The Orb To Determine

Harry is a strikingly handsome young man in a world filled with mages. Despite not possessing any magical abilities himself, he compensates with his incredibly powerful martial arts skills and techniques. Standing at 6 feet tall, Harry has a lean and athletic build due to his lifestyle.

His thick silver hair is stylishly tousled, framing his chiseled jawline, and his piercing silver eyes are often filled with a hint of positivity, showcasing his intelligence and calmness. Even when talking to the young man, Zain, who he saw fall from the sky, he spoke freely without being cautious because he knows his capabilities. His well-groomed eyebrows sit above his eyes, added to his overall charm.

His face is plastered with a strong, straight nose and high cheekbones, giving him an air of sophistication. Harry's lips are naturally full and most of the time curve into a soothing smile that can disarm even the most guarded lady.

Harry just as he is tall and looks young with no facial hair, but one can still tell he's above 20 years of age.

"I was forcefully teleported here by a man that goes by the name Dynamic Wielder."

At the mention of Dynamic Wielder, Harry paused, turning around to glance at Zain.

"Did you just say 'the Dynamic Wielder'?" Harry froze, his eyes widening in shock.

"Is anything wrong?" Zain questioned, noticing the change in his voice.

"Uhm... No." Harry replied with a smile.

'Dynamic Wielder, Dynamic Wielder, Dynamic Wielder. Why does it sound so familiar?' Harry wondered.

Harry was absolutely sure there was more to this, but for some reason, he decided to take a different step.

"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Harry White, and I recently moved here from a higher-tier city." He spoke with his hands stretched out for a handshake.

"And I am Zain. Just like you, I also recently arrived in the city, and I have no home." Zain accepted the handshake. It wasn't like Zain didn't know he was in the city he could only dream about in the past; he sure wanted to explore but he needs a shelter right now before anything. He still doesn't know how long he'll be staying here or how to go back home when he wants after all.

With a smile, Harry knew exactly what Zain meant because he was certain he saw and felt it: Zain fell from a floating chunk of land residing above the clouds.

He must have known he cannot go back so he is already thinking of how to adjust to this new place.

The place he came from was masked under a concealing spell, one that made it transparent and translucent.

It is probably done by a pretty strong mage; perhaps that was why Harry never noticed it from the start until it was partially deactivated.

As they both walked with Harry leading the way, they discussed.

"You are a mage, right?" Harry questioned rhetorically. "I can sense you have strong undeveloped magic within."

"Yeah," Zain replied. "It's the magic of the elements."

"I see, I see." Harry smiled as he rubbed his jaw. "No, I don't have magic."

"You are new here, so it would be right if you were admitted into a mage school—this mage school." He started.

"It seems you are a bit lucky; admission is still valid from what I can see, so you should get admitted."

"Huh!" Zain exclaimed as he looked around. "I can't see anything other than people walking here and there, so how can you see the people getting admitted?"

"Well," Harry continued, "I'll say it's natural for me. I focus on martial arts and fighting techniques, so it's not a big deal. Even with my eyes closed, I'll see better than you."

As they walked with Harry leading the way, Zain decided to ask some questions.

"Wow, so that's your magic?" Zain questioned.

"No, I don't have magic; I have martial arts." With that said, Harry gestured with his hands for Zain to follow him before entering a massive gate, wide open.

"So... Does that mean not everyone in the area has magic? Wait, most importantly, does that mean you didn't save me with magic? The gust of wind! Not magic!" Zain nearly screamed.

"Well, yeah; you should join them," Harry injected while pointing at a room close by, avoiding Zain's question in the process.

"In there, you'll register for the school. Go inside, and you'll know what to do. Hurry if you still want to meet me."

"Right!" Zain rushed into the room, not far away from the gate they entered from, ready to request for admission.


The wooden door opened, and he stepped in, only to be greeted by an unexpected scene.

The room he entered had walls painted white.

"Dude, what's wrong with these people? Why are they painting walls? This is indeed strange."

The room was mostly empty except for a desk and two wooden chairs in opposite angles, one of which a woman was sitting in, while the other chair opposite her was free, which he was meant to sit on.

They were separated by a table in between them. On the table, a colorless orb rested.

"Good day, Miss," Zain greeted as he stepped in. The woman who was in charge of the registration had a smile plastered on her face as she set her eyes on him, adjusted her glasses.

"What's up with all these people in this city? Is it that they are always happy? Because I can't tell what is really amusing them; they are always smiling—it's kind of creepy." Zain thought.

"Good day! You are here for the registration, aren't you?" She inquired warmly with a soothing smile.

"Yes, ma'am." Zain responded as he sat on the chair.

"Well then, I'll make it quick if you comply with the following easy process. The steps you need to take are easy: simply place your hands on this orb and clear your mind. No matter what you feel, don't try to resist, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good, so you may proceed."

Stretching his hands, he placed them on the orb and waited.


It only took a moment before the orb reacted. It vibrated intensely, which was indeed strange. The orb's reaction was unusual; this wasn't the usual reaction the orb normally exhibited, which startled the examiner.


The vibrating continued, and the...


The glow that was awaited came into view. It was a bright green glow, which was not what Zain expected.

The Dynamic Wielder clearly stated that he unlocked the magic of elements, and elemental auras from the books he had read had no association with the color green. So what exactly is going on?

Zain wasn't the only one puzzled by this; the examiner was as well. It was not because Zain possessed a green aura—no, a green aura, although rare, is not enough to warrant a puzzled reaction.

She was surprised because of the presence the aura was emitting; it felt suffocating and unlike what it displayed.

The presence from the aura was something she had never felt; it felt unique and... different.

Zain retracted his hands causing the glow to extinguish. He raised his head to look at the puzzled expression on the examiner's face.

"Uhm... Uhhh... Will you mind repeating the process?" She stammered while trying to ask politely. She wanted to confirm if her mind wasn't playing tricks on her.

"Yeah," Zain replied and then stretched out his hand to hold onto the orb again. Moments later, a gust of wind swept past their faces, despite the room's doors and windows being closed.

"What the hell?" she panicked, jumping back. Her glasses fell out of position while she flinched.

The room colour was changing.

It was as if the light from the sun was being forced out of the room, replaced by the glow from the orb that Zain's hands were on.

The green light emanating from the crystal consumed the room, and the crystal that Zain held onto gained a visible crack.