


What effect does that woman have on me? I can't help but want to protect her. Is it because she is the mother of my child? What is it about her that drives me crazy? I couldn't believe that I spent the night fighting Drenmore for her. I was lucky; I came prepared. I managed to travel right to North Dekota to get the potion. My instincts were right. Drenmore did attack her and almost killed her. It was a lucky save.

I saw a figure like Drenmore lurking near Anna's room. That is him! What is that SOB doing here? He couldn't kill her now; he is not in his form. What is he up to? Does he know that I have a son? I had to find out. I ran across the hallway and caught him by the collar before he could open the door and go inside.

"When did you become Dr. Sheldon? Huh Drenmore?!" I shoved him against the wall. "Who did you kill for that lab coat? Huh!" I shoved him again. He looked at me and sniggered. "I didn't kill anyone. I borrowed it, if it's any of your business."

He laughed at me. "What are you doing here?" I interrogated him. He gave me a dirty smirk before replying. " I am just visiting an old friend," he replied with a sardonic laugh. "I want to believe you. It's just that you don't have any. You ate most of them."

"And they were delicious," he laughed once more. I got angry. "I am not repeating my question again. Why are you here? Answer me, dam it!" I demanded. "I just came to see how my favourite victim is doing, that's all. I know that she's still alive."

"What if I sent a picture of her to the pack and they are with me. They are also after her." He baited me. "You didn't." I uttered. "I did or may have not." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't care. The pack listens to me. I am the strongest of you all. I can take you all." I told him with confidence. It was the truth. I was the strongest. "Not for long. You know if I kill a werewolf hunter, my strength increases. And I am going to find one and kill them, and then kill you and take over the pack.

"That's a legend. Didn't you and the others do that?" I was referring to Anna's father, whom he killed viciously. "Oh yes, you didn't kill him by yourself like the legend specified, so your powers are meaningless." I mocked him.

His frown deepened as he looked at me with hatred and jealousy. "I think I may have found my target. That broad in the room is one, and you know she is. You know that, don't you? That's why you're protecting her."

"I don't believe in ridiculous old wives tales, and neither should you." I yelled at him.

"It's not an old wives tale, my dear brother. You know full well it's not, or else you wouldn't have saved her last night. You are a bad liar and a traitor to your own kind."

He accused me. I was so livid that I shook him up. "You listen here! You punk! You leave this hospital and never come back here." I threatened him forcefully.

"I will leave here for now, but I am not giving up on killing that girl inside the hospital room. You can't stop me!" Drenmore threatened. He was bent on killing Anna, and I was afraid that he may succeed. "Even if that ridiculous tale is true, which it isn't. You have to kill her in your werewolf form, not in your human state." I questioned him, trying to get an inside edge on his sinister plan.

"I am just following her to find out her every, move, so when the time is right, I will kill her. I plan on the next full moon to end her life, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. See, my brother, I know that you have a link to her. I don't know yet, but I will find out when I find out your link. I can destroy that to." He threatened me.

"You are a loose cannon, and you will not be allowed to roam free anymore."

"You can't banish me. We are in New York . You see, my brother, we are no longer on your turf anymore, so you don't make the rules."

"I don't need to be in Develonte's peak to whip your ass." I yelled at him. At the corner of my eye, I saw two washed up men coming toward me. It was obvious that they were Drenmore's goons. "You see, my dear brother. I have allies now." He told me in a smug tone. "They will do as I say, so I wouldn't get in the way if I were you."

"Your goons don't scare me. You are a coward, Drenmore. You could never fight your own battles. You used our father, and now you're using hired help."

He laughed at my comment and signaled his men to halt. That surprised me. I heard Anna yell. One of his goons held her against her will and brought her to Drenmore.

"This is your last chance! Leave this hospital and walk away, and let me take this girl." Drenmore threatened me.

I could see that Drenmore felt powerful with his goons on his side. "Leave her alone, Drenmore!" I demanded. "You haven't got the authority to tell me that. I have the power now, but I am not surprised. You always thought you were the superior one," he drawled.

"What on earth are you going to do with her? The next full moon isn't till another month, so leave her till then." I tried to bargain with him. "I know that. That's why I will keep her hostage until the next full moon, then I will kill her!" He revealed it to me.

"Please, Drake, help me!" Anna pleaded with me. "Relax Anna. You will be all right," I turned to Anna, trying to reassure her while disguising my own fears. I kicked Drenmore on his face, and he fell hard. I tackled each of his goons, knocking them unconscious, before I instructed Anna to close the door in her room and lock it.

Drenmore was furious. He came at me, and my hands clenched, flinging it on his jaw. The impact made him topple. They all seem to be mobilized, and I was relieved to see that they were passed out. It gave me plenty of time to escape with Anna before they could awake. Everything happened so fast. I underestimated the evil in my brother.

I went into Anna's room. She was shaken up. I felt bad since I told her that my brother wouldn't be a threat until the full moon. "Anna! We need to move now or else they will come after us!" I yelled at her. "I am too scared. I don't know what to do! Where are they?" She questioned me frantically. "I managed to overpower them and knock them out. But we don't have much time until they come, so we have to move fast. "I don't have any clothes on. I am not discharged as yet," she said. I could see the fear in her eyes. It was all new to her. I didn't want to be harsh, but I had to.

"You got to go as is, or else my brother will capture you and kill you on the next full moon. Come now, I will get you clothes on the way." I told her. I didn't know if that was possible, but I had to say anything to get her out of there immediately. "Where are we going?" She asked me. I didn't know, but I lied to her that I had a safe house. It was far from a safe house. It was an abandoned apartment that I purchased a long time ago. It was near . She believed me, and we ran together down the stairs. I could hear her panting. She was out of breath.

She stopped for a while as she held her chest. She was gasping for air. "We can't stop Anna, they will come for us. The faster we get out of this hospital. The better it will be for you!" It was unfortunate we had to take the stairs since the elevators were full.

I could hear foot steps. It was Drenmore's goons. They had woken up, and they almost had us. I carried Anna and ran out of the hospital. Anna's eyes flung open as she saw them approach us at high speed. She yelled at them to leave us alone.

They cornered us. There was no way out…..