My worst fears



My eyes widened in disbelief. My thoughts were racing, and so was my pulse. It was my time to die. It must be. I saw the beast coming toward me. His eyes were red. Drake transformed into a werewolf.

He was a monster now.

"Please," I begged as I kneeled down and closed my eyes. "If you want to kill me, do it now. I don't want to wait in agony," I pleaded in a shaky voice. I could feel my whole body shiver. "Do you not want to beg for mercy?" The beast asked me. I nodded my head no. I knew that if I begged, he wouldn't listen. He lured me here to kill me. I played right into his hands.

"I am not going to plead for my life," I told him. "I know why you brought me here."

"Why did you come here if you knew, you were going to die?" The beast drawled.

"I had to take that chance," I replied. "I wanted proof to expose you and your family to the community and the world. The werewolf committee, they hired me to expose you." I was stupid to confess, but I had to. I was going to die, so what was the point? I told myself.

"I must admit you're a brave girl to challenge me, the mighty alpha!" He exclaimed.

"You put yourself in grave danger for what? For your career? It was a stupid move."

He laughed sarcastically. "No, I didn't do it for my career. I wanted your family to be brought to justice for the murders you all committed." I blurted. "Why do you care?" he inquired with his fiery gaze, locked on me. "Coz you or your brother killed my father," I confessed.

"What?" He looked at me puzzled. "You heard me; I know one of you murdered my dad, so I am not sorry I came here tonight," I said, sounding brave, but deep down I was terrified. "I don't know what you're talking about.

I've never killed anyone in my life who didn't deserve it!" He shouted with his wolf voice. "How do you know he was killed by one of us?"

 He questioned me. "Coz I had his murder investigated. The autopsy report shows it was an animal attack. A wolf perhaps…" My voice trails off.

"What was your father's name?"

"His name was Roger Black," I replied.

"When was your father's murder committed?" He growled. I could see that he didn't want to be accused or confronted about it. I wavered on. I didn't care at this point. "Five months ago," I replied.

"Then it wasn't me. I only came into town two months ago. I was far away from this place." He told me. "Then who committed my father's murder? It was probably your brother." I accused. "I don't know. It was probably him, but I cannot be held accountable for his actions. You are a fool to challenge me and come here with false accusations. You know now."

"That I have to die." I completed his sentence. "I know that, and I accept my fate."

"You shouldn't have meddled in my affairs, you know that. It is a shame that you will never go back to your life ever again. You threw your career away because you chose to believe I was the one who killed your father!"

"I am aware of what was going to happen, but I had to take a chance anyway. You see, my father was my everything . He was a hunter, and he protected us humans. I also knew that his life was in constant danger, but I didn't care because he promised me that he would be safe until one fateful day after a full moon, he never came back. He was missing for five days. The search and rescue team eventually found him, and the police declared it a wild animal attack."

"It's a sad, soppy story, and I don't care. You crossed the line, and you have to pay for your actions. I'm certainly not interested in your revenge or whatever you attempted. I can't let you go back to Devolonte's Peak." He threatened me with daggers in his eyes. I swallowed hard and looked directly into his eyes. "Then kill me then! Do it right here and now! I want to die a hero like my father did!' I shouted.

"You are not going to die, let alone a hero," he growled, giving a mocking laugh. "Look at you; you can't even kill a fly." His laughter grew louder. I looked at him baffled. Did he just spare my life in a split second? "What do you mean when you say that I'm not going to die?" I questioned him for clarity. "Yes, I said that you're not going to die. Don't let me repeat myself!" He yelled. I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you," I uttered in a low voice with my head bowed down.

"Don't celebrate either. You will still have to be punished for your actions. I'm not going to let you waltz out of here," he announced. I was startled. What was he going to do with me? I thought to myself. "Are you going to keep me a prisoner here?" I had to ask him. It was the obvious choice. "No, that will be too risky, because if another alpha finds you, you're dead meat. This place is werewolf territory."

"Then what are you going to do?' My body was trembling, and I was really scared. "I want you to leave here and go far, far away and never come back ever again.." He instructed. You will never set foot in Develonte's peak ever again. If you do, I will know about it, and then I will become enraged. I will kill you and everybody you care about. Do you understand?!" he exclaimed.

"What will I tell my friends and family?" I quivered as tears flooded my eyes.

"Nothing! You will leave here without a trace and never contact anyone again, or else they and you will die. If I find out that I have been exposed, you and the people you care about will be dead! From now on, you will vanish and never be seen again!"

The lump in my throat grew as I began to cry. I couldn't take that chance; I had to do what he says or else?

"Where must I go?" My voice trembled as I looked at him in fear. I should've been glad that he spared my life, but I wasn't. I grew to like him. "I don't care where you go. Just disappear! You should be lucky that I spared your old life. I felt sorry for you because you were a pawn in a game to suss me out, but you failed miserably, so now you have to be exiled from Devolonte's peak forever," he growled at me. I wiped the remainder of the tears from my face.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him puzzled. "You got no idea, do you? You have been used by the werewolf committee to try to expose me so that they could run this town." He revealed. "No one coaxed me to do anything.

 Whatever I did was my own decision," I defended. "So you chose to challenge me on your own?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Who told you that your father was killed by one of my packs?"

"Colonel James Smith." I answered him immediately.

"And you say that you weren't coaxed," he remarked, with sheer sarcasm in his voice.

"I wasn't," I said. "Colonel James is a member of the committee that hates werewolves. He wanted to expose me for the past decade. He tried many tactics but didn't succeed.

He used you to get to me. See, you have that sweet, innocent face that I like. He knew it, so he told you, one of my pack killed your father. He didn't anticipate that I was already on to him and his cunning plan. You were not the first to deceive me and certainly won't be the last."

"Colonel James knew nothing about me coming here. He doesn't even know that I am here right now." I tried to convince him. He wasn't buying anything I told him. I couldn't let anyone else's life be in danger. "You are lying! You are a stupid little wrench, and you don't need to live anymore!" He came toward me. He grabbed me by the neck. I swallowed hard and gazed at his angered face. "I will shut up and go now." I said. "I am sorry for making you mad," I apologized profusely.

"I know you are protecting your friends, but they are not here to save you from me! Are they?!" He yelled at me. "No, they're not," I said. I was helpless. He was right, though. No one came even though I sent everyone my location. Perhaps they were all afraid.

" That's so true." I agreed with him. "I was used by my friends." I stuttered watching his enraged face.

"They weren't your friends. They were using you, and you were a dam naïve fool. They know who you are, and they are aware of the fact that you can destroy me and my family, but you won't, because you are not going to be around to do that." He spoke to me in riddles.

"I don't know what you mean. You are correct. I am never going to tell anyone what I saw. I am going to disappear, never to be seen again. I promise you."

I begged for mercy. I never did it before, but my instincts told me to do so. I was ready to die for the committee, but then he placed doubts in my head. "You know I liked you right." He confessed to me, which startled me. "I was attracted to you, the minute you walked into my club. That's the reason I made it so easy for you to get close to me. That is one of the reasons I am not killing you today." He told me honestly.

"I appreciate that immensely." I said humbly. "Good to know. Now get out of here before I change my mind and rip you to shreds."

I didn't think twice; I ran out of there as fast as I could. My heart pounded, and I gasped for breath. I finally stopped until I came out of the town's border. I did as he requested. I didn't know where to go. I have nothing, just the clothes on my back and no underwear on.

I walked further, until my legs gave up. I decided to hitchhike to the nearest town. Where I am going next is anyone's guess.