Sudden Change

"It all started three months ago when Zain changed. Zain, my son who used to dislike school, often arrived late and didn't seem to care about much, became a completely new person. The Zain I used to struggle to get to school every day has undergone a remarkable transformation for the better. Now, he wakes up before sunrise, so early that he's already into his daily routine by the time I wake up.

At first, I was suspicious because Zain isn't someone who changes overnight. I knew something was different, so I began to monitor him more closely. It's strange to see him beating his mother in an early to wake-up game, who does that?

He brushes his teeth, takes his bath, and prepares breakfast before I even wake up. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad mother, and I never give him the chance to prepare breakfast when I manage to wake up before him. He eats his food, does his usual tasks, and finishes everything an hour before the school even opens.

The day he started this routine, I knew something was going on, so I watched him closely but didn't notice anything odd.

He thinks he's clever, huh! Of course, no one just changes overnight and takes immediate action. The second day came, and I continued to watch him closely - but nothing happened.

I bet he expected me to watch him for a while and then grow tired of it before making his move, but he doesn't know who he is messing. I mean, he knows me as his mother, but that's not what I mean. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into two months, and before I knew it, I had watched him for two months. Damn! I wasted my time, Zain truly changed. No one can possibly pretend for two months; the Zain I know wouldn't even be able to pretend for a week, yet here we are.

I gave up, of course. Maybe Zain just decided to grow up. How lovely, my big baby boy. "He's really making mama proud."

You see, the village Zain lives in has a peculiar tradition. It's a new law made by our generation, so don't get me wrong, I'm the only wife of my husband. (RULE: ANY BOY CHILD THAT CROSSES THE AGE SIXTEEN MUST BE GIVEN FOUR WIVES).

Yeah, you heard it right, FOUR WIVES. You remember this moment?


"Zain, hurry up or you'll be late for school," Mother's voice could be heard from the kitchen. "Huh!" Zain exclaimed from the dining as he quickly stuffed all the remaining food into his mouth. "I'm not a kid mom, you don't have to take me to school; I'm sixteen for damn sake." "Not yet, you'll be sixteen in four days' time," she replied with a grin.


Zain clearly stated something there that is relatable to what I've been telling; he was about to be a grown-up, no, in fact, he has already grown up.

And in case you want to know, that day, Zain woke up later than usual. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't happy, why wouldn't I be, after a whole three months, I woke up before him, and just one day and you don't want me to be happy!?!

I know I was quite selfish, but I was excited; he's the only one with me. Me and Zain are the only occupants of this house. He hasn't seen his father for roughly 13 years, but that aside.

I had already trusted Zain, but now he suddenly disappeared, not just alone, but along with the twins, Gem and Dem.

If Zain had disappeared alone, I would have assumed he was kidnapped; but no, he can't even be kidnapped by anyone because everyone is like a family here and knows each other, it's a village you know, and this village is a small one, so there's no way they could hide him, and no one won't find out.

Another theory I can think of right now is that of a beast attack. Maybe a beast accidentally stumbled upon this village.

It's not impossible because it has happened before, but that can't be the case; beasts are mindless and insatiable. It won't just come into the city and take away three best friends; what kind of stupid coincidence could even possibly cause that?!?

Zain's mother sat there pondering over the disappearance of Zain and his friends, her mind racing with various possibilities. Or could they have run away?

That's still an assumption because Zain had never shown any signs of wanting to escape his responsibilities or leave our village behind.'


"I should just tell his dad; that would be best." But I just have the feeling that Zain isn't in this village.

If that's the case, then why would he even do such a thing? Maybe before telling his dad, I should do my investigation.

Zain's mother acts like a nonchalant woman, but that is just for show; whenever she shows such an attitude, then it means she is watching things more closely.

Zain, on the other hand, is quite a well-behaved kid that he never leaves the house without anyone's permission or awareness... At least for the past three months.

Whenever he asked for permission to leave the house, I always agreed nonchalantly, and you know what that means... I'll watch him, and with that, I found out Dem's secret lab. People who are too young cannot have a building on their own or infrastructures like a lab; that's why Dem's lab is a secret.

"Zain doesn't know about this, though, because I never told him; if I had, maybe I wouldn't have been able to do my investigations."

Starting above the sky, the calm breeze of the forest area she is in currently traveled through her blonde hair, allowing it to waver.

She could see it. "There's no more excuses now, it's the twilight period, and school already ended three hours ago."

"Dem's lab, here I come." ***

Dear readers, I know I haven't posted lots of chapters from my book, but please, if you have enjoyed this book so far, I'll so much appreciate it if you vote. This book needs your power stone; I'm aiming to make it at the top soon in the tab of novels with the highest powerstones.

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