Risky Descend

The pit wasn't dark at all; its walls were made up of a multitude of different colors, bright and beautiful. But...


"I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!" Dem panicked. "From my current calculations, there's a one hundred million percent chance that I'm going to die."

The rune on the mini desert sucked them into the ground. They wasn't buried into the ground but rather, they were sucked into the pit; a pit that exists under the mini desert.

Still falling from the air, Zain and Gem did have fear at the back of their minds, but Zain strangely wasn't showcasing it. He wasn't paralyzed or anything; he was just simply looking for a way out. "Those beast were way terrifying than this"

And lastly, Dem. "We've been falling for five minutes now. Just how deep is this pit?"

Finally looking to his side, Zain spotted something: the backpack.

-Three days earlier, Inside Dem's lab.-


"Relax Zain, I have a strong brother," Dem replied, pointing at Gem.

Hearing this, Gem quickly took his stance and flexed his muscles... childishly.

"I know Gem is a monster, but it doesn't mean you should stress him out. These things aren't important."

"An umbrella! A helmet! Hand gloves!"

"Come on, I thought you were smarter than this." Zain was confused.

"I am smart," Dem replied sharply. "You just don't know the purpose of this. I bet you it'll come in handy."


Staring at the backpack, Zain started chanting deep in thought:

Umbrella, helmet, hand gloves.

Umbrella, helmet, hand gloves.

Umbrella, helmet, hand gloves.

"That's right! We need this. We truly need this damn stuff!" Zain realized, eyes widen.

"The umbrella can help us reduce the impact of landing, the helmet will protect our heads in case anything goes wrong, and lastly, uhhhh... I don't know about the hand gloves, but we'll put it on anyway, Dem is a genius. I am quite surprised he thought of something like this beforehand."

Still fall through the pit, Zain stretched his hands, grabbing their bag that was teleported alongside with them and started searching for it. It didn't take long before Zain found the most important thing he needs in the bag currently.

"Umbrella!" Dem exclaimed, surprised.

Dem at first was confused, but suddenly, Zain's plan snapped into his mind. "Is this even going to work?"

"Grab your umbrellas and open them when I say so," Zain spoke. Gem finally stopped screaming and grabbed the umbrella like Zain asked. "I know that this is a great idea, Zain, but we have been slicing the air for too long. I am not sure this will work out."

"There's still a 99 percent chance that this won't work out because we have been falling for at least ten minutes but still, it will be foolish not to do anything."

With the air distorting his audibility, Zain spoke louder in a scream that still sounded like a whisper to the others"That's why I'm not done with the distribution of what we need. All thanks to you who kept three of everything we need in here. We all have an equal chance."

Bringing out the helmet, Zain shared it then gave a command. "Put it on now; we are close to the ground, I can see the surface from here."

Hurriedly, they obeyed. "You should open your umbrellas in... 3! 2! 1! Now!!!"

They were barely a meter from the ground when they took their postures and all opened their umbrellas simultaneously.


Dust that was raised during their landing finally settled down, and the trio could be seen all taking a dramatic stance, except for Dem, of course.

"I'll call this stance the preparation for our new lifestyle as ones who luckily escaped death," Gem spoke playfully.

Zain smiled while he turned around. "Why do you always spoil the vibe Dem, take you mage stance. It not too late?"

Completely ignoring Zain, Dem walked off.

"Dem!" Zain called out as he rushed towards him.

"Don't come near, don't touch me. I'm still mad at you guys," he barked.

Zain paused on his track for a moment before continuing to approach him, this time walking. 'Why suddenly acting like this now?' was the thought on Zain's mind.

"Hey, Dem," Zain said softly, taking a seat beside him. "I'm sorry about what happened. I should have stopped Gem from punching you."

Dem sighed, staring off into the distance. "It's not just about that, Zain. We've been through so much together as friends, and I feel like we're drifting apart because of this stupid idea of magic."

Zain nodded, feeling a lump forming in his throat. "You're right, Dem. I miss our adventures and the fun we used to have. I don't want that to be ruined because of a silly disagreement. It's good to see that you changed your mind and decided to join us. If you hadn't come earlier, then I'm positive we would have been dead."

Dem turned to Zain, a hint of a smile on his face. "Do you remember that time we tried to build a flying machine and ended up crashing into a pile of hay?"

"Yeah, I remember. It was that year I also discovered you're foolish."

Zain chuckled, memories flooding back. "And what about the time when we snuck into the old abandoned warehouse and got chased by a pack of wild dogs?"

Dem wanted to throw out another mean word, but before he could, laughter consumed him.

They both burst into laughter, the tension in the air dissolving. It felt good to reminisce about the crazy and unforgettable moments they had shared.

Just then, Gem appeared in between them, staring at them with relief on his face. "You guys... you're talking again?"

Zain had a grin on his mind as he thought in enthusiasm.

'I guess the disagreement has been cleared. No one could stay angry at me for too long, actually.'

Zain smiled and stood up, patting Gem on the back. "Yeah, bro, we realized how much we missed each other. Let's put this argument behind us and focus on our adventure."

Gem grinned, his eyes shining with excitement. "You guys better be ready because I've got a few plans up my sleeve. We're going to make up for lost time."

"But first of all, let's complete what we came here for. Let's get the book, whatever treasure is hidden with it, and exit this damn place."

They all turned around and their gaze went straight to the tunnel a distance away. The only pathway they could see in the massive pit.

Very far in the heart of the tunnel, a shadowy, muscular figure resided.

"I wonder how they managed to sneak in here," he wondered. "But I don't care now, they have already come in, so their fate is sealed."
