The Confrontation



The full moon is finally over. I am glad I didn't kill anyone this time. It is a battle every time I change. I managed to keep it together and not kill Anna. It was strange. Normally I would rip any human to shreds, be it a female. With her, it's complicated. I am the alpha. I should've killed her. Am I going soft? She should be off use to me someday. She has the gene. I could smell it on her. She could be a threat to us, but I chose to let her live another day...

Or could she be a threat? She was just a woman, who had no idea what she got herself into. Women can be deceitful. She was a liar. A beautiful one. I can't take the risk of having her around, although I enjoyed my short lived time with her.

I am glad I banished her. By the look on her face, she was scared to death. No way will she ever show her face here again, or else I will have to put my feelings aside and kill her. She was a sexy little thing but deadly. I had to admit, she was dynamite in the sack. It was a pity I couldn't have more of her.

I can't trust her; therefore, I will have to have her followed. No one will believe her if she tells anybody that my family and I are werewolves, but that's not the reason I am worried about. She has the hunter gene that is detrimental to our existence. She could be useful, but not now.

I have to find a way to tell my pack that I didn't get rid of the threat. How can I tell them the truth? Maybe I could lie? I could pull it off. Everyone will believe me like they always do. I am supreme; no one will challenge me except for Drenmore. He is a threat, and he needs to be eliminated.

That's where Anna may come in. She has the power to destroy him, yet she doesn't know it. That's one of the reasons I can't kill her, she's a werewolf hunter, and the other is that I have it really bad for her even though she's terrified of me. She probably hates my guts since I took away her life by banishing her.

She will get over it, and so will I. I will not let any woman get in the way of my task of controlling Devolonte's Peak and getting rid of my evil brother Drenmore. The first thing is that I have to call the pack and give them the news that the threat has been evaded. I hope that they haven't killed as many citizens as they did last month. The last thing I need is the committee hunting werewolves again. I convinced them the last time, but I don't think I can do it again.

I was glad to have joined the committee that hunts werewolves so I can keep an eye out on what their plans are. How did you think I found out about the sultry Anna? She played right into my hands. Why am I still thinking about her? What is wrong with me? I heard a sound in the bushes. Perhaps I should go check it out. It may be Anna. I doubt it. She wouldn't be foolish again to come back here. Let me just check it out.

"Hello!" I called out. "Come out here, you coward!" I yelled out. I went further in, and guess who I found? "Hello brother!" Drenmore scoffed as he gazed at me with blood on his lips. "What are you doing here, Drenmore? You are not welcome here, so just get the hell away from here right now!" I ordered him. He didn't flinch. He just stared at me with hatred. Drenmore, being himself, was incapable of feelings.

"You don't get to tell me what to do! I am older than you. You know that I was the one that was supposed to be giving you orders," Drenmore growled. The evil and hatred in his eyes for me showed like never before. "Why are you here?" I questioned him. "Coz last night was the full moon, and I was enjoying a feast." He replied, looking all smug.

"I hope you didn't go too far, because I am done covering up for you. I can't have you placing the entire pack at risk. Do you here, me?!" I grabbed Drenmore by the collar. He had blood on his breath as he gave me an evil smirk. "So what!"

My blood boiled as I shook him up. "Listen here, you punk, if you put our family's life in danger because of your recklessness, I will kill you. The reason you're still alive today is because of my promise to our father." I threatened him…

"You mean our father, whom you had killed?" Drenmore bellowed. I hated when he brought that up. It was bad enough that I had to live with that guilt throughout my life and not trust anyone. Drenmore and I had a hellish relationship with our father, who was a hateful man, yet Drenmore still resents me for my actions.

"You know, I didn't intend to kill him," I defended.

"Save it! You told the hunter where dad was!" Dremore accused.

"I saw Dad rip mom apart! I was upset! I didn't mean to do that," I yelled.

"Liar! You got away with everything that should have been mine!" growled Dremore.

"I didn't want it; it was our father's wish, like his wish was for me to spare you, which I regret promising him. If you don't get out of my sight, I will forget my vow made to our father!" I stormed.

Drenmore backed down a little after I threatened him.

"Relax! I only had a feast with a couple of junkies. No one will miss them. I covered up the evidence real good. So one will find them,' he scoffed.

"I hope so, or else I am coming after you," I vowed to him. "What about you? Why are you here in our old family mansion? What is my little brother doing here?" Drenmore looked at me suspiciously. "It's none of your business. So get lost from here!" I ordered him. He ignored me and looked me dead in the eye.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?" he accused, eyeing me acutely. "I don't know what you're talking about," I denied. "Please don't be coy with me and spill it out." Drenmore insisted. "I came here for some kills, if you must know, but unlike you, I am good at covering my tracks."

" Did you actually kill that girl who you were fucking this weekend?"

He asked smugly. "I did; if you came here to find out if I killed her, then you must know I did." I lied to him. "Oh yeah! Where's the body? Why isn't there any blood on your breath? You are obviously lying!" He accused me.

 My fist landed at his jaw. I threw him onto the trees. He bounced back, laughing. He wiped his blood from his face and laughed. "You may be stronger than me, but I am wiser than you. I know you didn't kill that bitch. You're going to lie to the pack that you did, and they like fools will believe you."

"So what you're going to do about it, Drenmore?!" I challenged him. "I am going to track her down and kill her myself," he drawled. "I am also going to film the whole gruesome thing and show it to you and the entire pack, and then we will see who they will trust and make leader of the pack, once you are ousted."

"You will never be an alpha Drenmore, so get it out of your head." I yelled at him furiously. "Wanna bet!" He told me in a deadly voice. "Do you think the pack will trust you after you lied to them? He said. "And do you think that you will lead the pack?" I dared him. "Who else is stronger than me other than you?"

"What if I kill you right here and now?"

I threatened him. Drenmore got scared and yielded immediately. "I am leaving now. Don't you worry, I have a plan to kill that girl and be the next Alpha," he threatened. I went after him, but he ran away. I was afraid for Anna since he wanted her dead so badly.

 I wondered if he knew who she really was. That's the reason he is thirsting for her blood. If that was so, I had to follow Anna's every move for that not to happen. I couldn't afford for her to die -not until she destroys my brother!

Will she listen and get herself away from this place?