Strict Rules

So today is Sunday. "Just one more day before school resumes," Zain mumbled, while lying on his bed with his body facing the ceiling.

"I wonder what it's gonna be like. From what I have read from this book... I still can't picture what to expect."

Looking at the book that has the writing of "LOWALING," Zain noticed one major rule that caught his eye. It stated that at the end of an academic term, anyone below 10,000 points will have to remain in his division, anyone below 5,000 will either be demoted or given a warning. If their point score for the next academic term remains at that level, then they will be kicked out of the school. As for those with below 1,000 points, they will be permanently kicked out of the school.

The fact that the school demotes and kicks out students every school term, while promoting students only after every school year, was making things really hard. Other than their strict rules, they also had some crazy rules.

"Some of their rules are crazy, like one which states that – if one bullies another or commits a crime which affects a person, then only the victim can report. No outside forces completely excluded from the crime can report. If they do, not only will the report be invalid, they will also be penalized."

"That's one crazy rule. The fact that some people are quite shy or scared to report already gives them a downside, but that's not the worst-case scenario. If someone were to die at the hands of bullying or crime, then nothing will be done."

From just that, Zain could no longer doubt himself about one thing – this school supports violence.

Another rule stated that we should be careful; the school is watching us at all times. Watching us at all times but will not take action on an issue, except if it is reported to them by the victim with proof.

"Why the hell would they even need that for something that they are aware of... This damn...


Closing the book, Zain tossed it to his headboard before standing up from the bed. "I'd so much like to observe and see what the school is like. This school is like a city itself; we do not need to go outside."

"It is also stated in the rules, but I don't think they will need someone to report this before taking action."

Walking down the stairs, Zain then approached the door.

Opening it, he walked out. It is nearly evening, and the intensity of the sunlight reduced.

Staring up at the sun with his eyes squinted, Zain smiled. "If the sun exists, then that means oceans should also exist. I'd so much love to see it one day."

Walking through the gate of Lane 10, Zain then looked at the road to his right. Lane 10 is the last lane of the dorm room building.

With both hands in his pockets, he approached the teaching area of the sch**.** The building made for the teaching area was so massive that standing at one point, Zain couldn't see the end.

It was standing tall with a multitude of stories.

'Seems like tall buildings are the standard here,' Zain smiled. 'Although the height of the buildings is mesmerizing to me, who haven't seen tall buildings until recently, it kind of lacks in comparison to the description I get from my fantasy books.'

Looking out at the large field, he could see some students meditating in a corner of the field. There were nearly 30 of them with their eyes closed and legs crossed.

The teacher was walking calmly around with a cane-like walking stick.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

Three hot lashes were received by one student who refused to focus.

'I thought it isn't time for resumption yet,' Zain wondered. 'Maybe this is some sort of holiday lesson.'

"If you get distracted for any reason, I will not tolerate it. You are all trash bags, and whether you like it or not, you must rise to the top and get your pathetic arse out of my sight."

"Dammit, I'm gonna die in this academy," Zain mumbled, while shivers ran down his spine at the sight before his eyes.

Tossing the cane upwards again to do a spin, the teacher then readied his cane again before walking around.

Turning away, Zain walked further into the compound. Calmly observing it, the school looked so empty and quiet that his footsteps reverberated everywhere.

Other than a few people walking around like lost youths and a few dressed in a certain type of uniform, there was nothing major.

"Don't tell me that, despite how big this school is, there are only just a few students in it."

It kinda makes sense though; the school hasn't resumed after all.

I won't want to get lost. Walking towards one of the nearby persons, a lady in the staff uniform of the school to be specific, Zain asked, "Hey, please, can you take me on a tour round the school? I'm new here."

The person turned to look at Zain and smiled. "Sure, I can show you around. My name is Sarah, by the way. What's your name?"

Zain replied, "Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Zain. Thanks for approving to give me a tour."

Sarah began leading Zain through the school grounds, pointing out different buildings and areas of interest. As they walked, Zain couldn't help but notice the strict and disciplined atmosphere in the school. The students seemed focused and serious, which made him feel a bit intimidated.

"So, Zain, what do you think of the school so far?" Sarah asked.

Zain hesitated for a moment before answering. "Well, it's definitely different from what I expected. At first, I thought I would be living like royalty and would be treated like royalty when I saw the tall buildings and the beautiful architecture, but as I get familiar with this place, I see otherwise."

Sarah was quiet all the while, listening to Zain's opinion. "With the way you speak, I can already guess that you no longer see this school as positively as you used to. So, what is this otherwise you see?"

"Don't tell me it's only because you saw that teacher whacking a student earlier," she added.

"Huh!" Zain exclaimed, shocked. "How did you know I saw that?"

Sarah smirked. "Haven't you read the book the school gave you? If you have read that, you should already know that the school is always watching. I am a staff in this school, in case you don't know."

Zain was quiet for a bit, not wanting to mess up after being reminded of her identity. As they continued their tour, Zain noticed the large field where the students were meditating. He watched as the teacher disciplined a student with his cane, and it sent chills down his spine.

"Do all the teachers here use hostile punishment?" Zain asked, concern evident in his voice.

Sarah sighed. "Unfortunately, some teachers do have a strict disciplinary style. It can be tough at times, but the school believes in pushing students to reach their full potential. However, not all teachers are like that. There are also teachers who focus on nurturing and guiding students in a more compassionate way."

Zain nodded, taking in all the information. Despite the strict rules and disciplinary measures, he realized that this school aimed to shape students into strong individuals.

Zain couldn't help but comment, "The rules and the way things are enforced seem quite strict."

Sarah nodded. "Yes, our school has a unique system. It's called Lowaling, same name as the school. It deciphers self-discipline and personal responsibility. We are expected to handle our own problems and conflicts without interference from outside forces or a third party."

Zain remembered the rule he had read about earlier, and it made him feel uneasy. "But what if someone gets seriously hurt or if a crime is committed? Shouldn't there be some intervention?"

Sarah sighed again. "I understand your concerns, but the school believes that by allowing students to resolve their own issues, it helps build their character and helps them take responsibilities. However, in extremely rare cases, there is a need for intervention, but it usually requires the victim to come forward with evidence."

Zain couldn't help but feel uneasy about this approach, but he decided to reserve judgment until he had experienced it firsthand.

After the tour, Zain thanked Sarah for her guidance.

"I appreciate you showing me around and answering my questions," Zain said sincerely.

Sarah smiled. "No problem, Zain. If you have any more questions or need help, feel free to ask. If you want to contact me, do so via your stat sticker. I've registered my contact there already. Good luck with your first day tomorrow!"

With that said, she disappeared as Zain blinked his eyes, almost making him wonder if his eyes were playing tricks on him.

As Zain made his way back to his dorm, he had a smile on his face. His tour just made him a connection with one of the staff of the school.

A good start... indeed!