
The examiner's eyes widened in shock as she quickly stood up from her seat.

"What's happening?" she exclaimed, stunned evident in her voice.

Zain could feel a surge of power coursing through him, his body trembling slightly as the green aura surrounded him.

And then, just as quickly as it had started, the glow faded, and the room returned to normal. Zain looked down at the cracked orb in his hand, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach.

The examiner stepped forward cautiously, her eyes fixed on Zain. "I've never seen anything like this before," she whispered, her voice tinged with awe.

Zain released his grip on the orb, feeling a mix of confusion and surprise. He knew that he was different, yes, he knew he was different.

Wiping off the expression from her face, the examiner readjusted her posture alongside her glasses.

Raising her hands upwards, a small white glowing ball of energy appeared on it. It only took a few moments for it to materialize and completely form into a book and erase its glow.

"What is your name, please?" the examiner started.

"Zain," Zain responded.

"And your last name?" she continued.

Zain scratched his head for a while, not knowing how to respond to the question. He seemed confused.

Zain's father was someone he had never been able to recall. He left Zain when Zain was still very young and ever since then, Zain's mother had taken care of him.

Whenever Zain asked about his father, his mom always found a way to divert the topic. Zain at first never realized, but as time went on, he started to get suspicious that something wasn't right.

To top it all off, he sometimes caught his mother reading some sort of letter. Though he had seen it so few times, he still had a feeling that those letters were something that would reveal something big to him.

Due to how his mom giggled and smiled when reading the letters, it gave him the feeling that it could be that his mom was dating someone else which is less likely or it could be that his dad was the one sending the letters.

He made it one of his side missions to find out what was behind the letters, but no matter what techniques he used or how hard he tried, he was never able to find any of the letters after his mom was done with it, let alone decipher its content.

If the letters were actually from his dad and he had laid his hands on it, he wouldn't have problems calling his old man's name.

Still scratching his head, Zain finally spoke, "Uhm... I'm sorry but I don't know, I haven't seen my dad since I was an infant so I never got the chance to know his name."

"If that's the case then, what is your magic?" she questioned this time, pulling her glasses a bit downward while staring at Zain with keen interest.

This was a question Zain was hoping he wouldn't be asked even when he knew it is inescapable because he is now confused. Him being unable to answer questions like this and his surname is just so... somehow.

Asking one what magic he possessed in the mage world Zain was in currently was like asking one what is the number of your fingers, something everyone was supposed to know except something is wrong upstairs his or her head.

'The dynamic wielder told me this, it's... Elements but the crystal showed otherwise, I should follow the dynamic wielder for now'

"My magic is the magic of elements, it gives me control over the basic elements as far as I have mastered," Zain spoke.

"Hmm... Elements, it's a really powerful magic in this mage society, but it's not what I expected, the aura you produced earlier wasn't the aura elementalists produce. It's either he is lying or he doesn't know there is something else within," the examiner thought.

Using her fingers, she magically wrote on the book, which is resting on the table in between her and Zain, and moments later she spoke.

"Congratulations, Zain, you have been given admission into the Lowaling Academy."

"Place the palm of your hands on this book," she requested while pushing the floating book towards Zain. Zain did as told with no questions, and from the book, a small bright ball of white light exited from it.

"You should follow the floating ray of light, it will lead you to where you will be assessed and be given your dormitory." With that being said, Zain nodded and obeyed.

As soon as the door opened, the ball zoomed past Zain heading to its required destination.

"Hey, wait up," Zain panicked as he quickly scanned the area for Harry, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Darn it!" Zain cursed as he ran towards the direction the beam went through.


His feet resounded as it collided on the ground, and he slowly looked up at the building in front of him.

"Sigh! I cannot believe I'm exhausted, I basically did do anything," the dynamic wielder spoke as he walked into the building.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

As soon as he knocked, the door opened, and a worried voice interjected sharply.

"Zain! Is that you?" she spoke as she hurriedly opened the door.

"Not Zain, but me," the dynamic wielder spoke with a smile. "And I'll be able to finally settle at home from now on."

"Waaaaaaa!!!" she broke down in tears childishly at the sight of who stood in front of her.

"I can't find Zain, honey, I can't. He went to school yesterday and never returned. I don't know what happened to our son," she cried, falling into his arms.

"Hey, hey, relax, Zain is alright," he assured. "He was with me all night long, and I sent him out from this piece of rock down to the city."

She paused as the stream of tears that was coming out from her eyes dramatically went stagnant as well.

"What do you mean Zain was with you?"

"Well, he did as we planned, he truly believes in the map and followed its direction until he got to the desert I created. He, as those stubborn twins," he spoke.

"And?" Zain's mother questioned.

"They passed the assessment, but Zain never died like we planned, the muscles guy among the twins foiled our plan so I kept him at bay," the dynamic wielder concluded with a smirk.

"So may I come in, or are we gonna stand here all day?"

With a smile, she replied. "It would be a pleasure."