain barked in annoyance.

Turning to his side, he could see Dem burning in rage, the anger in his eyes was insane.

"Just what has gotten into you, brother? If you have lost interest in our adventure, then back off and go stay with all of 'Dem' in the classroom," Gem continued.

"Besides, when you're with 'Dem,' I so much prefer it than when you're with 'us'."

"Go rot wherever you want, for all I care."

Making a fist, Gem threw a mouth-shattering punch at Dem before walking off.

Zain was supposed to be the one to hold Gem back, but he was just too annoyed to do so.

Staring at Dem for a while, Zain turned around and walked off, bearing slight regret in his mind for not stopping Dem from doing what he did, but this...
